Introduction: The famous "Lilac Tree" has leaves that look like chicken feet and fruits that look like briquettes, but it has many unexpected uses. In recent years, urban construction has gotten better and better, and the greening of various cities has also gradually improved. Ta

2024/05/1612:02:32 science 1335

Introduction: The famous " Liquidambar tree " has leaves that look like chicken feet and fruits that look like briquettes, but it has many unexpected uses

In recent years, urban construction has become better and better, and the greening of various cities has also is gradually improving. Tall and dense woods are everywhere beside many roads, parks, communities, scenic spots, etc.

There are ginkgo trees, osmanthus trees, mango trees , maples, camphor , albizia , metasequoia , Yingchun , kapok and other trees. Beauty brings a beautiful scenery to the city.

Introduction: The famous

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Among them, there is another kind of tree that makes people particularly happy. Its leaves vary throughout the year, ranging from green to yellow, and from yellow to red, with varied colors. This tree is the famous Liquidambar tree.

Why is it called liquidambar tree? The ancients found that its branches and leaves were always swaying slightly, as if they were being blown by the wind all the time, so they named it "Maple". And because its resin contains a special fragrance, it was named "Liquidambar tree".

The Liquidambar tree is a deciduous tree of the Hamamelidaceae family. The Liquidambar tree is a deciduous tree. It can reach a height of 30 meters. The trunk is tall and majestic, and the branches and leaves are very lush. In the autumn, the leaves are red and look very gorgeous and spectacular. It is a Very good and fine landscape tree species.

Its leaves, flowers and fruits are all very strange. The leaves look like chicken feet, so some people also call it chicken feet maple. The flower blooms are also very special, they are spherical in shape, and the petals are slender and curved, like small hooks.

The most special thing is its fruit. The fruit is round, with hard hairs on the surface that are similar to thorns. It looks like a small briquette, cute and soft.

Introduction: The famous

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Even after all the leaves fall, its fruits will still hang on the branches. Fruits like small briquettes hang on the trees. It is very interesting. This kind of fruit is the famous Passepartout.

Anyone who knows the liquidambar tree knows that its leaves are an ancient natural food pigment that can be used to dye black glutinous rice. This is a custom in many places. The glutinous rice is soaked in juice from the leaves of the liquidambar tree. The steamed glutinous rice is black and shiny and has a fragrant taste.

Although the liquidambar tree looks ordinary, it has many unexpected functions, and it is a treasure from head to toe. Its resin, roots, leaves and fruits can be used as medicine. In particular, its fruit is a very valuable Chinese herbal medicine.

Passepartout is also called Liquidambar, Maple Fruit, Nine Confucius, Langmu and other aliases. It is a polyfloral fruit , which is composed of many small capsules. There are many small holes on the surface after maturity. These small holes can extend in all directions, hence the name Lulutong.

Passepartout contains volatile oil, passepartout acid, terpenoids , phenols, flavonoid glycosides , sugars, carotenoids, gallic acid , betulinic acid and other substances, which are hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory It also has a significant improvement effect on hyperlipidemia, hyperviscosity, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, etc.

Introduction: The famous

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Passepartout has the effects of dispelling wind, activating collaterals, diuresis and promoting menstruation. It can be used for joint pain, numbness of limbs, spasm of hands and feet, acute cerebral infarction , dizziness, amenorrhea, milk obstruction, edema, fullness and urination. Unfavorable, eczema and other diseases.

Winter is the season when Passepartout matures. Some old people who know Passepartout often collect some to take home, remove impurities, wash and dry them and store them for medicine.

Dear friends, do you have this kind of liquidambar tree in your city? Its leaves are like chicken feet and its fruits are like briquettes. You may have seen it, but many people don't know its value. It can be used as medicine from head to toe, especially the fruit has high medicinal value. It is a landscape tree species that has both ornamental value and connotation.

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