Death touches each of us and no one can escape it. But why not make life eternal and let the same people live on this planet century after century?

2024/04/1717:36:34 science 1149

Death touches each of us and no one can escape it. But why not make life eternal and let the same people live on this planet century after century? - DayDayNews

Death touches each of us and no one can escape it. Yet people are desperately grabbing any chance of immortality, as evidenced by the attempts of scientists and their search for various elixirs. Some seek to remain in the memory of future generations through the fruits of their labor, while others seriously consider preserving the life activities of their bodies. Recently, I read about developments that supposedly allow brains to be transplanted into artificially grown bodies to remain in this world forever.

But nature leaves no chance for the implementation of such a promise. No matter what bright minds come up with, in the end, each of us is human. Moreover, sometimes we are unexpectedly mortal, as the famous character in the book "The Master and Marguerite" said. But why not make life eternal and let the same people live on this planet century after century? !

Neural Connection Questions

The universe has not yet been fully studied by humans, and everything around us still raises many questions. As the basis of objects and things, matter has many properties and characteristics that are almost impossible to change. Yes, we can easily turn water into ice and vice versa, but our brains go through several stages throughout life that we have no influence on.

As a child, a child can remember and master dozens of skills in one day. We watched with emotion as he was motionless and unable to crawl yesterday, but today he is walking, holding a spoon and drinking from a cup. One learns to put food into one's own mouth, great!

Children's neural connections are very active and their development is rapid. After a while, at the age of 12, this person can recite long poems, master several subjects, and learn to do something valuable with his hands. His activities will benefit the world. In the words of economists, a human representative aged 18-40 will become a detail of a powerful civilization mechanism and contribute to the country's GDP.

Scientists have discovered that brain development can take up to 25 years. Then, due to experience, accumulated knowledge and skills, he will be able to perform certain functions, but it will be increasingly difficult to master new ones. I remember how, at age 15, I could figure out computer programs, easily install games and burn movies to discs in 15 minutes. I can totally be confused about the Bible today. I ask you to clean out my 18-year-old friend's laptop because all my attempts end in nervous twitches.

results, forever will cause the process to stop. Notice how older adults struggle with new things. They literally scream that the internet is evil, that iPhones and iPads should be banned, and that people are getting stupider about these gadgets. They all want to drag others into a swamp from which they cannot get out. In psychology, this is called a "bucket of crabs." Simply put - if I can't figure it out, don't use it and don't make me angry!

Levels of aggression are increasing among older adults. Many people cannot accept the fact that many new things appear around them, the earth continues to develop, but for them it is all no longer available. Grandmas still queue up to pay rent just because they can’t get their hands on Sberbank online.

If we didn't die, evolution would stop at some point. A cumulative critical mass of people with disrupted neural connections will prevent anything new from emerging, making the world around them familiar. Many people sincerely strive to return to the Soviet Union, simply because everything there is familiar and they do not feel left behind. The advantage of the elderly will make this venture possible and the world will enter a phase of degradation..

Resource Allocation Theory

Every year I get closer to the title of "Abuza". The production and creation are getting worse and worse, and one day I won't make any money and I will be forced to sit on other people's necks. Any pension fund is established according to this system. First you feed the old man, then someone feeds you. If people didn't die, the infirm would outnumber the young and productive.

The creator of the universe is unlikely to know anything about economics, but he clearly understands the theory of resource consumption.In order to continue creating and producing under the conditions of modern reality, the planet is being purged of people who are no longer able to apply existing skills and learn new ones. Death is a tool for maintaining balance. The

experiment "Universe-25" clearly proves this theory. Under ideal conditions, with the right temperature, plenty of food and water, and a room conducive to pleasure, baby rats begin to breed and enjoy life. The best places were quickly allocated, and scientists seemed to have managed to create a paradise on Earth.

However, resources were quickly focused on the pioneers. The best spots in rat paradise are occupied by adult, high-status males. The young people quickly got used to the orders, which showed them their territory and rights. All the best in adulthood is yours.

After a while, the adults are getting older. Young females want to reproduce, but they are looking for security for themselves and comfortable living conditions for their offspring. But "grandfather" wants nothing, and "youth" cannot afford it. Females refuse to mate and give birth because there are virtually no humans. Some people don’t need it, and some people can’t give anything.

The experiment stopped when there were no inhabitants in Mouse Paradise. Even if death could be undone, little would be changed. The mere presence of the experimental subject becomes a dull existence where everyone eats and sleeps. I don't want to create and produce anything, but the consumption of resources doesn't stop.

Another fact is also strange - in one study it was found that the family lost capital in the third generation. If someone makes billions and passes it on to their children, the grandchildren often lose everything. If they can earn money themselves, they continue to live a prosperous life; if not, they become beggars.

This is another mechanism of the universe that has elaborate ways of dealing with resource imbalances. Once most of the money falls into one hand, demand drops, which can lead to shortages and economic collapse. If we suddenly succeeded in inventing immortality, this is exactly what we would observe.

The old man will take over all assets and will not produce anything new. Young people will face a severe shortage of resources, which will lead to a repetition of the results of the experiment "Universe-25". If we put it into practice, the scheme is this:

Some people have all the resources. They live a good life at the expense of "waiters" in the form of young people. Those lives suck because blessings overwork them. Women do not want their children to have such a fate and refuse to have children. Some guys have nothing to offer, while others are no longer interested in anything and they don't need girls.

Over time, young people also grow old and can no longer produce anything. The first generation was deprived of "service personnel" and resources lost their meaning. The latter continue to live in poverty, only now they are unable to take care of themselves. But there is no new generation.

This sounds ridiculous, but this is exactly what is happening in many countries around the world right now. Even death cannot cope with the regulating function. Because he who has all the resources will not die. This is the cardinal error of the universe.

Psychological Defense Mechanisms Another reason for the necessity of death

A more severe and unforgiving mechanism is the mind. It is formed during early childhood interactions with a significant adult. Defense mechanisms provide survivability and security, but hold the pattern in memory, leading to scripting and correcting the behavior each time.

A girl who competes with her mother for her father's love will fall in love with married people or playboys throughout her life. What it's like to grow up without a father, find an adult partner, and try to play the role of a little girl under the protection of a strong man. This boy, who receives love and attention simply for merit and meeting adult expectations, seeks out unapproachable girls and pleases them for the sake of their existence.

All of these are irreversible consequences, and even long-term psychological correction by psychologists does not always help.We have a context, which influences consciousness and psychological defense mechanisms, forming beliefs and patterning our behavior. In the absence of death, what would this lead to?

A person born in the 13th century would never be able to live in the modern world. In his understanding, power lies in the vast territory of weapons and states, where fears and complexes have led to the emergence of behavioral patterns that lead to survival. Today, the richest and happiest people live in small countries, where they prioritize human capital, borderlessness, and creative freedom.

But even 50-year-olds continue to insist on a return to the past, where a powerful hand kept millions of citizens at the side of the machine. Economic globalization means that gadgets cannot be produced in one country, but this cannot be explained to the elderly. Because there were no gadgets before, in their opinion, you can do without them today. But no, it doesn't work that way anymore.

In the Middle Ages, women did not bathe, and there were perfectly valid arguments for this. The mind is so programmed that it is difficult to break belief. Now imagine these 16th century ladies still living in the 21st century. We will again be completely restrained from the growth of civilization.

To sum up, we can conclude that death is the only tool for development. Perhaps one day, medicine will be able to slow down or even stop aging. A 70-year-old grandmother can master a laptop as easily as a 15-year-old child. But there is nothing you can do about resource allocation. One is limited, and the other is long life, which boils down to accumulation among the elderly and deficiencies among the young.

This also led to the collapse of civilization. With eternal life, no one wants to be a beggar and serve the rich for a thousand years. If the woman with the sickle stopped coming, there would be protests and wars. In any case, the owner of the capital will have to give it up.

If at some wonderful moment you feel like there is some kind of madness going on around you, everything is not as it should be, people are becoming a little different, remind yourself that these are not evil dissident enemies, this is just you fertilizing Earth and thus began the process of creating a new era. The problem is not that we are dying, the problem is that we haven't learned how to live and sometimes we spend God's measure of years on some crap...

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