Xinjiang lost another "King Bomb", an ancient painting that exposes human lies and justifies "Where did I come from"

2021/10/1515:47:05 science 753

Xinjiang lost another

In the vast universe, the stars are shining

Walking through the beautiful Xinjiang, listening to the story of a thousand years, I am the old uncle of Tianshan. When we were young, we all asked the same question: Where did I come from? And mother just smiled and said, picked it up by the roadside! When I grew up, I realized that the answer my mother gave was just a repeat of the "human lies" that had been circulated for thousands of years. Because we really don’t know where we came from. It was not until 1953 that scientists discovered DNA, the basic genetic object of metaplasia, that we found the correct answer to interpret the origin of life of and human reproduction.

"Photo No. 51" from the laboratory

Xinjiang lost another

Rosalyn Franklin took the first DNA X-ray image

As everyone knows, the greatest discovery in the world in the 20th century was the discovery of the DNA that stores the genetic information of life. . In 1952, the British female scientist Rosalyn Franklin accidentally took a picture while observing the microstructure of the cell under a microscope, but this picture clearly showed that there was such a picture in the nucleus of . The double helix molecular structure of vines entwined with each other is the first most beautiful and complete DNA X-ray picture in human history. At that time, Rosalyn Franklin did not realize the scientific significance of this photo, and only referred to this photo as "Photo No. 51". In April 1953, Watson and Creek published a paper entitled "DNA Double Helix Structure Mode" in the " Nature" magazine, and distributed "Photo No. 51" for the first time. , Which caused a sensation in the world, and was hailed as opening the door of molecular biology.

Xinjiang lost another

DNA is one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century

DNA, short for deoxyribonucleic acid,It is the molecular structure of genetic genes, which can show the genetic code of the inheritance and continuation of human life. That is to say, the information of their parents, ancestors, and human ancestors can be read from the DNA genetic code. At the same time, DNA genetic genes can not only determine a person's appearance, body type, skin color, health status, and even predict the time of death, but also find differences in the sequencing of DNA genes to complete the life instructions of different species. The writing constitutes genes. In other words, what people often say is "inheritance". To put it plainly, "a dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and the son of a mouse will make a hole."

Xinjiang lost another

"Fuxi and Nuwa Intercourse Picture" unearthed from the ancient tomb of Astana

However, 30 years after the discovery of DNA, a more explosive news exploded all over the world. And it was the illustration published in the 1983 UNESCO magazine "International Social Sciences" trial issue that detonated the world's public opinion. The " Fuxi Nuwa Picture " called "Transformation of All Things" is an ancient Chinese painting collected by the Boston Museum of Art. And this ancient painting was stolen from the tomb of Astana in Turpan, Xinjiang, by the notorious thief, British explorer Oriel Stein. Why can such a seemingly simple insert page shock the entire Western society? It is because people find that the mating images of Fuxi and Nuwa in the painting are extremely similar to the spiral structure of human DNA, and even surprisingly coincide with the spiral structure of DNA! You know, from 1868, when Swiss scientist Michel discovered the "nucleic acid" from the bandage with pus and blood, and first isolated the "nucleic acid" in the cell nucleus, to 1952 Rosalyn Franklin took complete DNA X-ray pictures, and then to Watson, 1953. Crick released the " double helix structural model", which is the result of 82 years of research by scientists! Nowadays, an ancient painting from China 1500 years ago has easily deciphered the DNA human genetic code. How can this not surprise Westerners!

The mysterious underground world of Astana

Xinjiang lost another

Astana tombs in Xinjiang

Xinjiang is a very mysterious and mysterious place.On this land, which occupies about one-sixth of China's land area, almost every discovery will surprise the world. In the southeast of Turpan, Xinjiang, there is a cyan Gobi of only 10 square kilometers, and the Gobi is full of uplifted mounds. Here is the Astana group of ancient tombs known as "the world's largest underground museum". The ancient tombs include more than ten ethnic groups, including Han, Cheshi, , Turkic, , Xiongnu, , Xianbei, , Gaoche, , Uyghur, and this mysterious underground world is intact. The entire history from the 3rd century to the 8th century AD.

Xinjiang lost another

Stein’s stolen cultural relics were filled with 323 boxes and 300 camels died. Stealing in the 1900s and 1930s was the craziest. Only 323 boxes of cultural relics stolen by Stein in the United Kingdom were packed, and more than 300 camels were exhausted on the way back to the United Kingdom. After 80 years of wanton robbery and digging by foreign robbers, the Astana tomb complex has been devastated. Since 1959, China has successively carried out 13 rescue archaeological excavations on the Astana tomb complex, clearing out nearly 400 tombs from the Western Jin to the Tang Dynasty, and unearthed tens of thousands of precious cultural relics, including silk fabrics, murals, Pottery, wood, coins, tomb figurines, documents, etc. These cultural relics were as fresh as new when they were unearthed, and they are very well preserved. Surprisingly, some ancient tombs also unearthed dumplings of the Tang Dynasty in a pottery bowl, the shape is the same as today, and the fillings inside are also intact. As always.

Xinjiang lost another

Zhang Xiong, a famous national of Gaochang, remains dead

The earliest of these relics is the Western Jin Dynasty Taishi nine years, and the latest is the 13th year of Tang Dali, which lasted five hundred years. In addition, a large number of mummy mummies were also unearthed, the most striking of which was a 1.9-meter mummy.It was identified as Zhang Xiong, a famous general of Ju's Gaochang Guo generation. When he was unearthed, his beard, hair, and clothing were well preserved, and his general demeanor was still alive. These precious human specimens provided valuable first-hand data of for studying the racial and ethnic characteristics of ancient Xinjiang.

Astana, is Uyghur, meaning "Kyoto". The ancient tomb is excavated from the loess layer with Gobi stone . The plane is like "甲", and the tomb is connected to the tomb by a slope of more than 10 meters. The tomb is about 2 meters high and 4 meters square. There are murals on the walls of the tomb, depicting figures, birds, flowers, landscapes, lifelike images and smooth lines. In April 1963, archaeologists unearthed the mysterious "Fuxi and Nuwa Intercourse" silk paintings in a tomb for a married couple in the Tang Dynasty. It is understood that there are dozens of such silk paintings unearthed during the same period, which are famous. There are symbiotic bird pattern embroidery, Fuxi and Nuwa paintings and murals, etc., and these cultural relics are of great historical value.

An ancient painting reveals the mystery of human life

Xinjiang lost another

Fuxi obeys the rules, Nuwa obeys the rules, and rules everything

In the 1960s, in the ancient tomb of Astana, Xinjiang An unearthed picture of "Fuxi and Nuwa" was painted by an unknown painter in the Tang Dynasty. The ancient paintings show the scene of human ancestors Fuxi and Nuwa embracing and intercourse. On the silk painting, Fuxi holds the rule with the left hand; Nuwa holds the rule with the right hand, the head is snake body, and the snake tail is intertwined. The two shoulders support the sun, their tails contain the moon; behind them, the universe is vast, and the stars shine. Fuxi and Nüwa's physical relationship is natural and sacred, and their expressions are solemn and ethereal, which shows the noble meaning of Fuxi and Nüwa as the ancestor of Chinese civilization. "Fuxi and Nuwa Crossing Picture" is represented by the two words "rules", in which "rules" represents a place where the sky is round and "rules" is a measuring tool. Nowadays, the word "zhang" in "husband" is based on this Come. The rules and regulations reveal that Fuxi and Nuwa are the rulers of all things in the world. In history, Fuxi and Nüwa are indeed different people. They are not only a pair of ordinary couples but also brothers and sisters. "Chunqiu Shipu" records: "Huaxu gave birth to a man as Fuxi, and a girl to be born as Nuwa". The key reason why they have become characters in the myth is that they have been "deified". Legend has it that the Huaxu clan of the Fengdang tribe went out once,In Lei Ze accidentally saw a huge footprint, the curious Huaxu stepped on it, and soon the Huaxu became pregnant. Twelve years later, she gave birth to a son with a face, named Fuxi. Fuxi also has a half-sister, who was conceived by the Huaxu family when they got married, called Nuwa, and the name was Nvxi. It can be seen that Fuxi and Nuwa were originally siblings born to the same mother! According to legend, Fuxi taught the people the skills of knotting ropes and fishing, while Nüwa created the earliest calendar in China, the "Nuwa Calendar", teaching the people how to use the calendar to facilitate farming. In the legend, "Nuwa repairs the sky" does not mean that the sky is broken to repair the sky. We all know that there are 365 days in a year, and a woman’s normal menstrual cycle is 28 days, which means there are 13 months in a year. Then 13 times 28 equals 364 days, one day is missing, so the extra day is added to February, so there is the saying "Nuwa repairs the sky".

Xinjiang lost another

Human face and snake body, snake tail intertwined, conveying the profound meaning of life

So why did the ancients draw such a strange "Fuxi Nuwa Picture"? Is this painting just a simple depiction of the scene of male and female intercourse and reproduction of offspring? In fact, it is not. What it reveals is the blueprint for the inheritance and continuation of human life. When the wheel of the times drove into the middle of the 20th century, a DNA about the origin of life was discovered, and finally found the perfect answer for this ancient painting. It turns out that the true meaning of this "Fuxi and Nuwa Picture" is to convey the mystery of DNA life to people. It uses easy-to-understand snake tail entanglement to represent complex life forms. From this point of view, our country has explored the truth of life as early as the ancient times. It was only because of the implicitness of the Chinese that it staged an "international joke" that shocked the world!


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