A new discovery by Chinese and Japanese scholars: It is important for people to have hobbies! The risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by 20%

2021/10/1016:31:02 science 2972

I am male, and I love female! ! Hey wait, it's not this. Hobbies here refer to leisure activities for hobbies, such as playing chess, reading, gardening, sports, traveling, tea tasting, handicrafts, etc.

hobby, can make people relax while improving personal mood, alleviating work pressure, promoting positive attitude, and improving happiness index. More and more evidence shows that in addition to exercising, eating a balanced diet, quitting smoking and drinking, and regular work and rest, hobbies can also promote physical and mental health.

A new discovery by Chinese and Japanese scholars: It is important for people to have hobbies! The risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by 20% - DayDayNews

Hobbies may also be a protective factor to prevent cardiovascular disease. In the past, only Japanese Kagoshima University scholars published a study in " Heart and Vessels _span who had no hobbies compared to 3span’s hobbies. People have a lower risk of major adverse cardiovascular events.

However, the study only analyzed 121 participants and the average follow-up time was only 3 years. Is there any more convincing research? Yes, during the National Day when Dr. Dai brought the baby, he turned to an article about the latest research published in the journal " Atherosclerosis ".

A new discovery by Chinese and Japanese scholars: It is important for people to have hobbies! The risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by 20% - DayDayNews

This study selected nearly 60,000 adult participants in a large Japanese cohort study, aged 45-74 years old, and divided into non-hobby group, single hobby group, and multiple hobbies according to their hobbies Group.

The median follow-up time of the study was 16.3 years. A total of 3685 cardiovascular events were counted, including 940 coronary heart disease and 2839 strokes. The results after multivariate adjustment showed:

1. Total cardiovascular disease: Compared with the non-hobby group, the risk of cardiovascular disease among the participants in the single hobby group and the multi-hobby group was significantly reduced. 10%, 20%.

2. Coronary heart disease: The incidence of coronary heart disease in the multi-hobby group is lower, but compared with the non-hobby group, there is no statistically significant difference.

3. stroke : Compared with the non-hobby group, the single hobby group and the multi-hobby group have significantly reduced the risk of stroke by 13% and 20%, respectively. Among them, ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke, only the risk of ischemic stroke is significantly reduced.

Anyway,Hobbies are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Being a "sea king" in life interests and cultivating more hobbies can also be one of the important healthy lifestyles for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

There is a problem here, so many hobbies are available, outdoor cardiovascular hobby and 1span indoor health strong 25strong 1span strong difference?

A new discovery by Chinese and Japanese scholars: It is important for people to have hobbies! The risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by 20% - DayDayNews

Figure 1. The results of the KM curve of each group of participants free from major adverse cardiovascular events s

The answer is that outdoor and indoor hobbies have obvious effects on preventing cardiovascular events, and there is little difference.

However, if your hobbies are mostly indoor static hobbies, you should pay more attention to proper exercise on weekdays.


having the risk of health center Wang, et al. Published: September 02, 2021


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