The hottest month in modern history appears, and extreme climate changes will lead to a catastrophic and terrible future

2021/08/1622:58:02 science 1885

July 2021 received a terrible honor, that is-it became the hottest month in the world since human records. The earth is really hot now, and even scientists have warned that greenhouse gas emissions are pushing us towards a catastrophic and terrible future triggered by extreme climate change. So how serious climate change is now, let's enter today's topic together.

The hottest month in modern history appears, and extreme climate changes will lead to a catastrophic and terrible future - DayDayNews

According to a new global data released by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 2021 has become the world’s hottest month on record.

The hottest month in modern history appears, and extreme climate changes will lead to a catastrophic and terrible future - DayDayNews

Screenshot of the article from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The hottest month in modern history appears, and extreme climate changes will lead to a catastrophic and terrible future - DayDayNews

Screenshot of the article data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The ratio of the total land and ocean surface temperature on a global scale in July 2021 The average of 15.8 degrees Celsius in the 20th century was 0.93 degrees Celsius higher, making it the hottest July since records 142 years ago. It was 0.01 degrees Celsius higher than the previous record set in July 2016, and then remained the same in 2019 and 2020. In July 2021 in the northern hemisphere, the surface temperature alone was the highest temperature recorded in July, an unprecedented 1.54 degrees Celsius higher than the average level, exceeding the record set in 2012.

The hottest month in modern history appears, and extreme climate changes will lead to a catastrophic and terrible future - DayDayNews

The red planet

The July 2021 record between different regions, Asia experienced the hottest July on record, breaking the record set in 2010; Europe experienced the second since record Hot July-the same as July 2010, lagging behind July 2018; North America, South America, Africa and Oceania also ranked in the top 10 in July.

So how serious is the current climate problem?

According to a British Guardian article, the report issued by the IPCC on August 9 announced a "Code Red" warning against humans.

The hottest month in modern history appears, and extreme climate changes will lead to a catastrophic and terrible future - DayDayNews

British Guardian article screenshot

The hottest month in modern history appears, and extreme climate changes will lead to a catastrophic and terrible future - DayDayNews

United Nations article screenshot

report shows,There is now clear evidence that greenhouse gas emissions are pushing us towards a catastrophic and terrible future triggered by extreme climate change. The data in the report shows that since 1850, humans have emitted about 2.4 trillion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, producing a concentration of greenhouse gases that have never been seen on the earth in the past 2 million years. Since the 1950s, the heat waves and torrential rains that caused flooding have become stronger and more frequent in most parts of the world, and climate change is now affecting all areas of the planet. Droughts are intensifying in many places. Since the 1970s, the probability of an increase in the number of major hurricanes and typhoons has exceeded 66%.

The hottest month in modern history appears, and extreme climate changes will lead to a catastrophic and terrible future - DayDayNews

Extreme weather imagery

The consequences of large-scale human disturbance of atmospheric behavior are now obvious, and now hot areas will become hotter tomorrow; extreme floods will become more frequent and wildfires will be more dangerous and deadly Droughts will become more common. In short, things will only get worse.

Then let’s take a look at the “World Scientists’ Warning on the 2021 Climate Emergencies” published in Biological Sciences. Since 2019, there has been an unprecedented surge in climate-related disasters, including devastating floods in South America and Southeast Asia, record heat waves and wildfires in Australia and the western United States, and an extraordinary Atlantic hurricane season, as well as Africa, South Asia and the Western Pacific Devastating cyclone. There is also increasing evidence that we are approaching or have crossed critical points related to key parts of the Earth system, including western Antarctica and the Greenland ice sheet, warm water coral reefs, and the Amazon rainforest .

The hottest month in modern history appears, and extreme climate changes will lead to a catastrophic and terrible future - DayDayNews

where F (that is, the blue area) is the loss of global tree cover (million hectares/year)

1 The continuous decrease of the area of ​​the Amazon rainforest, the annual loss rate of the Brazilian Amazon forest in 2019 and Increase in 2020,Reached 1110,000 hectares destroyed.

2 Greenland and Antarctica have recently shown new year-to-date historical minimum ice levels. Glaciers are melting much faster than previously thought; compared with 15 years ago, their annual loss of ice and snow has increased by 31%

3 Changes in the ocean , the ocean heat content and sea level both hit new records Record. Ocean acidification (refers to the tendency that pH gradually decreases after the earth’s oceans ingest carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Part of the dissolved carbon dioxide will form carbonic acid with water, and ionize hydrogen ions, resulting in alkalinity in seawater. Sex is weakened and "acidity" rises.) The pH of the ocean has reached the second lowest year-to-date average on record, second only to 2012.

4 Marine ecology such as coral reefs, under the influence of ocean warming and ocean acidification, coral reefs (coral reefs are a structure formed by animals of the order Scleractinia. coral is a cnidaria within the class of corals The marine invertebrates. Coral species are the main coral reef builders. They inhabit the tropical ocean and secrete calcium carbonate to form hard bones.) Marine ecology will also face survival crisis.

So for us now, the earth really does not have much time left for us to change the climate. If we still go our own way, then the future climate will become more dangerous, and even push us toward extreme climates. Disastrous and terrible future triggered by changes. The above is today's content. I am Huo Zongjun. See you next time #


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