Although various functions of the body will begin to decline around the age of 30, the process is very slow. Whether it is in terms of body shape or health, we will not feel much change in our 30s. However, after the age of 40, these changes will be relatively obvious, especially

Although it is said that various functions of the body will begin to decline around the age of 30, the process is very slow. Whether it is in terms of body shape or health, we will not feel much change in our 30s. , however, after the age of 40, these changes will be relatively obvious, especially in our appearance, such as signs of gaining weight, signs of body deformation, skin no longer tight, etc. These changes in women It will be more obvious on the body, but 40s is not a very old age. We still have requirements for beauty. It is precisely because of this that we will make corresponding efforts to fight aging, although we cannot violate the laws of nature. We can stay young forever, but we can slow down the rate of aging through hard work and keep ourselves relatively young. This is enough.

However, then again, if we have reached the age of 40, we can work hard to keep ourselves young. However, there is another problem: in a few years, we will face the problem of menopause , that is to say, if you want to work hard, you must start now, otherwise it will become more difficult if it is delayed until menopause.

So, for women around 40 years old, how can we fight against aging and slow down the rate of aging? From a methodological point of view, it is to develop good living habits and maintain a young mentality to face the current life. Specifically, it mainly involves the following aspects.

First: Pay attention to the changes in your weight and figure, and stop losses in time

From the perspective of body shape, if we do not actively intervene, the risk of becoming obese after the age of 40 will increase, and it will be relatively difficult to lose weight after becoming obese. , the main reasons are changes in dietary structure, reduction in exercise, increase in stress levels, and of course the decline in basal metabolism .

Therefore, when we enter the age of 40, we must pay special attention to the changes in our appearance, develop the habit of regularly measuring our weight, waist circumference, and observing ourselves. When we find signs of gaining weight, make timely adjustments. This is better than It is much easier to lose weight after gaining weight.

Second: Eat reasonably

Good eating habits are very important no matter when, whether you need to lose weight or not, so in terms of diet, what we have to do is to have a balanced meal, even if you need to lose weight and control it. Likewise, a balanced diet is actually about diversifying your food, and then making appropriate adjustments based on changes in your weight.

In this process, you need to be careful not to diet, even if you have a need to lose weight, because dieting will not only cause damage to basal metabolism, but also lead to lack of physical strength, which will affect activity consumption, and of course will lead to muscle loss.

Third: Pay attention to strength training

In contrast, compared with young people, if you have entered the 40 mark, you should pay more attention to strength training, because strength training can not only stabilize basal metabolism by increasing muscle mass , can reduce the risk of getting fat, can keep your body firm, can help you have a healthy body, etc.

In addition, another particularly important point is that it can keep your bones healthy and reduce the probability of osteoporosis, because studies have shown that muscle mass is positively correlated with bone density, and for women In other words, the probability of developing osteoporosis is relatively high, so from this perspective, the earlier strength training starts, the better.

So, if you have no relevant training foundation, how should you start strength training? At this time you can do this:

  1. takes large muscle groups as the main target and takes compound movements as the main goal, because compound movements are more efficient and can improve the efficiency of muscle stimulation in the same time. Of course, compound movements produce The consumption is also relatively large, which is more helpful for weight loss and control.
  2. Start with bodyweight movements, don’t worry about weight training . Firstly, because bodyweight movements can be done anytime and anywhere and are relatively safe; secondly, because you can learn basic movement patterns from bodyweight movements to prepare yourself for subsequent training. Basics; of course, if you can stick to it, the effect will be good.
  3. At the beginning of training, in addition to being familiar with the basic movement essentials, the most critical factor is to develop exercise express, so you can start with the movements you like, and do not have to deliberately pursue exercise time and intensity until the habit is formed. It is not too late to start systematic planning.
  4. When the habit is formed, you must consciously expand your training methods, such as trying weight-bearing, trying untouched movements, etc.

Fourth: It is best not to lose aerobic exercise

From the perspective of fat loss, the consumption caused by aerobic exercise is relatively more intuitive, but the biggest benefit of aerobic exercise is that it affects the cardiovascular system and The role of the respiratory system, so even when trying to strength train, aerobic exercise cannot be abandoned.

Of course, the best way is to combine strength training with aerobic exercise. The specific method can be about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise after strength training, or the two can be done every other day. In addition, the choice of aerobic exercise methods should be arranged according to your own preferences, because this is more conducive to persistence.

Fifth: Pay attention to emotional regulation

Speaking of which, middle age is the most stressful age, and stress will not only affect health, but also affect body changes, because when the pressure is relatively high, cortisol The level of will increase. High cortisol levels will make it difficult to decompose fat, and will also make fat more likely to accumulate in the abdomen. Of course, when we are stressed, it will also affect our food, which will make us People have a stronger desire to eat and are more likely to choose high-calorie foods, which is one of the potential factors that cause you to gain weight.

Therefore, after the age of 40, we should learn to release stress, regulate emotions, and not tighten ourselves too much. Of course, there are many ways to release stress, such as listening to music, going out for a walk, sleeping for a while, and doing some What you want to do, etc.

Sixth: Pay more attention to yourself

Speaking of which, when we enter the age of 40, the decline in self-focus may be an important reason why we become fat and look older, because at this age, we will face family problems With the dual pressure of work, if you focus on things other than yourself, even if your body shape changes or your appearance changes slightly, it will not be noticed, and by the time you notice it, it will be difficult to change.

Therefore, it is important to give yourself a certain amount of attention. It is important to learn to love yourself and appreciate yourself. There is nothing wrong with being relatively selfish while taking care of your extended family.


Although 40 is no longer young, it is not old either. As long as we have the confidence to do it, we can still keep ourselves in good shape and young. Of course, your efforts will definitely be recognized by everyone. see.

Author: October Zhixing