Zhang Dalong is in his prime, the backbone of a company and the backbone of his family. Due to his busy work, he would feel some physical discomfort. Zhang Dalong just treated his body as "tired" and didn't pay much attention to it.

Zhang Dalong (pseudonym) is in his prime, the backbone of a company and the backbone of his family. Due to his busy work, he would feel some physical discomfort. Zhang Dalong just treated his body as "tired" and didn't pay much attention to it.

Last year, as usual, Zhang Dalong finished his work summary and prepared to go to bed, but before he could reach the bed, he suddenly felt dizzy.

His wife asked him to stop procrastinating and go to the hospital, so Zhang Dalong came to the hospital for a physical examination the next day to register. Unexpectedly, creatinine clearly exceeded the standard, and he was subsequently diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) .

However, because the early symptoms of kidney disease were not obvious, Zhang Dalong did not pay too much attention after the incident. On weekdays, I take Chinese medicine to treat myself, and I don’t deliberately avoid dietary restrictions.

At the beginning of this year, Zhang Dalong once again suffered from severe symptoms of weakness all over his body. He thought it was just a minor case of chronic kidney disease . Zhang Dalong also comforted his wife, saying that it was okay and not to be nervous.

However, this time Zhang Dalong was told by the doctor that his kidney disease had progressed to kidney failure! And my blood pressure soared to 200/130mmHg. Now he can only face the result of kidney transplantation, while regretting why he didn't pay attention to it sooner.

1. Many people’s kidney disease is caused by “eating”

Chronic kidney disease is one of the major diseases that threatens public health around the world. According to relevant literature, there are 500 million kidney disease patients worldwide, that is, every 10 people There is a patient with kidney disease.

Why are many kidney diseases discovered at an advanced stage? This is related to the characteristics of the kidneys.

The kidneys are very powerful. They can not only filter garbage, but are also responsible for digestion and decomposition. And it has a very strong compensatory ability . Even if it is injured, it still works silently and is not easily noticed by the human body.

Why are more and more people suffering from kidney disease? This has something to do with our eating habits.

In the daily diet, all food enters the blood, and the blood must be filtered by the kidneys. The waste in the food must be excreted from the body through the kidneys. If drinking alcohol is unhealthy for a long time, the load on the kidneys can be imagined.

Especially some high-fat nuts, high-fat foods, caffeine , dairy products with high calcium content, sodium salt, red meat with high protein, and common artificial flavorings in drinks and cakes, these foods will After filtration by the kidneys, excessive consumption will increase the burden of kidney decomposition.

In addition, the occurrence of kidney disease is also affected by a variety of factors, such as staying up late, going to bed late, drug abuse, excessive fatigue, often holding in urine and so on. These behaviors will cause damage to the kidneys, leading to various Kidney disease.

Regular physical examinations are very important. Early kidney disease can be well controlled through food, lifestyle improvements, and medications. But if ignored, mild kidney disease may slowly develop into kidney failure, or even uremia.

2. Renal failure is actually not far from uremia

Many people may “have uremia as soon as they are discovered”, but in fact, there is a development process from kidney disease to renal failure and then to uremia. If the kidney's "distress signal" is detected early in the process, serious consequences may be avoided.

Renal failure, as the name suggests, is kidney failure, which is divided into two types: acute and chronic.

In fact, acute renal failure is reversible . It is usually caused by the influence of disease, trauma or drugs, which causes the kidneys to deteriorate rapidly in a short period of time. If the cause of the disease can be found and the right medicine is prescribed, the patient can generally recover kidney function.

But if it is not controlled in time, over time, the kidneys will slowly deteriorate, and it will develop into chronic renal failure . At this time, the kidneys cannot recover, and they will develop into uremia, which is the end stage of renal failure.

If you don’t want to be “hopeless”, when these abnormalities occur in the body, it may be that the kidneys are “crying for help” and you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible:

. Edema occurs

The kidneys are the organs that metabolize water in the human body. If the kidneys are abnormal, water will be retained. In the body, it is easy to cause edema in the human body.

. Increased nocturia

Normal people’s urine output is about 1000-2000 ml per day. If the urine output increases, especially at night, it is obvious , it is necessary to be alert to the cause of kidney failure.

. Nausea and vomiting

When kidney disease develops to a certain stage, it will affect gastrointestinal function. Patients will feel nauseated and lose interest in food.

. The occurrence of foamy urine

Foamy urine is a more typical manifestation of kidney disease. A layer of foam floats on the surface of the urine and is not easy to dissipate. It is likely that the kidneys cannot decompose protein, leading to protein abnormalities.

. Skin itching

When urea cannot be excreted through urine, toxins in the body will be discharged through other channels. When toxins are excreted through the skin, it will irritate the skin and cause skin itching. In addition, toxins can stimulate peripheral neuropathy and also cause skin itching.

3. How to "nurture" the kidneys if the kidneys are not good? Start with these 4 points

Kidney failure is preventable and controllable. As long as you intervene in daily life as early as possible, it can help reduce the possibility of kidney failure to a large extent. What exactly do we need to do?

. Control high blood pressure

For patients with hypertension, controlling blood pressure plays an important role in preventing hypertensive nephropathy . Patients with high blood pressure must follow the doctor's instructions when taking medication and are not allowed to stop taking medication without permission to prevent serious heart, brain, kidney and other diseases.

. Do not abuse drugs.

Although drugs are used to treat diseases, they are more or less toxic. Abuse of drugs may cause kidney poisoning and cause various kidney damage.

. Eat a healthy diet

Don’t eat too salty in your daily diet. High salt is also a burden on the kidneys. Drink more water every day, do not hold back urine, and excrete toxins from the body in a timely manner. In addition, the amount of high-protein foods needs to be controlled. Eating too much will also put a burden on the kidneys.

. Regular physical examinations for high-risk groups

People suffering from diabetes, , hypertension and other chronic diseases, as well as those with a history of kidney disease , should have regular examinations to strictly control chronic diseases and prevent further development of the disease.

Although more and more end-stage patients have achieved a higher survival period through renal dialysis, they cannot do without the dialysis machine for the rest of their lives. Who would want to experience such a situation?


[1] "Popular Science丨How to Eat to Prevent Kidney Disease?" ". The Fourth Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University. 2021-04-02

[2]"[Kidney Butler] " Human World " The character in the play committed suicide due to acute renal failure ? Can you tell the difference between acute renal failure and uremia? ". Southern Medical University Shunde Hospital Health Number .2022-03-10

[3] "Chronic kidney disease affects 1 in 10 people! Don’t ignore these early signs, here are some tips to prevent them in advance! 》.Health Times. 2019-03-15

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