Nowadays, in addition to the three high-risk diseases that threaten human health, there is also the fourth high-risk disease. The fourth high-risk disease is called high uric acid. Since people are not particularly aware of this symptom, even if high uric acid occurs, they may no

Nowadays, in addition to the three high-risk diseases that threaten human health, there is also the fourth high-risk disease. The fourth high-risk disease is called high uric acid.

Since people are not particularly familiar with this symptom, they may not pay much attention to it even if they have high uric acid.

High uric acid is a chronic metabolic disease. If you suffer from high uric acid and are not treated in time, it may induce gout or other physical diseases, and the consequences will be serious.

Therefore, if you suffer from high uric acid, you must treat it in time. Some people have heard that high uric acid is mostly caused by eating. So what foods can cause elevated uric acid?

Is high uric acid caused by "eating"?

Before discussing this issue, we need to first understand what causes elevated uric acid. In most cases, the reason why people suffer from high uric acid is related to purine metabolism disorder .

There are only two sources of purine in the body. First, our body will actively produce purine substances, but the purine produced by the body can generally be metabolized smoothly.

In addition, some foods also contain a large amount of purine substances. If you often eat high-purine foods, more purines will accumulate in the body, which will be difficult to be smoothly metabolized and excreted. Over time, it is easy to increase uric acid. The phenomenon.

Therefore, to a certain extent, elevated uric acid is indeed closely related to diet, so I hope everyone can view things correctly and try to stay away from foods with high rates and quantities, such as the following.

3 foods are recommended to be eaten less or not at all. Please feel free to eat them.

  • Seafood

Seafood foods taste very delicious and can satisfy people's appetite, and they contain relatively high nutrients. However, for patients with high uric acid, they must Eat less or no seafood.

Because most seafood contains very high purine content, if you often eat seafood, it may cause purine substances to accumulate in the body, which will also cause a certain burden and impact on your health and body functions over time.

  • Animal offal

Such as pig liver, pig heart, pig large intestine , chicken gizzard , duck liver , etc. are all animal offal foods. These foods taste very delicious, and the nutritional value is not low either. .

However, the vast majority of animal offal are also high-purine foods. For those who already suffer from high uric acid, if they often eat animal offal, it may also lead to a further increase in uric acid in the body. Therefore, to control uric acid, they should actively stay away from it. animal organs.

  • Broth

Many middle-aged and elderly people like to drink broth very much. They think the broth is very delicious and tastes very good.

However, most meat foods contain purine substances, which are easily soluble in water. Therefore, during the soup making process, purine will dissolve into the broth. Therefore, if you drink broth frequently, it will also lead to purine intake. Eating too much is not good for your health. I hope you can view it correctly.

Since eating too much of the above foods will cause uric acid to rise, which foods can people with high uric acid eat with confidence?

4 kinds of food may be more friendly to high uric acid


When it comes to cherries, many people may unconsciously think of expensive. Relatively speaking, the price of cherries is indeed not cheap, but we have to admit that the nutrients contained in them are But it’s also very rich.

For people with high uric acid, if they can eat some cherries in moderation, it may be able to promote the physiological metabolism of excess uric acid and excrete it from the body. To a certain extent, it can also help reduce the burden on the body and provide the body with sufficient nutrients.

[ Kiwi ]

Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C and is known as the "King of Vitamin C". This fruit tastes sour and sweet, and the texture is also very good, so people can't put it down.

Although kiwi fruit is a kind of fruit, its edible value is also very high. Therefore, if people with high uric acid can eat some kiwi fruit in moderation in their daily diet, it may also help stabilize uric acid and prevent uric acid from remaining high.


Potatoes are a relatively common vegetable. For example, home cooking, hot and sour shredded potatoes , stir-fried potato slices , etc. are all popular cooking methods.

Potatoes are rich in starch, protein, cellulose, various vitamins, etc. After penetrating into the body, they help to regulate acid-base balance, promote the smooth excretion of acidic substances from the body, and to a certain extent, help stabilize uric acid.


Watermelon is a fruit often eaten in summer. Although it is relatively large, it is also very rich in water and also contains other nutrients.

Eating some watermelon in moderation can have a heat-clearing and diuretic effect, increase urination, promote the excretion of excess harmful substances from the body, and can also promote the metabolism of uric acid, so if you want to control uric acid, you can consider eating some watermelon in moderation.

In summary, uric acid is indeed closely related to diet, so for those with high uric acid, I hope you can actively regulate and improve your diet. Do you also know what methods can help stabilize uric acid? Welcome Leave a comment below.