hot! hot! hot! The recent hot weather in various places has "occupied" hot searches and the term "heat stroke" has flooded the screen. What is heat stroke? What is the difference between heatstroke and heatstroke? 01 What exactly is heat stroke? According to the diagnostic standa

is hot! hot! hot!


the hot weather in various places

has "dominated" the hot searches

and the term " heat stroke " has flooded the screen

What is heat stroke? What is the difference between

and heat stroke?

01 What exactly is heat stroke?

According to the diagnostic standards for occupational heat stroke, the consequences of high temperature hazards are clinically mainly manifested as heat stroke precursors and heat stroke (heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke).

In layman's terms, heat stroke is extremely severe heat stroke , characterized by dry and hot skin, no sweat, body temperature as high as 40°C and above, delirium, , coma, etc.; it can be accompanied by generalized epileptic seizures, rhabdomyolysis, mods. If the body temperature is not lowered quickly, heat stroke will cause abnormal function of the brain or other vital organs, causing permanent damage.

02 Who is easy to fall prey to?

There are four types of people in life who are more likely to suffer from heat stroke or heat stroke. You should be especially careful:

elderly people who have insufficient body temperature regulation ability and often have underlying diseases;

the body temperature regulation center is not fully developed and the body temperature rises. The speed of children is 3 to 5 times that of adults;

needs to be in a high temperature environment for a long time, such as outdoor traffic police and epidemic prevention personnel;

performs strenuous exercise under high temperature, such as firefighters, construction workers, etc.

Excessive temperature, high humidity, low wind speed, frailty, inability to adapt to heat, excessive labor intensity and time, and excessive fatigue can easily induce heat stroke and even heat stroke. How to deal with


For heat stroke, mortality is related to the extent of temperature rise, the promptness of cooling, and the number of affected organ systems. Therefore, when you or someone around you is found to have heat stroke or even heat stroke, you must deal with it in time. What ordinary people can do is mainly the following four points -

Stop physical activity immediately and move to a cool environment to rest.


monitor body temperature and cool down those with elevated body temperature.

Commonly used cooling methods include:

Wiping with cool wet towels or ice packs or applying cold compresses, and adding fluids. If possible, you can take a shower with cold water or soak in a bathtub filled with cold water. However, it is important to avoid using drugs (such as antipyretics) to cool down.


replenish moisture. If possible, it is recommended to choose sports drink or oral rehydration salt and other rehydration solutions that can replenish electrolytes.


If there is disturbance of consciousness or even loss of consciousness or the condition does not improve, call 120 for medical treatment in time.

04 How to prevent?

It is recommended to minimize the time spent outdoors in hot weather. When going out, go to a shaded area, use a parasol or wear a sun hat. When exercising outdoors, be sure to pay attention to the time. Do not exercise at noon when the sun is the strongest and the sunshine is strongest. You can choose to do morning exercises. Or work out after the sun goes down.

If you need to perform physical labor or strenuous exercise outdoors, it is recommended:

1 Prepare necessary necessities for heatstroke prevention

Prepare sun protection equipment, such as applying sunscreen, wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and plenty of water; wear loose, breathable, light-colored clothing, and carry heatstroke prevention and cooling with you. drug.

2 Scientifically replenish water

Drink a small amount of water frequently, 200 ml of water can be added every 15 to 20 minutes, and the water temperature should not be too high. If you sweat a lot, you need to supplement with extra salt and minerals, or drink sugar water or sports drinks appropriately.

3 Pay attention to heat dissipation

You can use an ice towel to wipe your body or use a fan to cool down physically.

When the heat is unbearable, you can flush your wrists with cold water. Put your wrists under the tap for 5 seconds every few hours to help lower your blood temperature.

When returning indoors from outdoors, do not turn on the air conditioner immediately to avoid catching a cold.

Heat stroke

usually occurs in

the sultry weather with high temperature and high humidity in summer

July 16th this year will officially enter the summer

ushering in the most hot and humid " Dog Days "

Everyone must do a good job in preventing heatstroke and cooling down. Measures

Beware of disease invasion

Some pictures and text sources: Life Times , CCTV News

Lilac Doctor , Tencent Medical Dictionary