Tomatoes are rich in nutritional value and eating tomatoes has many benefits. Especially in summer, many people like to eat tomatoes raw. But recently, there is a different saying on the Internet: Some tomatoes cannot be eaten because they will cause poisoning symptoms such as na

Tomatoes are rich in nutritional value, and eating tomatoes has many benefits.

Especially in summer, many people like to eat tomatoes raw. But recently, there has been a different statement on the Internet:

Some tomatoes cannot be eaten, as they will cause poisoning symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and may even cause death. It is also said that the nutrients of tomatoes will be doubled when they are cooked.

Is this really the case? Is it better to eat tomatoes raw or cooked?

Note: Such tomatoes cannot be eaten.

Tomatoes with dark spots cannot be eaten.

After tomatoes are contaminated with Alternaria , the fungus will metabolize and produce toxins in the fruit, causing tomatoes to grow dark spots and rot. The toxin is called Although Alternaria toxin is not as toxic as , aflatoxin , still has carcinogenic risks and other health risks.

Therefore, you must not eat tomatoes with dark spots or rotten parts.

This mycotoxin is not only present in the decayed parts, will also spread in healthy tissue within 2cm. Although parts beyond 2cm are relatively safe, it is still recommended that smaller tomatoes be discarded whole and not eaten.

Immature tomatoes cannot be eaten.

Immature tomatoes contain solanine. . When we take in too much or accidentally eat solanine, it will cause poisoning symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. may even cause death.

Speaking of tomatoes, everyone may have this question:

Which is more nutritious, cooked or raw?

You must first know what nutrients are in tomatoes that are good for the body.

There are three very important nutrients in tomatoes

Vitamin C: antioxidant

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, has a strong antioxidant function.

Beta carotene : firming skin, improving eyesight, and preventing certain cancers

An epidemiological survey published in the " International Journal of Oral Medicine " showed that from the results of animal experiments and preliminary clinical trials, carotene has a potential preventive effect on oral cancer .

Beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is good for vision.

Beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is essential in maintaining the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes and preventing dry skin. It can constitute the photosensitive material in visual cells and play an important role in vision health.

According to research, beta carotene also has the effect of preventing and inhibiting lung cancer .

Lycopene : Antioxidant, improves the anti-inflammatory ability of body tissues

Lycopene is a very important antioxidant substance in the body, which can improve the anti-inflammatory ability of body tissues and allow the body's immunity to reach a better state.

Lycopene has a powerful effect on cardiovascular unblocking and can prevent heart disease and arteriosclerosis; it can remove free radicals in the human body that cause aging and disease; it can improve human immunity and help delay aging; it can help prevent And improve urinary system diseases such as prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis.

There are three key points for the full release of lycopene:

① Chop

② High temperature

③ Contact with oil

Which is more nutritious, raw or cooked?

Tomatoes have their own advantages when eaten raw or cooked. Different eating methods can obtain different nutrients.

Want to get vitamin C: The best way is to eat it raw

Want to get lycopene and beta carotene: The best way is to cook it, and the recommended cooking time is 2 minutes.


The recommended storage temperature for tomatoes is 10°C to 13°C. If you want to eat them raw to obtain vitamin C, do not place them in places where the temperature is too high or exposed to direct sunlight, which will affect the vitamin C content.

Note: Red tomatoes are more beneficial to health

In terms of varieties, red tomatoes have the highest lycopene content.

In terms of maturity, the more mature the tomatoes, the higher the lycopene content, so it is recommended to buy red tomatoes that are ripe.

The lycopene content in tomatoes marketed in summer is relatively high. This is mainly because the abundant sunshine and long lighting time in summer will greatly increase the lycopene content.

Are the small tomatoes commonly known as " cherry tomatoes " more nutritious?

The popular cherry tomato, scientific name "cherry tomato" .

Judging from the comparison of experimental data, its nutritional value is indeed slightly better than tomatoes. The content of vitamin C, , vitamin E and lycopene in cherry tomatoes is slightly higher than that of tomatoes.


Tomatoes are a very healthy food and an important part of the food mix, but do not place your hopes on a certain nutrient in a certain food to solve various health problems.

The following 8 categories of people should eat less

Tomatoes are good, but for some people, eating a lot of tomatoes in a short period of time will also have obvious side effects on the human body.

The following 8 types of people should eat less:

People with tomato allergy

People with renal dysfunction

Irritable bowel syndrome patients with irritable bowel syndrome

People with gastroesophageal reflux disease/heartburn

people prone to stomach pain and abdominal pain

urine Patients with incontinence and cystitis

Migraine patients Patients with

People concerned about skin discoloration