The summer is scorching and the heat is unbearable. Tomorrow is about to get colder. As the temperature rises, the human body will dissipate heat through constant sweating. If water cannot be replenished in time, the body will lose nutrients and lead to dehydration. Therefore, in

The summer is scorching and the heat is unbearable. Tomorrow is about to get colder. As the temperature rises, the human body will dissipate heat through constant sweating. If water cannot be replenished in time, the body will lose nutrients and lead to dehydration.

Therefore, in addition to drinking more water, drinking more soup in daily diet is also the main channel to replenish nutrition and water. As the old saying goes: "When is weak, drink three soups, and the doctor will help ." So which three soups are they?

Today I will share with you three soups that are suitable for drinking in Fu. Following the old tradition, the more you eat, the healthier you will be. Let’s take a look below.

1, [ Sanxian Soup]

Entering the dog days of summer, we need to replenish water and nutrition. This Sanxian Soup is made with prawns, tofu, shiitake mushrooms, white jade mushrooms as the main ingredients. , delicious and nutritious, it can be said to be suitable for all ages. Drinking it regularly is good for your health.

1. Prepare two fresh prawns, slice them from the back, remove and shrimp lines, put them into a small basin and clean them. Cut 4 shiitake mushrooms into small pieces, a small handful of white jade mushrooms and remove the roots, and a small piece of old tofu. Cut into thin slices, beat two eggs into a small basin, mix well with chopsticks, cut two coriander stalks into sections and set aside.

2. Boil water in a pot, add a spoonful of salt and a little vegetable oil. When the water boils, add shiitake mushrooms, white jade mushrooms and tofu, cook over high heat for about two minutes, pour out the water and drain.

3. Add half a spoonful of cooking oil to another pot, pour in the egg liquid, stir-fry a few times, and after the eggs are cooked, add an appropriate amount of water.

4. After the water boils, add shiitake mushrooms, white jade mushrooms and tofu, then add shrimps , stir for a few times and start seasoning, add 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper , cook for about two minutes.

5. Add a little water starch, then pour a little sesame oil, then turn off the heat and put the pot into a soup basin. Finally, add a little coriander and wolfberry for decoration, and it is delicious.

2. [Nutritious Soup Chicken]

People often say: " A chicken in the dog days will keep your body in good health all summer." This means that drinking a bowl of chicken soup in the dog days can replenish nutrition and yang energy in the body. Drink chicken soup when the weather is hot. , can make people sweat and remove moisture from the body, which is beneficial to health and can also enhance the body's immunity.

1. Prepare two chicken legs, wash them and chop them into small pieces respectively, cut the ginger into ginger slices, cut the green onions into water chestnut slices, cut half of the carrots into hob pieces and put them together with the jujubes fungus .

2. Boil water in a pot, pour in a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, add chicken pieces after the water boils, blanch for about 2 minutes, pour out the water.

3. Add a little cooking oil to another pot, add aniseed, green onions and ginger, then pour in chicken pieces, stir-fry a few times with a spoon, add a little cooking wine, and add an appropriate amount of water.

4. Add the carrots, cover the pot, and simmer over high heat for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, open the lid, add the fungus, red dates, and ginkgo almonds, continue to simmer for 5 minutes, and then add 3 grams of salt and pepper. 2 grams of powder, 2 grams of MSG .

5. Use a spoon to push the seasoning, skim off the scum, and fish out the star anise to avoid affecting the taste. Continue to cook on high heat for 1 minute, then turn off the heat and pour into a basin. Pour in a little sesame oil, garnish with 2 cilantro, and it's delicious.

三, [ Tremella Lotus Seed Soup]

As the old saying goes: " It is better to endure hardship in summer than to take supplements." After the weather is hot, eating more lotus seeds can clear away dryness, soothe the mind and nourish the heart, which is good for health.

1. Prepare a handful of lotus seeds, soak them in water for about two hours in advance, and use a toothpick to pick out the lotus seed core to avoid affecting the taste.

2. Prepare a small piece of Tremella and put it into a large bowl. Soak it in water for 15 minutes in advance. After all the Tremella is soaked, remove the base and cut into equal pieces for later use.

3. Boil water in a pot, add lotus seeds and red dates after the water boils, change to medium to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes, add white fungus and a few grains of rock sugar, continue to simmer for 30 minutes, turn off the heat, add a few wolfberry seeds, and continue to simmer for 30 minutes Minutes, open the lid and it's ready to eat.

Okay, today’s three soups are shared here. If you have different methods and suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area. Thank you for reading. See you in the next issue.