For many middle-aged people, they should start to pay attention to physical maintenance after reaching a certain age. Once they feel unwell, they must not be negligent and go to the hospital for a check-up in time to avoid prolonged illness, which may become a serious illness or

A big belly , a receding hairline, wolfberries in a thermos cup, etc. This is almost the current situation of many middle-aged people today.

For many middle-aged people, they should start paying attention to physical maintenance after reaching a certain age. Once they feel unwell, do not be negligent and go to the hospital for a check-up in time to avoid prolonged illness, which may become a serious illness or even induce cancer.

Generally, men in this age group are older and younger. They not only bear the pressure of work, but also the pressure from family. Under so many pressures, don’t forget to pay attention to your body. After all, health is a kind of health. The performance of responsibility is also the basis of everything.

For men, especially men in their 40s, not only are their bodies under tremendous pressure, but they also face a midlife crisis, because for men, after the age of 40, there will be an outbreak period of many diseases.

Why is it said that after the age of 40 is the outbreak period of the disease?

. The incidence of cancer increases

According to relevant statistics, it is found that the incidence of malignant tumors will continue to increase with age. For people under 40 years old, the chance of suffering from malignant tumors is relatively low, but once they are over 40 years old, With the high incidence of various diseases, the incidence of cancer will also increase accordingly.

. Human organs begin to age

When people reach middle age, their physiques will also undergo changes, and the functionality of each organ will decline. Many people find that even the slightest movement will cause symptoms of back pain.

html Around the age of 145, I find that my sense of smell is not as good as before. By the age of 47 or 18, my bone and joint health is not as good as before. I am prone to pain in my front knees. By the age of about 50, my hearing will gradually decline.

The reason why these situations occur is mostly because as the human body continues to grow older, various organs in the body are also gradually aging.

. People gain weight in middle age

Some studies have found that women’s body weight gain peaks between the ages of 35 and 40, while men are most likely to gain weight between the ages of 40 and 45.

This means that when the human body is between 35 and 45 years old, the basal metabolism of and gradually decreases. Coupled with the increasing pressure from society, work and family, the quality of sleep is not as good as before, so the body will gain weight. He became what others call a middle-aged greasy man.

, Osteoporosis begins to occur at a high rate

The occurrence of osteoporosis is closely related to age. Men after the age of 50 and women after the age of 45 are the groups with a high incidence of osteoporosis.

However, the appearance of junior high school is silent, and there is no obvious discomfort in the early stage. As age increases, bone calcium and bone mass will gradually disappear. Therefore, for men after the age of 50, if they want to maintain bone health, avoid bone fractures. If you have loose bones, it is best to develop the habit of having a bone density check once a year, and also pay attention to eating more calcium-rich foods.

Doctors remind: When a person reaches the age of 40, try not to "exert yourself" from the 5 kinds of discomforts, and stay healthier.

. Weight loss for no reason.

If you do not deliberately lose weight during a certain period of time and find that your weight has dropped for no reason, and If the rate of decline is relatively fast, or even accompanied by anorexia and abnormal physical fatigue, attention should be paid to it. It is likely to be a sign that the body is suffering from some serious illness, such as cancer.

Doctors remind everyone that when cancer cells continue to grow, they will absorb nutrients from normal cells in the body, preventing the body from receiving normal energy supply and causing rapid weight loss.

. The body bleeds for no reason

If it is not because of a bump or other reasons, the body always bleeds for no reason, such as bleeding gums or a wound that cannot heal for a long time.

should be paid attention to, the other party is a hint given by the appearance of cancer.

. Prolonged cough that does not heal

is ruled out as frequent coughing due to disease. There is no obvious improvement or relief after taking medicine, and the coughing even becomes more serious. Attention should be paid to it, as it may be an early symptom of lung cancer.

. Easy fractures

It is ruled out that it is due to excessive exercise or external injury. If the bones become extremely fragile and fractures often occur, it is likely to be caused by osteoma and cancer, and a high degree of vigilance should be aroused.

. Lumps appear on the skin surface

If we find that some lumps often appear on the skin surface for a period of time, and the texture is hard, and the lumps continue to grow, it is likely to be a malignant lesion. It is best to go to the hospital for corresponding examination in time.

people are middle-aged, how to prevent cancer?

Quit smoking

It is well known that cigarettes are harmful to health, and when it comes to cancer prevention, it is never too late to quit smoking, because the induction of many cancers is related to tobacco, such as lung cancer, prostate cancer , bladder cancer , etc. The sooner you quit smoking, the better for your health.

Weight Loss

The amount of exercise should not be reduced when people reach middle age. On the contrary, not only will body hair appear, but if you are seriously overweight, it is easy to induce various chronic diseases, which may become serious illnesses over time. Therefore, if you want to take care of your health, you must first take care of yourself. Keep your weight within a reasonable range.

Exercise more

The occurrence of cancer is related to low immunity, so you should pay attention to improving your immunity, exercise more appropriately, and develop a certain pattern.

A research survey shows that people who exercise for a long time are 90% less likely to develop cancer than those who do not exercise.

Regular physical examination

Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to health and wellness, and will go for regular physical examinations every year. The purpose is to detect and treat early any discomfort in the body, so as to avoid silently turning into a serious illness.

Cancer can be screened early. The cure rate for early-stage tumors is 85%. As age increases, the risk of cancer will increase after the age of 40. Therefore, you must do a good job in cancer prevention screening, especially if you have If you have a family history or your health is not particularly good, you should develop the habit of regular physical examinations.