Jinxi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out the "Ten Ones" activity to illuminate the original intention and ambition, and work hard to open up a new situation. During the activity, medical staff measured blood pressure, blood sugar, asked for pulses, and pr

——Jinxi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carries out activities to celebrate July 1st and welcome the 20th National Congress.

is to celebrate July 1st and welcome the 20th National Congress. Jinxi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out the "Ten Ones" activity to illuminate the original intention and ambition, and work hard to open up a new situation.

1. Careful free clinics will always be touched.

On June 29, Jinxi County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital organized more than 30 medical staff to go to Puqin Nursing Home to carry out "July 1" free clinic activities. During the activity, medical staff measured blood pressure, blood sugar, asked for pulses, and prescribed prescriptions for the elderly. They patiently answered various questions for the elderly, put forward reasonable diagnosis and treatment suggestions and treatment plans based on different illnesses and individual differences, and established a system for them. We have collected health files, distributed health education materials, and provided one-on-one health guidance and two-way referral green channel services. At the same time, we have also carried out professional training on anti-fall beds and anti-fall nursing technology for nursing home nurses, making the party’s care real. Bring it to these orphans, widows and disabled elderly people.

2. Visit households and show care.

On July 1, the Jinxi County Party Committee visited Party members in difficulty Chen Huadong, Hu Zhiyong, and Zhan Guoxing as well as people in need Wu Zhenqin, Peng Huanhuan, and Xiong Lingling, and sent organizational care and condolences.

3. Follow the footsteps and inherit the genes.

On July 3, the Party Committee of Jinxi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine organized party members and cadres to come to the former site of the Fujian and Jiangxi Provincial Committee and the Fujian and Jiangxi Provincial Revolutionary Committee in Hufang Township, Lichuan to carry out "Welcome the 20th National Congress, follow the Party with one heart, pursue the red footprints, and inherit the revolution" "Spirit" activities further encourage party members and cadres to inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition and keep in mind the original mission. Everyone visited and studied at the Fujian-Jiangxi Province Soviet Government Memorial Hall and the Fujian-Jiangxi Province Military Region Headquarters. Everyone looked carefully at every place they went. In the commentator's emotional narration, the red revolutionary spirit deeply infected and inspired every party member and cadre present. Everyone expressed that they should learn from the revolutionary ancestors, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and transform the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties, dangers, and heroic sacrifice into fulfilling their duties, working hard, being hard-working, forging ahead, and accelerating the high-quality development of the hospital. Practical actions are taken to continuously improve the hospital's technical level and service capabilities, in order to better serve the people, and to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

4. Revisit the oath and strengthen our original aspirations.

At the former site of the Fujian-Jiangxi Provincial Committee and the Fujian-Jiangxi Provincial Revolutionary Committee in Hufang Township, Lichuan, all personnel lined up in order to face the bright red party flag, reviewed the oath of joining the Party, and strengthened the original mission of joining the Party. This review of the oath of joining the Party further reminds every party member to always keep in mind their original intention of joining the Party, consciously abide by the Party's charter, practice the oath of joining the Party throughout their lives, and strive for communism throughout their lives.

5. Send medals and convey warmth.

On July 5, Xu Qingxia, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinxi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qiu Jiulian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Peng Jihao, Secretary of the retired branch, and others came to the home of Li Xiangsheng, an old party member, and asked him in detail about his family life, physical condition, children's work, etc., and said cordially expressed condolences and sent condolence money. Party Secretary Xu Qingxia personally wore a commemorative medal of "50 Years of Glory in the Party" for him, thanking him for his great contribution to the party, thanking him for his hard work and contribution to the development and construction of the hospital, and hoping that he would be well take care. At the same time, the hospital is encouraged to shoulder its mission bravely, forge ahead, build the hospital with a more high-spirited attitude of struggle and full enthusiasm for work, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress with excellent results.

6. Create a model and strive for the first

In order to further promote the "Eight Yangs and Eight Governances" and deepen the style construction activities. On June 30, the Jinxi County Health System’s “Model Party Branch” creation evaluation and reporting meeting was held in the conference room on the sixth floor of the Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Service Center. He Wenbiao, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the County Health Commission, attended the meeting to listen to the report and made a comment speech. Other members of the county health committee’s party group serve as judges to score the reports of each branch.

In the afternoon, 23 party branch representatives from the county health commission system gave a presentation report on the creation of the "Model Party Branch". They used full enthusiasm, vivid language and vivid examples to vividly demonstrate the experience, practices and achievements of the "Model Party Branch" evaluation. The participating judges will score the branches that presented their reports in turn. The First Party Branch of Jinxi County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the first place with a score of 97.98.

7. The secretary lectures and unites people's hearts.

On July 3, the secretaries of each party branch closely followed the theme of "Forging ahead on a new journey, striving for the future" or determined the theme based on their own actual conditions, and gave a themed party class to the party members of the branch to encourage the majority of party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, forge ahead, and work together. Continuously push forward the work of the hospital.

8. Watch the movie and witness the greatness. On the evening of July 4, the Party Committee of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine organized all party members and cadres in the hospital to watch the red movie "The Great Cause of Party Building" to relive the story of the Communist Party of China experiencing setbacks and sufferings in the revolutionary historical process, and finally achieving revolutionary victory and establishing a new political power.

9. In one sentence, praise the party’s kindness. In order to enthusiastically eulogize the party's glorious achievements, on July 1, the Party Committee of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine organized all party members of the hospital to make a video praising the party and sending sincere blessings, and forwarded it to various circles of friends. Everyone said that they should listen to the party's words. I am grateful to the Party and follow the Party. This party member's "Preaching the Party's Blessings" activity has far-reaching influence.

10. Set up models and commend advanced ones.

In order to further promote the "Eight Yangs and Eight Governances" and deepen the work style construction activities, carry forward the great anti-epidemic spirit, inherit and develop the party's fine traditions and style, give full play to the demonstration and leading role of advanced models, and further gather the efforts of all the staff of the hospital, 7 On March 1, the Party Committee of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine held a "July 1" commendation meeting and a report meeting on advanced anti-epidemic deeds. The Party Committee pays tribute to all the most beautiful retrogressors who are fighting on the front line of the epidemic, and hopes that everyone will follow their example and work hard to jointly promote the high-quality development of the hospital and make greater contributions to the modernization of the hospital.

Jinxi County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital held the Ten Ones event to further stimulate the vitality of the party organization, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, protect the health of the people, truly do practical things and solve problems for the people, and serve the "Twentieth National Congress" with excellent results "Gift.