When it comes to menopause, many women will frown and don’t want to hear this word. They always feel that it is “targeted”. However, whether everyone admits it or not, menopause will come as promised. When female friends feel pain all over their body, sweating even after walking

Speaking of menopause , many women will frown and don’t want to hear this word. They always feel that it is “targeted”. However, whether everyone admits it or not, menopause will come as promised. When female friends feel pain all over their body, sweating after walking even a little bit, joint pain and cramps when doing housework, these symptoms are actually hints that you are going through menopause.

Is menopause hard to cope with? If you are also at this stage, please read on.

The patient said “all over my body hurts”, where is the pain?

If there is a specific focus of pain, it must have a clear location, but most patients cannot tell where they are hurting. Like a fish, it will move everywhere. Sometimes it hurts here and there, sometimes after a few days. It doesn't hurt anymore, but once I get tired or sick, my muscles all over my body start to ache again, and I feel uncomfortable even taking medicine.

Let’s take a look at a few cases:

8-year-old Ms. Wang was laid off from her department due to company department adjustments. Now she can only stay at home. At first, she thought her life was quite leisurely, but as time went by, she realized I felt very uncomfortable all over and couldn't sleep at night. Finally, I went to the hospital for a check-up. It turned out that I had fibromyalgia syndrome.

52-year-old Sister Zhao has retired for two years. Ever since she came back from a trip, she felt that no part of her neck was comfortable from her neck to her waist. She thought she was tired from traveling, but she didn't feel better after resting for a long time. Acupuncture and massage also showed no improvement. I checked my hormone levels and everything was normal. Finally, I saw a psychiatrist and found out that I had depression and a physical disorder .

56-year-old Sister Li lives at her son’s house to help them take care of their children. She is usually in good health, but she always feels pain in her back and wrists when she goes to bed at night. However, she gets better after exercising for a while during the day. Later, she went to the orthopedics department to consult a doctor. , I realized that I was overexerted and had a herniated disc..

Have you noticed that these women all have similar symptoms (uncomfortable body, sore back and back), but their causes are different. In addition to the above, there may also be muscle and ligament injuries, tumor bone metastasis, bone Poor quality , drug side effects and so on.

Therefore, when you feel uncomfortable, you should find the cause in time, which may not only be related to menopause. Some people may also say that I checked many items and found no problems, and the doctor is so useless.

A special note should be made here. It may be that the conditions of the medical institution chosen by the patient are limited , such as community hospital and tertiary A hospital . The departments and equipment are definitely different. You can go to the tertiary A hospital for a more detailed examination. Doctor Their professionalism and experience will also be higher.

In addition, it may also be related to the patient's description, because pain and discomfort may be caused by many reasons. If the patient's description is ambiguous and cannot specifically point out the location, or the disease symptoms are atypical, the diagnosis may be missed or misdiagnosed. , we must not just look at where it hurts, we must also consider other possibilities.

So, what are the common diseases that can cause "pain all over the body" during menopause?


This problem is usually faced after menopause. It is mainly related to declining hormone levels and historical disease outbreaks. When a woman goes to see a doctor because of pain, it usually means that the bone density is already very low. In addition to pain, if you find yourself shorter or hunchbacked, you should undergo a dual-energy X-ray examination to determine whether there is osteoporosis.

Frozen shoulder

The shoulder joint is easily affected. It may not be serious when you are young, but it becomes more obvious as time progresses to menopause. Coupled with high blood pressure , thyroid and other high-risk factors, female friends will suffer from general malaise. Comfortable situation. When inflammation occurs in the joints, one obvious change is that the movement of the joints is limited, as if they are stuck with glue, and they cannot be separated by force, and they are very painful.

Cervical Spondylosis

The cervical spine to the lumbar spine are also easily affected parts. During long-term activities, the cervical spine becomes curved, narrowed, and even has bone spurs, so every time you twist or lift, you will become stiff and stiff. The pain , especially after waking up, feels like being frozen, and it will only get better after moving for a while.

Mild symptoms will gradually improve through rest and rehabilitation training, while severe symptoms may require hormone supplements, oral medications, or even surgery. In fact, in addition to the physical body, there is another point that many women ignore, and that is psychological factors.

As the saying goes, "Don't kiss three when you are forty, and don't kiss three when you are fifty." What does it mean?

Menopausal women have pain all over their bodies. In addition to being related to diseases, they are sometimes also affected by emotions. They always have something on their mind, so they can't sleep at night, or even worry about eating. Over time, some minor problems will break out.

Women in their forties and fifties don’t care about three things: consumption, achievements, and children. When a person reaches middle age and has gone through most of his life, he should look away from material aspects and stop comparing. How many expensive clothes and bags, houses and cars others buy has nothing to do with you. Just live your own life.

Be content with what you have and find happiness in your own life, then your life will be comfortable. Don't compare your children with others. The education methods are different, the energy invested is different, and the children's development is also different. It is better to save your time and let the children struggle on their own.

Women in their forties or fifties do not care for three things: tobacco and alcohol, villains, and fame and fortune. People in middle age should pay attention to health care. Smoking and alcohol are very harmful, so they should stay away as much as possible. At the same time, you must know how to know and use people, and stay away from villains who tend to follow the crowd. Be indifferent to fame and fortune, be willing to contribute, and find self-worth in life. In this way, you will be healthier physically and mentally.

Generally speaking, middle-aged women's body aches are related to diseases and psychological factors. They should find out the reasons, solve problems in time, communicate with family and friends if they have problems, and do not delay treatment. At the same time, don’t worry too much, menopause will pass soon, just treat it with a normal mind.


[1] A woman over fifty has pain all over her body, why? · Health Times client.2022-01-11

[2] A 48-year-old woman has pain all over her body and is 2cm shorter! Three colleagues also Recruited! A doctor sees more than 20 cases every month·Shangguan News.2021-10-23

[3] Menopause Care Day|Illustration: Menopause is here, how to spend it with peace of mind?·Healthy China.2016-10-19