According to traditional Chinese medicine, moisture is the source of all diseases and the most powerful of the six evils: wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire. Moisture not only invades the human body without people realizing it, but also combines with other five evils t

Every summer, the health topic that everyone is most concerned about is "how to remove moisture ". According to traditional Chinese medicine, moisture is the source of all diseases and the most powerful of the six evils: wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire.

Moisture will not only invade the human body when people are not aware of it, but it will also combine with other five evils to cause trouble and turn the body into a hotbed of disease.

Today I would like to share with you a famous prescription that focuses on strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness - Shenling Atractylodes Powder . Common patent medicines in pharmacies include Shenling Atractylodes Pills, Shenling Atractylodes Powder, Shenling Atractylodes Granules, and Shenling Atractylodes Tablets. etc.

Shenling Atractylodes Powder

Shenling Atractylodes Powder comes from " Taiping Huimin Heji Bureau Prescription ", which is the number one prescription for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness.

Drug composition: Sijunzi decoction (ginseng, Atractylodes, Poria , licorice ), add yam, lotus seeds, white lentil, coix seed, Amomum villosum, Platycodon grandiflorum. The main functions of

: strengthens the spleen and replenishes qi, and relieves stomach dampness.

Indications: Weak spleen and stomach, eating less loose stools, vomiting or diarrhea, chest and epigastrium distention, weakness in limbs, weight loss, sallow complexion, white tongue coating, light red texture, thin and slow pulse or weak and slow pulse.

This prescription is one of the representative prescriptions for cultivating soil and producing metal.

Shenling Atractylodes Powder uses three steps to strengthen the spleen, remove dampness, and harmonize the stomach to strengthen the spleen and stomach, increase the clear qi, decrease the turbid qi, and humidify the excess water, fundamentally solving the moisture problem.

jun 1: Ginseng

is sweet and slightly warm, has strong medicinal power and is good at nourishing the spleen and lungs.

jun 2: Atractylodes

is sweet, tonic, bitter and warm. It not only nourishes qi and strengthens the spleen, but also dries dampness and stops diarrhea.

jun 3: Poria cocos

is sweet, light, and flat. It not only exudes water and reduces dampness, but also strengthens the spleen and aids transportation.

Chen 1: Chinese yam

is sweet and tonic, astringent and flat. It is good at nourishing Qi and nourishing yin, and also absorbs astringency.

Chen 2: Lotus seeds

are sweet and flat. They not only nourish the spleen and stomach, benefit the heart and kidneys, but also astringent the intestines and stop diarrhea.

Chen 3: White lentils

are sweet and slightly warm, and can nourish the spleen, resolve dampness and neutralize the disease.

Chen 4: Coix kernel

is sweet, slightly cold, and can strengthen the spleen, promote dampness and stop diarrhea.

Assistant 1: Amomum villosum

is pungent, warm and fragrant, can dissolve dampness and promote qi, warm the body and stimulate the appetite.

Assistant 2: Platycodon

is pungent, bitter and neutral in nature. It can clear the lungs, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. It can also increase lung qi and carry medicine upward.

Make: Licorice

is sweet and tonic and has a calming nature. It not only replenishes qi and harmonizes the central nervous system, moistens the lungs and relieves cough, but also harmonizes various medicines.

Comprehensive formula: Ginseng, Atractylodes, Poria, licorice, yam, lotus seeds to strengthen the spleen, with coix seed, white lentils to remove dampness, amomum villosum, platycodon and stomach. Tonifying deficiency, it also has the effect of expelling, astringent and astringent, and has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach and replenishing lung qi.


Shenling Atractylodes Powder can be widely used for internal, gynecological, pediatric and other diseases with syndrome differentiation of spleen and lung qi deficiency and excessive water-dampness, and has achieved remarkable results.

1. Indigestion, you will have diarrhea when you eat.

The stomach is responsible for reception, and the spleen is responsible for transportation and transformation. This is mostly due to spleen deficiency , strong stomach and weak spleen, poor transportation and transformation, and you will have diarrhea after eating. Shenling Baizhu Powder can be used.

2. Chronic diarrhea

The stool is relatively loose and always shapeless, which is also due to spleen deficiency. This prescription can also be used.

3. Loss of appetite

is suitable for poor appetite caused by moisture trapping the spleen, especially in summer. If it is caused by evidence, such as eating too much and getting tired of eating and having a bad appetite, use Baohe Pills .

4. Weakness in the limbs

The spleen controls the muscles of the limbs. People with spleen deficiency always feel weak in the limbs, so this can be used.

5. Drooling while sleeping at night

Drooling at night while sleeping is also caused by spleen deficiency. If the drooling is clearing the saliva, Shenling Baizhu Powder is suitable.

6. Chronic edema

is suitable for systemic chronic edema. All kinds of dampness and swelling belong to the spleen. Strengthening the spleen and removing dampness is the key point.

7. Chronic eczema

is suitable for the kind of eczema that recurs, with clear water eczema . This kind of chronic eczema is generally caused by spleen deficiency and heavy dampness.

8. Gastrointestinal ulcers

The spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry. To repair ulcers and wounds, you must strengthen the spleen and stomach.

9. Lose weight and gain weight

People who are too thin or too fat may have spleen deficiency. Shenling Baizhu Powder can regulate it in both directions.

10. Acne

Acne caused by spleen deficiency is available.

11. Chronic liver diseases

For example, hepatitis, fatty liver, alcoholic liver, liver cirrhosis, etc. Long-term illness will lead to deficiency, and to replenish deficiency, one must strengthen the spleen, and the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing has long said, "See the liver The disease will definitely spread to the spleen, so the spleen should be strengthened first. "

12. Rhinitis , Sinusitis

It can be used for rhinitis and sinusitis caused by spleen deficiency and dampness trapping the spleen.

In addition, for women with leucorrhea, COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, irritable bowel syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, and other diseases that are due to spleen deficiency and dampness, Shenling Baizhu Powder can also be used. Adjuvant treatment.


Although this medicine has mild properties, it is a strong tonic but mild in nature. It should not be taken by those with severe spleen and stomach deficiency.

People with the following symptoms should not take Shenling Atractylodes Powder:

1. Damp-heat intrinsic : manifested as heavy limbs, low body heat , loose stools, thirst, less drinking, anorexia, edema, and phlegm-fire cough By.

2. Diarrhea combined with difficulty in defecation and a sinking feeling in the anus.

3. People with constipation due to excessive heat.

4. High blood pressure and those with cold and fever syndrome.

5. Those with Yin deficiency syndrome . It manifests as weight loss, dizziness, tinnitus , red cheekbones, irritability, lack of sleep, night sweats, etc.

6. People with excess heat syndrome are characterized by fever, aversion to heat, irritability, thirst and preference for cold drinks, excessive sweating, dry stools or constipation, short yellow urine, red complexion, red or crimson tongue, yellow or black gray dry tongue coating, Pulse rate, strength, etc.

7. Diarrhea accompanied by abdominal heat, distension and pain.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Planner: Jiang Zhongxiao

Author: Zhuangzhuang

Editor: Yu Yue