Blood vessels are like common water pipes. Water pipes are used to transport and store water. However, blood vessels can provide nutrients to the body and transport fresh blood and oxygen. Although blood vessels are not conspicuous in the body, they are indeed an indispensable an

Blood vessels are like common water pipes. Water pipes are used to transport and store water. However, blood vessels can provide nutrients to the body and transport fresh blood oxygen .

Although blood vessels are not conspicuous in the body, they are indeed an indispensable and important component of body tissue. Blood vessels can be connected from the heart, and the major organs of the body and cell tissue form a complicated and intertwined channel.

Only when the blood vessels remain smooth, the blood will carry a large amount of oxygen ions and nutrients and transport them to other internal organs to maintain the body's vitality and physiological activities.

However, blood vessels will also have some blockage problems in daily life. This is equivalent to an acute injury to the body. If you want to break through the obstacles in front of you, you have no way to do it. You can only be trapped in a certain place, causing other organs to Ischemia and hypoxia reduce active function.

In this case, vascular disease will also follow. There is a certain correlation between blocked blood vessels and poor diet. If you want to maintain the health of blood vessels, you should first control your diet.

Some people say that if you want to maintain blood vessel health, you should control your intake of nuts. As a common snack in daily life, why should you control nuts?

Nuts have rich taste and high nutritional value. Eating them appropriately can supplement the body with trace elements, mineral elements, unsaturated fatty acids , vitamins and other nutrients. To a certain extent, it can improve blood vessel elasticity and prevent Arteriosclerosis .

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, appropriate supplementation, especially within 25 to 30 grams a day, will help to maintain the original elasticity of blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and improve metabolic capacity.

But here I would like to remind everyone that not all results can be eaten. There is one result. Eating too much will not only lead to body obesity, but even damage blood vessel permeability. You should remind your parents to eat less.


Is this kind of nut secretly "blocking" blood vessels? Suggestion: Remind family members to eat as little as possible

Aunt Zhang is 48 years old and works as a pastry chef in a kindergarten. She is responsible for making some desserts for children every day. During the physical examination in the kindergarten last year, Aunt Zhang was found to have hyperlipidemia. , the doctor advised him to keep a light diet in his daily life, and never eat too much high cholesterol high greasy food.

After listening to the doctor’s words, Aunt Zhang gave up her favorite peanuts and melon seeds, but she couldn’t keep her mouth shut, so she liked to eat some hard food, and she fell in love with a very bland snack, which did not cause internal heat. That is - almond .

And keep a light diet in daily life. Kindergarten children eat lighter meals. They usually cook at home with less oil, salt and sugar, but after getting up every morning, they chew a few almonds first.

Aunt Zhang felt dizzy and weak after getting up two days ago. She originally wanted to get dressed and make breakfast, but her eyes turned black and she fainted. Aunt Zhang's husband was so anxious when he saw this phenomenon that he quickly called the emergency number.

After arriving at the hospital, Aunt Zhang found that her blood vessels were slightly blocked after a doctor's visit. The phenomenon had reached the level of cerebral infarction . Zhang Anyi, 48 years old, actually suffered from cerebral infarction this year, which really made people feel panicked.

At the same time, it is incredible that hyperlipidemia has been controlled, and I rarely eat greasy and fried food in my daily life. Why do I suffer from cerebral infarction?

Experts pointed out: This is closely related to the snacks she usually eats, because Aunt Zhang usually eats too many almonds. As a kind of nut, almonds can improve human immunity and can also bring brain-tonifying effects.

However, don’t ignore the fatty substances present in almonds. Eating too much will cause and blood lipids and in the body to continuously increase, and even cause blood vessel blockage.

It is undeniable that almonds are rich in nutritional value and can supplement the trace elements and mineral elements needed by the human body, which is beneficial to human health. However, regular consumption can harm the health of blood vessels.

According to research, almonds are rich in fat. About 100 grams of almonds contain more than 60 grams of fat. If you are obsessed with the aroma of almonds, eating nuts frequently will cause fat in the body. rise rapidly.

However, the fat substances in the blood will gradually increase, the blood circulation speed will become slower, the lipids and impurity substances will condense into clumps, forming yellow lipid plaques on the blood vessels. If they fall off, the blood vessels will appear some Acute blockage affects blood and oxygen transportation and harms health.


Warm reminder: If your blood vessels are clogged, your body may send you these two signals:

1, cold hands and feet

In the cold autumn and winter, if you often do outdoor activities, your hands and feet will become cold, so you need to keep them warm or wear a patch of clothing. A warm baby can provide relief.

If you often feel cold hands and feet in the hot summer, and there are no other measures to keep warm, it may be caused by blood vessel blockage.

When blood vessels are unobstructed, blood will also carry some oxygen ions and other nutrients. When it continuously transports oxygen in the body and encounters sugar, it will release some heat energy to warm your body.

However, after the blood vessels are blocked, there will be some obstacles in blood transportation and the blood will be trapped in a certain part of the body. Sugar and oxygen are separated and unable to release energy for the body, and the coldness of the hands and feet will gradually become apparent.

2. Numbness of hands and feet

If a person is squatting or in a compressed position for a long time, the blood vessels of the hands and feet cannot be transported by fresh oxygen, and numbness and swelling will occur. This phenomenon will gradually disappear after getting up and moving for about 5 to 10 minutes. .

If the numbness in your hands and feet does not get relieved after exercise, or even affects your daily life, you need to be more vigilant. It may be caused by blood vessel blockage. After the blood vessel is blocked, the blood circulation speed will gradually slow down.

When there are obstacles in the transportation of blood oxygen to other organs of the body, the hands and feet want to obtain other oxygen and blood are not supplied, which will cause the muscles and nerves in the hands and feet to gradually become necrotic, and even paralysis may occur.


Reading extension: In order to maintain the health of blood vessels, you should develop good living habits

1 and keep exercising

As we all know, life lies in exercise. Regular participation in exercise can enhance immunity and resistance, and maintain the health of blood vessels. It is recommended that everyone take half a day Participate in some physical exercise from hour to hour to enhance blood circulation and gradually discharge harmful substances from the body.

The pressure on blood vessels will also gradually decrease, which can help protect blood vessels by burning fat and sugar in the body and reducing blood sugar and blood lipid concentrations.

However, I would like to remind everyone here not to exercise strenuously. Choose an exercise method that suits you, such as running, jogging, cycling, skipping , swimming, Tai Chi, etc.

2, drink more water

Water is the source of life, and all physiological activities are inseparable from the support of water. It is precisely because of water that life can continue. If you can insist on replenishing 2000 ml of water every day, your metabolism will also be improved.

accelerates the elimination of excess metabolites from the body, reduces waste toxins, and deposits lipids on the inner walls of blood vessels. Minimize the risk of blood vessel blockage.
