Fish is known as the healthiest fish. Especially for people who want to lose weight and maintain health, they will adjust their own nutrition by eating fish. Not only that, fish also has a very good meaning, such as having more than enough every year, so whether it is a large Fis

Fish is known as the healthiest fish. Especially for people who want to lose weight and maintain health, they will adjust their own nutrition by eating fish. Not only that, fish also has a good meaning, such as having more than enough every year, so whether it is a large Whether it is a banquet or an important occasion, fish can be seen.

What are the health benefits of eating fish?

First: The fat content is low, and it is mostly unsaturated fatty acids

The fat content of fish meat is generally relatively low, most of which are only 1%-4%. For example, cuttlefish only contains 0.7%, and bighead carp (fat-headed fish) only contains 0.7%. Contains 0.9%, carp contains 5%, silver carp contains 4.3%, mackerel contains 4%, yellow croaker contains 0.8%, crucian carp contains 1.1%, hairtail contains 3.8%, the fat of fish meat is mostly composed of unsaturated Composition of fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids have longer carbon chains and have the effect of lowering cholesterol.

Second: Eating fish will make you smart

The DHA contained in fish is mainly found in the retina and nerves in the human body. DHA can maintain the normal function of the retina. Babies need this nutrient very much to promote the healthy development of vision.

DHA is also of great help to human brain development and intelligence development. It is also an indispensable nutrient for the growth of nervous system .

Third: Reduce cholesterol

Fish are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can combine with cholesterol in the human body and take cholesterol out of the body through the body's metabolism, so it reduces cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases to a certain extent probability of occurrence.

Fourth: Promote longevity

According to numerous data, people in many longevity areas in the world often eat fish, such as Japan.

In daily life, people only see the benefits and advantages of eating fish, but ignore the taboos of eating fish. If you eat it incorrectly, it will harm your health.

Doctor’s Tip: Eat as little of these “4 kinds of fish” as possible, or they may contain formaldehyde and heavy metals

The first type of fish: fish with strong taste

There are various types of fish, and the fish will have a fishy smell, and long-term growth It has a lot to do with the sea water. When buying fish, everyone must be optimistic about the price of fish. In order to earn their own interests, some merchants cannot guarantee the quality of fish. If you smell some fish when buying fish, Due to the pungent smell, this kind of fish should be avoided in time.

The second type of fish: long-term dead fish

Fish vendors will recommend to you fish that have been dead for a long time, especially fish that have been dead for more than three hours, which are not suitable for human consumption because these fish have been dead for a long time. Due to excessive storage, the internal structure deteriorates, all nutrients are lost, and a large amount of heavy metals and formaldehyde residues cannot be excreted from the body.

But from a consumer perspective, it is difficult to know how long these dead fish have been dead, whether they may contain heavy metals or parasites, and the cause of death of the fish is also unclear.

Therefore, it is best not to buy dead fish. Even if others bring it to you, you cannot eat it. When eating fish, you should try to eat fresh fish.

The third type of fish: deformed fish

People who often visit the fish market may be familiar with it. This type of fish looks very strange and has certain deformities in size. The fish at this price is very cheap, so it is very popular. Loved by many customers.

Due to serious pollution, and some fish eating a large amount of hormone feed during the breeding process, the fish may be affected and deformed by various chemical substances during the growth process.

This kind of fish may cause genetic mutation due to the action of chemical carcinogens. Many fish contain tumors. If you eat this kind of fish, it will not only affect your health, but also increase the risk of disease.

The fourth type of fish: eel

Eel is a very special fish with a very smooth surface. Although eels and loaches have the same appearance, eels have relatively high nutritional value, so they are loved by most friends. It is quite troublesome to handle eels, because the living environment of eels is relatively ordinary. Eels are always in mud and can easily carry parasites and heavy metals in their bodies. Eating eels often increases the risk of physical illness, which is not only detrimental to health. Good health may even increase the risk of physical illness.

Precautions when eating fish

① Fish should not be over-fried

Fried fish may increase the mercury content of the fish. If the fish is over-fried, or eaten with high-fat and high-calorie sauces, it will become a dish. Unhealthy meals.

② Be careful when detoxifying fish gallbladder

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that fish gallbladder has the effects of clearing away heat, detoxifying, improving eyesight and relieving cough, so even though fish gallbladder tastes bitter, many people are eager to try it.

However, fish bile contains highly toxic toxins, such as sodium carpyl alcohol sulfate, etc. These toxins are heat-resistant and will not be destroyed by alcohol. Therefore, whether the fish bile is cooked, swallowed raw, or taken with wine , poisoning may occur.

③ Do not eat on an empty stomach

Because fish has a very low fat content, many weight loss and fitness people will choose fish as their main food, but fish cannot be eaten on an empty stomach. Fish is rich in purine . If eaten in large amounts on an empty stomach, it will cause metabolism Disorders leading to an increase in blood uric acid, and diseases that cause tissue damage, can induce the risk of gout .