Hot summer is the peak season for "body fires". There are two fires inside and outside, which are really uncomfortable. The "fire" outside the body can be reduced by air conditioning, but the fire inside the body is more troublesome. Even after taking fire-reducing medicine, the

The hot summer is the peak season for "body fires". There are two fires inside and outside, which are really uncomfortable. The "fire" outside the body can be reduced by air conditioning, but the fire inside the body is more troublesome. Even after taking fire-reducing medicine, the fire condition not only did not improve, but worsened. Why is this?

To reduce the fire, first identify the "fire situation". In fact, Chinese medicine talks about "heat", which mainly includes five fires: heart fire, liver fire , stomach fire , lung fire , kidney fire . Therefore, if you want to "put out" the fire in the body, you cannot blindly reduce the fire. You should first identify what "fire" it is before you can reduce the fire in a targeted manner.

Fire in the heart and insomnia

People with strong fire in the heart usually feel upset and the tip of their tongues flush. The tongue is the root of the heart. In severe cases, symptoms such as oral ulcers, dry mouth, yellow urine, and constipation may occur. There are also quite a few people who manifest themselves as having a guilty conscience and being angry . It is usually caused by blood deficiency or yin deficiency . If the heart yin is insufficient, the yang qi cannot be restricted, and the deficiency of heat will turn into fire, which will show the symptoms of low-grade fever, insomnia, dreaminess, and night sweats. We adopt the principle that for real fire should be cleared, and for weak fire should be supplemented. Those with excessive fire in the heart can drink Lotus Heart as tea; those with weak fire in the heart can take the Chinese patent medicine 天王Buxindan.

Fire in the liver is irritable

People with liver fire are emotionally irritable and irritable. I often get angry over trivial things and my face turns red, my chest feels tight and I feel dizzy. Because the liver fire in the body is relatively strong and the human body is seriously lacking in water nourishment, symptoms such as dry mouth, gum swelling and pain, and constipation will occur. In severe cases, it can also lead to loss of appetite and poor sleep quality. We can refer to a long Danxiegan Pills . This type of medicine is bitter and cold in nature. Taking it for a long time can easily damage the spleen and stomach. Therefore, people with weak spleen and stomach should not take it for a long time.

Fire in the stomach and bad breath

When summer comes, beer, barbecue, crayfish and all kinds of delicacies come one after another. It is simply a paradise for foodies. However, eating too much of these spicy foods can easily affect the transportation and transformation function of the spleen, and the remaining in the stomach Things will turn into heat and fire. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is called "spleen and stomach are not in harmony", especially for people with a heat constitution, which simply adds fuel to the fire, dry mouth, bitter taste, bad breath, swollen and painful gums, epigastric burning, abdominal pain and constipation Symptoms will naturally appear. For this situation, first of all, you should eat less spicy food, drink more water, and get enough sleep; in addition, you can also take some Coptidis supernatant tablets to help clear away heat and purge fire.

Fire coughing in the lungs

Strong lung fire will cause changes in respiratory secretions, increased and sticky nasal mucus, cough and expectoration, and yellow and fishy phlegm ; redness, swelling, heat and pain in the throat will also occur due to If the body fluid is burned by fire, the patient will have a dry mouth and want to drink, but the thirst will still be difficult to relieve after drinking water. At the same time, the lung meridian is located in the upper burner, and strong lung fire will also cause chest pain, irritability, etc. We can refer to the dietary therapy , using Sydney pear and boiled water with rock sugar , which can effectively assist in the treatment of dryness and heat of the lungs, and nourishes yin and moisturizes the lungs . The effect of clearing away heat and moisturizing dryness can also relieve throat discomfort and other symptoms caused by lung heat cough .

Fire in the kidneys causes dizziness

Kidney fire mainly refers to the fire of kidney deficiency, which is mainly manifested as insufficient kidney yin, producing internal heat, and internal heat transforms into fire.Symptoms such as dizziness, insomnia and night sweats, five upsets and fever, palpitations , soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, loose teeth can occur. You can usually use wolfberry to make tea , and you can also take Chinese patent medicine Liuwei Dihuang Pills. .

If there is fire in the body, you must first identify where the fire is. Only by applying medicine to the internal organs can you get twice the result with half the effort. The above is today's content. Have you learned it?