Feces is a product of human body metabolism. Defecation is to remove waste and toxins from the body. Only by defecating normally every day can various organs and tissues in the body function normally. When it comes to defecation, some people may feel embarrassed and think it is a

Defecation is a product of human body metabolism. Defecation is to remove waste and toxins from the body. Only by defecating normally every day can various organs and tissues in the body function normally.

When it comes to defecation, some people may feel embarrassed and think it is a relatively private matter, but defecation is a normal physiological phenomenon of the human body that everyone will experience, and it can also reflect the health status of the human body from the side.

Some people have a very smooth defecation process, while others may experience constipation. Others may have a hard and dry stool at the front and a soft and sticky back. So what exactly is going on? Next let’s find out together.

During defecation, "the front part is dry and hard, and the back part is soft and sticky". What does it mean? The director of the Department of Gastroenterology gave the answer

Intestinal organic disease

If there is a mass in the intestinal cavity, the movement of stool may be blocked there, and the stool will stay in the intestinal cavity for a longer time, which may cause the stool to be dry at the front and behind. Can be relatively soft.

There is a lot of moisture in the body

If there is a lot of moisture in the patient's body, the stool will become hard in the front and soft in the back, because too much water will cause the patient's intestines to lack a lot of body fluids, resulting in very dry stool in the front, and then the stool will be affected by the patient's body Effect of moisture.

When humidity is severe, it will produce moisture in the patient's body, which will invade the patient's stool, causing the stool to become very soft and sticky.

Drinking too little water

Drinking too little water is one of the most likely causes of constipation. Because drinking too little water causes insufficient water in the intestines, intestinal peristalsis slows down, and feces stays in the intestines for a long time. After the water is absorbed, the feces becomes dry and hard. , which also causes the phenomenon of hardness in the front and softness in the back.

often hold in stool

As we all know, stool is finally formed in the large intestine, The large intestine has the effect of repeated water absorption. If the stool stays in the intestine for a relatively long time, some of the water may be absorbed, which is normal. In this case, the stool will gradually take shape.

However, if there is a mutation, not expelling it in time will cause the stool to stay in the intestine for too long, and the water will be fully absorbed, resulting in a dry and hard situation. The newly formed stool will be relatively moist, so it will be relatively dry. Soft and sticky.

When the body is angry

When the body is angry, the water in the body will be lost faster, and the stool will be very dry and hard. The water in the newly formed stool has not been absorbed, so it is relatively soft, so there will be pre-defecation. The phenomenon of hard and then soft.

How to alleviate abnormal bowel movements?

1. Develop the habit of regular defecation: For example, if you have a bowel movement in the morning, avoid defecation while playing with your mobile phone and reading newspapers. In addition, don’t hold it in when you feel the urge to defecate. Holding it in for a long time will cause functional constipation.

2. Keep in a good mood: If you worry too much, it will lead to poor Qi movement. Qi stagnation will also lead to abnormal gastrointestinal circulation, difficulty in passing stool, and constipation.

3. Massage: People who are often constipated can use their fingers to massage their abdomen after meals, 3 times a day, for about 5 minutes each time. It not only promotes gastrointestinal peristalsis, but also effectively relieves constipation. The situation

4. Increase exercise: Less exercise, sitting for a long time, lying in bed, etc. will reduce intestinal peristalsis, leading to constipation. Therefore, increasing exercise and strengthening physical exercise can enhance intestinal peristalsis and facilitate defecation.

5. A glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning: After getting up in the morning, drinking a large glass of water on an empty stomach can effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and effectively help defecation. You can also choose to add an appropriate amount of salt or honey to the water to help drain the stool more effectively.

These types of foods help clean the intestines. People with abnormal bowel movements may wish to try


Cabbage is a vegetable known for its high fiber content. Eating more can stimulate the intestines and eliminate constipation. In addition, cabbage also contains Rich in vitamin C, , vitamin E, vitamin K, etc. Eating more can also promote food digestion and have the effect of cleaning the intestines to a certain extent.


Broccoli contains very comprehensive and high-content nutrients. It is not only a well-known anti-cancer and anti-cancer product, but also broccoli is a high-fiber vegetable. We all know that broccoli contains fiber. A relatively large amount can promote constipation and has certain benefits in improving constipation.

Black fungus

Black fungus is a very good food for detoxifying the intestines. Black fungus is a good food for health preservation. For people with long-term constipation, they should eat more black fungus. Black fungus can effectively detoxify the intestines. Poison can help relieve the symptoms of constipation.

For people who have difficulty defecating, eating a meal of black fungus can effectively promote defecation, help clean the intestines, and remove toxins from the body.


Apples are rich in water-soluble dietary fiber - pectin. Pectin can protect the intestinal wall, activate useful bacteria in the intestines, and adjust gastrointestinal function, so it can effectively clean the intestines and prevent constipation.

At the same time, the fiber in apples can make stools softer and easier to excrete. In addition, the organic acids in apples can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and help defecation.