There is a lot of rain and humidity in summer, which is a "difficult" season for middle-aged and elderly people. If you are not careful, you will get sick. Because your immunity is weak, many people also suffer from certain chronic diseases of the elderly, especially in this seas

There is a lot of rain and humidity in summer, which is a "difficult" season for middle-aged and elderly people. If you are not careful, you will get sick. Because your own immunity is weak, many people also suffer from some chronic diseases of the elderly. In this season, Pay special attention to your body.

Middle-aged and elderly friends should pay attention to these "five taboos and five do's and don'ts" in summer, so that their health will be "green light all the way" and allow them to walk safely and comfortably in the season.

In the hot summer, what are the "five don'ts and five do's and don'ts"?

Five taboos:

First, avoid being greedy for coolness.

In summer, middle-aged and elderly friends should try not to eat cold drinks, take cold showers, sleep on hard bamboo mats, or let themselves face the air conditioner.

Middle-aged and elderly people have "deficiency" bodies and are more sensitive to cold and cold, because "dampness, coldness and dampness" will deplete the body's yang energy and thus reduce the body's immunity.

reminds you: As you get older, try not to sleep on bamboo mats in summer. Your nerves will relax at night. Too cold mats will cause physical discomfort.

Also try not to eat iced watermelon, drink iced beer, etc. "Ice" food not only does not quench your thirst, but also causes coldness in the upper body. Cold generates internal heat and consumes body fluids, causing moisture to stagnate in the body.

Additional life tips: It is best not to refrigerate the watermelon if it is not finished in summer. You can use a basket cloth dipped in salt water to cover the watermelon and leave it at room temperature. It will taste fresh the next day without bacterial growth and avoid diarrhea.

It is best not to eat watermelon overnight in summer. Middle-aged and elderly people should try not to eat cold food.

Second, avoid eating spicy and greasy food.

The elderly have relatively weak bodies. Eating spicy and greasy food can easily lead to internal heat. If there is moisture in the body, it will be more difficult to expel, which will aggravate the symptoms of discomfort, such as causing cholecystitis , stomach problems and other old diseases. relapse.

In summer, you should eat less chili peppers, green onions, garlic, pepper, and chili oil. You should eat meat in moderation and try to avoid fried foods.

You should eat a lighter diet in summer, which is beneficial to the liver and gallbladder and reduces the burden on the organs.

Thirdly, avoid sitting still for long periods of time.

People tend to be "lazy" in summer. They are reluctant to go out for activities when the weather is hot. They like to sit and lie down for a long time at home. These are all bad living habits.

Middle-aged and elderly people should not sit for more than 2 hours. They should change postures frequently and get up and move around. Otherwise, poor blood circulation in the body will easily form thrombus , and the spleen and stomach functions will deteriorate, and cervical spine discomfort will also occur.

Elderly friends should not sit or lie down for long periods of time in summer, and go out frequently to do some activities.

Fourth, avoid going to bed too late.

There are many "temptations" on summer nights. Many middle-aged and elderly people like to dance square dances, play mahjong, etc. and stay up until midnight without knowing it.

It is not advisable to stay up late at night, and it is not advisable to do strenuous exercise, otherwise it will affect heart function over time, and strenuous exercise will not be conducive to soothing sleep.

For middle-aged and elderly friends, it is best not to exercise strenuously at night.

Fifth, avoid getting angry or agitated.

It is easy to feel depressed in summer, not only due to the weather, but also due to factors such as the body's inadaptation to environmental changes and the impact of life. It is easy to become restless and restless. You should pay attention to restraining your emotions, especially those with high blood pressure and other diseases. .

Pay attention to eliminating stress and negative emotions every day to avoid depression and make yourself cheerful and happy.

In summer, you should pay attention to the improvement of your mood, which is very helpful in reducing diseases.

Five appropriates:

First, it is advisable to drink hot soup, especially tea.

Drinking tea and soup in summer can help dilute the blood, reduce blood viscosity, and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Drinking more water promotes urination, removes heat from the body, and regulates body temperature in a timely manner.

Friends without diabetes can drink more mung bean soup and various hot porridges.

Second, you should insist on eating 3-5 slices of ginger every day.

"Eat radishes in winter and eat ginger in summer without a doctor's prescription." The role of ginger in dehumidifying and promoting blood circulation cannot be ignored. "A small folk prescription has great uses" and has no side effects. This is a "secret recipe passed down from generation to generation". Suitable people want it. Insist on eating regularly, and pay attention to the best time to eat before 10 a.m. "Don't eat ginger after noon." Please pay attention to this.

Ginger can be eaten like this:

Eat three slices of fresh ginger every day with meals;

You can also soak it in mature vinegar and eat a few slices every day;

Cut it into shreds and make tea; you can also drink it with lemon in water, which is refreshing and appetizing.

You can boil water with a small amount of dandelion and drink it to prevent colds.

The elderly should not eat spicy food in summer, except for ginger. It can not only help dehumidify and lighten the body, but also help dissipate wind and cold to warm the body. It can also promote blood circulation and eliminate toxins, which is very beneficial to health.

Eating ginger in summer does not require a doctor's "prescription"

Ginger and lemon tea, which promotes body fluids and quenches thirst, and is refreshing throughout the summer

Third, it is advisable to take a nap.

The weather is hot in summer. Affected by the season, the human body will feel tired and weak. Taking a short nap at noon will have an unexpected "brain-refreshing" effect, which can improve people's spirits and brain thinking clear.

recommends taking a nap for about 20 minutes at noon every day. You can also close your eyes and rest, which is very helpful for restoring physical strength and energy.

Fourth, you should keep warm.

The functions of the internal organs of middle-aged and elderly people decline. In summer, on the basis of not being greedy for coolness, they should also pay attention to keeping warm. For example, they should cover themselves with something when taking a nap or sleeping at night, and they should also pay attention to the coldness of their feet.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly friends put a sheepskin mat on the bed to prevent moisture and cold, especially those who often suffer from waist and leg pain.

Having such a sheepskin mat can keep out cold and moisture

Fifth, it is good for nourishing the mind.

Summer is a good time to nourish the mind. Let yourself be "calm and not impatient". The most important thing to nourish the mind is to rest. Avoid being too tired, sweating profusely, staying up late, eating an unbalanced diet, losing your temper often for no reason, etc. In summer, it is important to keep your heart in a peaceful, quiet, and safe state, which is very important for health care.

To nourish the mind, you should pay attention to the following points: don’t be idle and worry less, often close your eyes to rest your mind, have a simple diet, be easily satisfied, go out for a walk, go to bed early and get up early, avoid emotional excitement, etc.

To maintain health in summer, first pay attention to nourishing the heart.


In summer, people are prone to problems such as getting angry and restless. If the quality of sleep is not good, it will "add fuel to the fire", so the "five avoidances and five benefits" should be Start with the details of life, strengthen self-discipline in life, and minimize the risk of disease.

You should pay attention to cultivating your own good attitude. You should have some leisure time alone every day, have appropriate close contact with nature, let yourself be as calm as water, and pay attention to your lifestyle in summer, so that your health will get better and better.

Tree of life, it is important to pay attention to maintenance in summer.

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