There was a 78-year-old man in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province who suddenly fainted at home and kept convulsing. When encountering such a situation, what disease do you think it may be? Is it the most common type of stroke in the elderly? It is indeed quite similar. Stroke also cause

There was a

  • 8-year-old man in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He suddenly fainted at home and kept twitching.

    When you encounter such a situation, what do you think it might be? Is it stroke that is most likely to occur in the elderly?

    is indeed quite similar. Stroke also causes sudden fainting, and convulsions may also occur, but they are rare.

    But no matter what, the family quickly sent the patient to the hospital after finding out. However, after being sent to the hospital, the doctor felt that the problem was not that simple.

    After examination, this old man may not have a cerebrovascular disease, which means he is not suffering from cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction , but his body temperature is not normal:


    You must know that the body temperature of a normal person is around 37°C, not much different, and the body temperature fluctuates. Within a day, the body temperature may be slightly lower in the morning and slightly higher in the afternoon, but the overall body temperature The amplitude will not exceed 1℃.

    However, if exceeds 37.5 degrees Celsius, we consider it to be a fever.

    What disease could be caused by such a high temperature? After professional analysis by doctors, in fact, this old man did not have any other disease, but a very typical one:

    classic heat stroke .

    1. Heat stroke.

    Heat stroke is a very common body temperature-related disease, which is easy to occur especially in summer.

    What will happen if a person stays in a hot and stuffy environment for a long time and works for a long time? Many people will think that may suffer heatstroke from .

    But if mild heat stroke , if it is discovered in time and the correct treatment is taken, it will often be corrected quickly, but if it is severe heat stroke, then you should be careful.

    When the body's temperature exceeds 40℃, and there is central nervous system abnormality , this severe heat stroke is called heat stroke.

    Heat stroke is actually not terrible, but if it develops into a severe case and becomes heat stroke, you need to be careful, because heat stroke can be fatal.

    When the disease is mild, it is possible that there may be some damage to the central nervous system, such as coma, convulsions or abnormal behavior.

    But if the temperature does not drop, severe coagulation disorder and disseminated intravascular coagulation will also occur. These are serious conditions and may even be life-threatening.

    Types 2 and 3 people should be careful about?

    Heat stroke is actually not common in daily life, but there are four types of people who must be careful as they are very prone to this problem.

    These people all have one thing in common, that is, they are easily exposed to high temperatures, and the body's temperature regulation function will be out of balance.

    If the heat generated by your body cannot be dissipated, the core temperature will exceed 40°C in a short period of time, and the symptoms mentioned above will appear.

    Who needs to be most careful?

    . The elderly and children : Their body temperature regulation ability may be very poor. Just like the elderly people mentioned above , although their bodies are very hot, they still do not feel very hot. If they do not do a good job of avoiding the heat in time, In this case, heat stroke is prone to occur.

    . Workers in high-temperature environments : People who have to work on the road even in summer should be more careful, such as: sanitation workers and traffic police .It can also be seen in some news that careless parents forget their children in the car and lock the door, which may cause severe heat stroke.

    . People who move a lot in a short period of time : There are many people who need a lot of activities in a short period of time. These people often don’t care about temperature damage, so it is often healthy young people who suffer from heat stroke, such as: Firefighters athletes, construction workers or athletes.

    3. How to treat heat stroke?

    In fact, I have said so much, but I just want to tell you:

    Heat stroke is very serious, and even healthy young people may become targets of these diseases.

    So in daily life, how should we treat people with heat stroke?

    The best way is to cool down in time.

    Studies have shown that if the body temperature can be lowered within 30 minutes, the probability of death due to heat stroke can be close to 0, and many patients even have no sequelae after recovery.

    So what should we do?

    • . Immediately get out of the high temperature environment and put the patient in a cool place.
    • . Hurry up to measure your body temperature to understand the situation of heat stroke.
    • .It is very important to effectively cool down . We can use water, ice blankets, or rehydration in time. It is best not to use drugs to cool down.
    • . If possible, quickly protect the respiratory tract to avoid aspiration, and also give oxygen appropriately.
    • . Feeling that something was wrong, immediately dialed 120 and sent him to the hospital for rescue.

    In short, do not take heatstroke lightly. If you become comatose, you should be sent to the hospital immediately and cool down in time.


    Should I turn on the air conditioner when it’s so hot in summer? This issue has always been a topic of debate. Many people think that if the air conditioner is blown too much, they will easily get sick.

    But in fact, if the body temperature is too high and not taken seriously, heat stroke or even severe heat stroke may occur.

    Although there is no need to turn on the air conditioner, you must be careful about your body temperature. I hope this old man’s story will not happen again, and I hope he can recover as soon as possible and return to his normal life.

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