When it comes to the kidneys, many people know that it has powerful functions. To maintain metabolism and good circulation, this organ cannot be separated from the participation. However, many young people are found to have kidney disease after examination, and the reasons for th

Speaking of kidneys, many people know that it has powerful functions. To maintain metabolism and good circulation, it is inseparable from the participation of this organ. However, many young people are found to have kidney disease after examination, and the reasons for their gradual decline in function are complicated. It is necessary to understand what is going on.

If many details in life are ignored and mistakes are always made that harm the body, correcting them as soon as possible may still have a chance of survival. Otherwise, if minor problems are delayed, they will develop into more serious diseases.

More and more young people have declining kidney function, mostly because they have not paid attention to the protection of this organ. The development of many wrong lifestyles will put the kidneys in a high-load state. Over time, the supply of nutrients will be insufficient, and the own metabolism will not be maintained well. Harmful substances will accumulate, which in turn will damage the kidneys, and diseases will invade.

You need to understand what behaviors are detrimental to kidney care, and it is better to do less.

What behaviors can damage the kidneys?

1. Holding in urine for a long time

To avoid kidney damage, it is better to hold in urine less often. When you feel the need to go to the toilet, you should do it as soon as possible to keep the bladder relaxed and avoid damage to the kidneys, prostate and other organs.

Some people continue to hold back their urine, but they do not realize that during the process of holding back their urine the metabolic waste produced by the body still accumulates , and bacteria may breed and affect the functions of other organs. Subsequent urinary tract infections require the kidneys to reabsorb harmful components in the urine. , the risk of functional decline is high. Take good care of your body and urinate in time when you feel the urge to urinate.

2, Eat indiscriminately

Eating less indiscriminately is the way to improve kidney function. Many people think that they are young and have no limit, and there is no need to control their diet when they are strong and healthy. However, they do not know that eating incorrectly will increase the burden on the digestive system, and even the kidneys will be damaged. implicated.

Those who love to eat sweets, get too much sugar, can easily accelerate the onset of diabetes. Once diabetes occurs and is ignored, it can also cause diabetic nephropathy and damage the kidneys. There are also people who mix food randomly and consume foods rich in oxalic acid while supplementing calcium, which will accelerate the onset of kidney stones . We should stay away from these bad eating habits.

3. Indiscriminate use of drugs

Even if young people have health problems and need to take drugs, they must strictly follow the doctor's instructions and use the drugs according to the doctor's guidance, so that the disease can be cured. The so-called medicine has three types of poison. Many medicines have liver and kidney toxic side effects and should not be used by people with liver and kidney dysfunction.

However, some young people have to take medication for a long time when they have health problems, without knowing the specific dosage, method, etc. Over time, the pressure on the liver and kidneys to metabolize drugs increases, and harmful substances accumulate and damage these organs, and diseases will come to their doorsteps. For your own safety, the specific use of medication must be guided by a doctor.

4. Smoking and alcohol are always with you.

Young people should refuse to smoke and drink. Don’t think that the absence of any physical discomfort from smoking and drinking in a short period of time is a sign that it has no impact. As everyone knows, these harmful substances are constantly accumulating, and multiple organs will be damaged in the long run. .

After alcohol is obtained, it stimulates the gastric mucosa, affects blood pressure changes, and damages liver cells. Even the vascular lesions around the kidneys are accelerated. When you always smoke, nicotine , tar, etc. will make the blood thicker, nutrients will not be provided to the kidneys, and the function of this organ will be reduced. #婷 Zero Zero Plan#