Whether at home, in the office, or in various social situations, many people are accustomed to drinking coffee, because coffee not only enjoys life, but also refreshes and refreshes the mind.

As one of the three major beverages in the world, coffee is favored by many people, and coffee culture fills every moment of life. Whether at home, in the office, or in various social situations, many people are accustomed to drinking coffee, because coffee not only enjoys life, but also refreshes and refreshes the mind.

However, some people think that drinking coffee will harm the body's health. So, does drinking coffee maintain health or harm the body? Chinese scientists tell you the answer.

Drinking coffee to maintain health, can it help extend your life?

The research team of Southern Medical University once published a study on coffee in the "Annals of Internal Medicine". Research members said that drinking 1.5-3.5 cups of sugary coffee per day can reduce the risk of all-cause death by 28% to 31%, among which All-cause death refers to death due to chronic diseases.

The Southern Medical University research team borrowed data from the British Biobank, which included 171,616 participants with an average age of 55.6 years, no cancer and no history of cardiovascular disease.

These participants will record their coffee intake every day, the type of coffee they choose, whether sugar or artificial sweeteners are added to the coffee, and how much is added. Researchers will conduct statistical analysis on these data. Among them, 75.8% of people have the habit of drinking coffee, 55.4% do not add sugar, 14.3% add sugar, and 6.1% add artificial sweeteners. After 7 years of follow-up, there were 628 cardiovascular deaths and 1,725 ​​cancer deaths among these participants.

Subsequently, the researchers entered the database of people who like unsweetened coffee and people who like to drink sugared coffee, and formed an all-cause mortality correlation curve chart. They found that coffee containing artificial sweeteners has no relationship with all-cause mortality, that is, regardless of No matter how much coffee you drink, your risk of death from chronic disease is reduced.

What benefits can you gain from a cup of coffee every day to extend your life?

Nowadays, there are many office workers who stay up late the next day and drink a cup of coffee every morning to "extend their life" and refresh themselves. Besides cheering you up, what other benefits can you get from coffee?

. Help stabilize blood sugar

Studies have shown that drinking one cup of coffee a day reduces the risk of diabetes by 7%. Coffee can protect pancreatic islet B cells and help regulate blood sugar, thereby stabilizing blood sugar levels. Because coffee contains caffeine , these substances can reduce insulin resistance and help improve obesity and blood sugar levels.

. Reduce the risk of liver disease.

Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of liver disease, especially chronic liver disease and fatty liver . It can also reduce the chance of death from chronic liver disease, mainly due to the coffee beans and polyphenols in it. -like substances, etc., can protect liver cells and help improve liver function.

3. Protecting the cranial nerves

Consistently drinking coffee can also protect the cranial nerves and prevent neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Although coffee is good, there are great things to pay attention to when drinking it healthily

. Control the amount

Although coffee is good for the body's health, everything must be done in moderation. The amount of coffee consumed every day should not exceed 2500 ml, so as not to accelerate the loss of calcium.

. Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach.

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and increase gastrointestinal discomfort, especially patients with gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis cannot drink coffee on an empty stomach.

Warm reminder

Not all people drink coffee, which is good for their health, especially these three groups of people.

· For children and teenagers who are in the growth and development period, drinking too much coffee can cause insomnia, dreaminess, , headaches, dizziness, loss of appetite, hyperactivity and other problems.

· Osteoporosis patients can easily aggravate their condition after drinking coffee.

· Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding, because some components in coffee will enter the baby's body through the placental barrier or milk, which is not good for the baby's health.

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