The elderly tend to forget things and often lose things. They either cannot find their glasses or forget where they put commonly used items. They just want to do something and they can’t remember what to do in the blink of an eye. Sometimes things that took more than ten years or

Old people tend to forget things and often lose things. They either cannot find their glasses or forget where they put commonly used items. They just want to do something and they can't remember what to do in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it takes more than ten years or even decades. I can remember but often forget the things in front of me.

Mainly manifests as a significant decrease in instantaneous memory and short-term memory. This is because the brain function of the elderly decreases, and the brain image of instantaneous things lasts only a moment. The excitation focus of the cerebral cortex is extremely superficial and disappears quickly, even if it is The image of short-term memory in the cerebral cortex is also relatively short-lived. Once new things stimulate the spread of excitement, the original memory will be quickly lost. Forgetting things among the elderly is a sign of aging and is a natural law. Today I will introduce you to a few actions that can enhance the vitality of our brains and avoid the problem of forgetting things easily after middle age.

First, let’s test the flexibility of our fingers through an action. Let our palms face forward and move each finger irregularly. Let’s first record the flexibility of each of our fingers. After we finish practicing, , let’s compare.

1. Basic activity finger training

Stretch out your hands and make them into fists. Starting from the thumb, open it in sequence and turn it into a palm; then start from the little finger and close your fingers in order to turn into a fist. Repeated and rapid practice can activate your fingers and stimulate your brain.

2. Fun ear touching training

This training can be played as a game. The specific method is: first clap your hands, clap your hands once, then touch your ears with your right hand, and touch your right ear with your left hand; clap your hands again, and touch your left ear with your left hand. ⿐⼼, the right hand touches the left ear. Alternate the exercises and keep increasing the speed. (There are many similar games, you can study some and play by yourself)

3, butt finger training

Open your hands, face each other in the air, and then the thumbs of both hands take turns to butt the thumb of the other hand. Middle finger, ring finger, little finger. The specific operation is: the left thumb touches (touches) the right thumb → the right thumb touches the left thumb → the left thumb touches the right middle finger → the right thumb touches the left middle finger... . Repeat in a cycle. After you become proficient, the faster the better when ensuring correct docking.

4. Keep your fingers together for training

Open your fingers and start training: ① Bring your thumb and thumb together, and bring the remaining three fingers together at the same time; ② Bring your thumb, thumb, and middle finger together, and bring the remaining two fingers together at the same time; ③Except for the little finger, the remaining four fingers are together; ④The thumb and middle finger are together, and the ring finger and little finger are together at the same time; ⑤The ring finger and the middle finger are together; ⑥The ring finger and the middle finger are together, and the index finger is at the same time and thumbs together.

training requirements: During the training process, keep the fingers on the same plane to the greatest extent; separate the fingers together and expand the distance to the greatest extent. Training goal: Continuously become proficient and practice until you can change at will.

After completing these actions, your hands must be very sore. Just use the "1" method to move your fingers.

5, finger tapping training

This training is relatively easy for those who are learning music or are sensitive to rhythm and beat.

Single-finger tapping: Number the numbers 1-10 on five (or ten) fingers, and then scramble the numbers 1-10 irregularly. If the scrambled number string is 10, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1, 8, 7, 9, then we can quickly use the "finger corresponding numbers" we compiled before: according to the numbers In order, use the corresponding fingers to tap the table, thigh, etc.

Two-finger or multi-finger tapping: We follow the "finger corresponding numbers" of the previous numbering, and give 10 (you can start with five numbers at the beginning, that is, one-handed start) numbers in two-by-two combinations, and then type Shuffle the order, and then use the corresponding two fingers to tap the table, thigh, etc. at the same time according to the order of the number groups.

When practicing, you should keep improving the speed while ensuring correctness. This training can improve reaction speed while coordinating the left and right brains.

In addition, the elite special whole-brain speed reading and memory training software also includes finger tapping rhythm training for coordinating the left and right brains. If you are interested, you can try it.

6, finger bending training

Except for the thumb, each of the other four fingers has three sections. Starting from the fingertips, we distinguish them into the first section, the second section, and the third section. When training: The training starts here: bend the fingers to 90 degrees from the joints of the second and third sections, and at the same time make the first and second sections on the same line (not bent) mean). In addition, keep the third section of your fingers on the same side as the back of your hand during training.

After you can do it with one finger, you can train all five fingers to do it together.

After completing these actions, your hands must be very sore. Just use the "1" method to move your fingers.

7. Draw a circle with one hand and a square with one hand. Training

Anyone who knows "Old Naughty Boy" knows this exercise. It means that the left and right hands move at the same time, with one hand drawing a circle and the other hand drawing a square.

extension training: Make fists with both hands, place the two fists in front of the chest (without touching), and then rotate the two arms in opposite directions. For example, the right arm rotates outward and the left arm rotates inward. You can speed it up once you become proficient.

Simple exercises can exercise the brain. Regular practice can enhance the vitality of our brains and prevent us from forgetting things easily after middle age.