Peanuts are very common in our daily lives and are very cheap, but don’t underestimate them. They are known as the “longevity fruit”, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. Regular consumption of peanuts is very beneficial to the body. healthy. So what are the magical use

Peanuts are very common in our daily life and very cheap, but don’t underestimate them. It has the reputation of "longevity fruit". Especially for middle-aged and elderly friends, eating peanuts regularly is very important. Good for your health. So what are the wonderful uses of this little peanut? Let’s take a look at !

The wonderful uses of peanuts

1. Lower blood pressure and prevent heart disease

Peanut shells have the effect of preventing and treating hyperlipidemia, coronary artery sclerosis and heart disease . You can wash the peanut shells, boil them in water, and take 50~100g each time.

You can also use fresh peanut leaves decocted in water instead of tea, and drink 1 to 2 cups a day. It is beneficial to patients with hypertension, and heart disease. It also has the effects of calming, treating headaches and insomnia.

2. Coagulation, hemostasis, and disease prevention

Peanut red contains oil and a variety of vitamins, which promote the bone marrow to produce platelets . It not only has a hemostatic effect on a variety of bleeding diseases, but also has a positive effect on the original cause. The disease has a certain therapeutic effect.

3. Delay human aging

Peanuts contain extremely high zinc content. can not only activate brain cells and enhance brain memory, but also effectively delay human aging.

4. Nourish and warm the stomach

The best way to eat dry peanuts is to chew them dry. After getting up every morning, take 5-8 raw peanuts in your mouth on an empty stomach and chew them. The finer the chews, the better. It is best to chew out the white pulp and do not swallow it deliberately. The method can improve gastric acidity. People with poor stomachs can try it.

Peanut’s health-preserving diet

Today I will introduce to you a peanut’s diet: Cumin Peanut.

Fennel and peanuts


Prepare a small bowl of peanuts, a handful of fennel seedlings, appropriate amounts of salt, sesame oil and light soy sauce.


1. Soak the raw peanuts for 30 minutes in advance, and then rinse them with clean water.

2. Put the peanuts in the pot, pour an appropriate amount of water, add aniseed and other ingredients, and bring to a boil over high heat.

3. Turn to medium heat and cook for 20 minutes, take out and let cool.

4. Pick and wash the fennel and cut into small particles.

5. Place the prepared seasoning on top of the peanuts and fennel, stir quickly to incorporate the flavor, and you are ready to eat.

The main ingredient of fennel seedlings is fennel oil. It can promote the secretion of various digestive juices in the body and enhance gastrointestinal motility. Eat it with cooked peanuts. It can not only help digestion, but also help to eliminate gastric cancer. Accumulation of gas in the intestines.

Peanuts have so many benefits, eat them now!