Cancer is considered by everyone to be a devil. If you are caught by cancer, it is an endless struggle. Either you die or it dies. Cancer cells are very aggressive. As long as they occupy a place in the body, they will continue to expand their territory.

Cancer is considered by everyone to be a devil. If you are caught by cancer, it is an endless struggle. Either you die or it dies. Cancer cells are very aggressive. As long as they occupy a place in the body, they will continue to expand their territory.

Nowadays, humans have been fighting cancer for a long time, but there is still no good solution. Therefore, patients who are diagnosed with cancer will feel very scared. No matter what kind of cancer they have, they think that it cannot be cured.

There are many types of cancer, and there are stages. In addition, everyone’s physical condition is different. If you actively cooperate with treatment, it may not be as bad as you think.

In the final analysis, it is because people lack understanding of cancer. In fact, some cancers are not considered cancer, nor are they very dangerous. They can be cured as long as they receive effective treatment. For example, the following three types of cancer are not fatal. Please do not over-treat.


Controversy in the cancer community: 3 types of cancer should not be called "cancer", do not over-treat

Prostate cancer with low PSA score

Men who undergo PSA examination can know whether they have prostate cancer, and can also determine whether the risk of prostate cancer is high. High, if the prostate PSA score is less than 7 points, it is called low-risk prostate cancer.

This type of cancer has a low mortality rate and a slow progression rate, so it is called lazy cancer. If it is a low-risk prostate cancer, regular monitoring is enough. If abnormal progression of the cancer is found, it is not too late to start treatment.

Papillary thyroid cancer

The risk of papillary thyroid cancer is low. Traditional treatment methods include surgical resection, combined with thyroid hormone drug therapy and radioactive iodine therapy, which can achieve cure.

Some patients will have dysphagia after surgery, which will have adverse effects on eating, swallowing and vocalization. Therefore, when nodules are found, they must receive standardized treatment.

Low-risk subtypes of breast cancer

For example, lymph nodes show negative tumor pathological examination results showing a volume of less than two centimeters and a histological grade of grade one breast cancer. If there is no widespread spread, there is no need to worry.

found that this kind of tumor can be cured with hormone therapy, chemotherapy drugs, radiotherapy , etc. If it is discovered in the early stage, the cure rate is relatively high and it is generally not fatal, so do not over-treat.


If you want to treat cancer better, what details should you pay attention to?

To eliminate the "cancer fear plot"

Cancer patients must eliminate their fear and not be afraid of cancer. In clinical practice, some patients give up their desire to live because of extreme fear, which eventually leads to the spread of cancer cells.

Therefore, after being diagnosed with cancer, you must first overcome it psychologically, so that your brain, immunity, and nerves can subconsciously believe that you can defeat cancer cells, and use your body's full potential to increase the success rate of cancer cure.

Don’t think about “getting it right in one step”

Some early-stage cancer patients got a successful cure after surgery or chemotherapy, so they began to relax their vigilance and wanted to get cancer treatment in one step.

However, cancer cells cannot be killed. You must actively take care of your physical health and immune system to further reduce the risk of cancer recurrence .

Therefore, cancer patients should develop good living habits, stay vigilant at all times, have regular physical examinations and reexaminations, and cooperate with the treatment of good doctors.


Ineffective medical treatment needs reflection, many surgeries should not be done

Many medicines should not be taken, many treatments should not be done, many surgeries do not need to be done, cancer tumors do not necessarily need to be exterminated, sometimes palliative treatment or no treatment, than Blind treatment is better.

Nowadays, the incidence rate of cancer is getting higher and higher. Although medical technology is constantly improving, people still talk about cancer and subconsciously believe that urgent treatment is needed.

In fact, many low-risk diseases can still be observed, waited or actively monitored. Over-treatment of low-risk diseases will harm the body and cause more harm than good.

We are all afraid of cancer, but don’t be afraid because of fear. Don’t think that being diagnosed with cancer is equivalent to a death sentence. You must maintain a good attitude and actively cooperate with the doctor’s treatment. I believe you will be able to defeat the disease.