A few days ago, a senior medical expert said: "Whoever squints his eyes and says that the country does not support the development of traditional Chinese medicine, I spit on him." Indeed, there has never been another era in the history of the development of traditional Chinese me

A few days ago, a senior medical expert said: "Whoever squints his eyes and says that the country does not support the development of traditional Chinese medicine, I spit on him." Indeed, there has never been another era in the history of the development of traditional Chinese medicine that supports and develops traditional Chinese medicine as much as it does today. .

In January 2021, the General Office of the State Council issued "Several Policies and Measures on Accelerating the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Characteristics", which clearly stated that it is necessary to consolidate the talent base of traditional Chinese medicine, increase the vitality of the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, enhance the development momentum of traditional Chinese medicine, and implement the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Major projects, creating a good environment for the development of traditional Chinese medicine, etc.

In June 2021, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine , the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission, and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television jointly formulated the "Implementation Plan for the Cultural Communication of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2021-2025)", clarifying It is proposed to further enrich the traditional Chinese medicine culture education in primary and secondary schools and enrich the form of traditional Chinese medicine culture entering the campus.

In March 2022, the General Office of the State Council issued the " "14th Five-Year Plan" Traditional Chinese Medicine Development Plan", which clarified the development goals and main tasks of traditional Chinese medicine during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

In June 2022, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the National Health Commission jointly issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Chinese Medicine Talents in the New Era", which clearly stated that by 2025, all communities Health service centers and township health centers should set up traditional Chinese medicine clinics and staff traditional Chinese medicine doctors. The allocation of traditional Chinese medicine doctors in public TCM hospitals at level two or above should not be less than 60% of the total number of doctors in the institution. Establish 1-1 for each county-level traditional Chinese medicine medical institution at level two or above. 2 inheritance studios to cultivate a group of grassroots talents.

From the densely issued relevant policy documents above, we can see that the country is very clear from macro policy support to micro task indicators. The next step is to see who can take it and bear it.

This wonderful era of traditional Chinese medicine will definitely not affect every traditional Chinese medicine entrepreneur. If you want to be an industry leader, from a strategic perspective, you must have a certain or high level of expertise in traditional Chinese medicine technology, the traditional Chinese medicine industry chain, and cross-border integration and innovation. Multiple advantages.

1. Output technology empowers the B-side to seize the market

Usually, whether online or offline, we hear countless people, including Chinese medicine doctors, Chinese medicine operators, Chinese medicine enthusiasts, and laymen, saying over and over again: "We are too There is a shortage of good Chinese medicine; it’s not that Chinese medicine is not good, it’s that you haven’t met a good Chinese medicine practitioner; those trained in colleges don’t know how to treat patients, etc.” So everyone gradually formed a consensus: one of the key reasons that restricts the development of Chinese medicine is the lack of knowledge of how to see and treat patients. Sick Chinese medicine doctor.

If the lack of good TCM doctors is the key to restricting the development of TCM, the solution is simply to find ways to train more TCM doctors. The problem is that the past master-apprentice inheritance model and today’s college education have proven to be inefficient, unstable, and inaccurate. If we want to cultivate TCM talents who are better than others and promote the continuous upgrading of TCM technology, The possibility is also very low. And by combining the master-apprentice inheritance model with college education, can we ensure that TCM talents that meet market requirements can be cultivated in the next 10 to 20 years? It also remains to be verified.

Since the master-apprentice inheritance model and the current college education model are both inefficient and uncertain in terms of talent training and supply, we medical clinic entrepreneurs cannot tie our hopes to this and must find other ways. Rethink the essence of our lack of good Chinese medicine?

Our lack of good TCM doctors is essentially a lack of good TCM technology. The lack of good TCM technology is essentially a lack of the ability to discover, output and share good technology, and a lack of operational capabilities to productize and brand good technology. , lacks the ability to incubate the market value of good technology.

In the past six months, the author has communicated with more than 10 masters of traditional Chinese medicine technology and inheritors of traditional Chinese medicine families. They have very good technology in a certain specialty specialized disease field, and the clinical efficacy is accurate and can achieve 70% to 80% standardization.This kind of technology, which can control the core technology in its own hands and carry out standardized output to empower more medical clinics, clinics and doctors who lack technology, has huge market value. However, they generally report that good technologies cannot be exported and shared due to constraints on the supply chain's integration capabilities and market operation expansion capabilities.

Today, as the country vigorously develops the traditional Chinese medicine industry, and hundreds of thousands of community health service centers, township health centers and individual clinics (clinics) have opened traditional Chinese medicine clinics, traditional Chinese medicine departments or transformed into traditional Chinese medicine, the market is ready for traditional Chinese medicine technology. The demand is ravenous.

Therefore, any TCM doctor or TCM family with good skills in a certain specialty field must find a way to productize and brand it, and export it through "products, technical training, partnership" and other methods to empower B end, and become bigger and stronger through rapid replication.

It is understood that many technical experts and medical center founders are actively polishing products and samples. Some doctors with innovative thinking are even building the founder's IP to lay out the market. Within 3-5 years, there may be a number of technologies Enablers stand out in the competition in the traditional Chinese medicine market.

noted: Currently, there are great restrictions on the commercialization of traditional Chinese medicine. To find ways to make breakthroughs, firstly, the industry needs to call for the revision of relevant policies and regulations to make them consistent with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine products; secondly, everyone needs to actively innovate, balance and Avoid legal risks; third, it cannot be understood in a narrow sense as the productization of prescriptions.

2. Give full play to the advantages of the industrial chain to empower the B-side market

Looking at the development ecology of the medical clinic industry in the next 10 or 20 years, the market leader must not be a traditional Chinese medicine clinic that seizes high-quality doctor resources and expands through acquisitions. The core The reason is: This type of medical center neither controls core technical resources nor conforms to industry development trends, and it is impossible to build a medical center brand. Although this type of medical center has gained temporary first-mover benefits, the sustainability of the entire development model has yet to be verified. If the transformation is not timely, it will be very easy for them to become involuted and internally depleted in the process of "doctor-driven development" and lose their competitiveness.

On April 27, 2022, the General Office of the State Council issued the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Health Plan, which clearly stated that experienced practicing physicians are encouraged to open clinics. If this sentence is understood as "medical = doctor", or if social forces run hospitals without thinking about making profits from medical services, it means that our chain medical clinics must find second and third profits besides medical services. point, this trend is becoming more and more obvious.

If you can’t rely on medical services to make money, then what can you rely on? Rely on traditional Chinese medicine health products and services, and rely on the competitive advantages of the traditional Chinese medicine industry chain? Or something else.

relies on traditional Chinese medicine health products and services. It looks at the competition among the medical clinic industry and looks for a way out from the perspective of the medical clinic itself. At present, the best opportunity to build a traditional Chinese medicine health product brand has been missed, and it is controlled by the medical clinic itself. Due to poor cognition, market insight and operational capabilities, as well as the unreasonable talent structure, the chances are slim.

is empowered by the advantages of the traditional Chinese medicine industry chain. It overlooks the competitive ecology and development trends of the medical center industry from a higher perspective, and achieves value co-creation and win-win by empowering other participants in the industry, with unlimited room for expansion and diverse profit methods. , it can not only make money from products, technology, and operations, but also make money from the B-side and C-side, and even wholesale traffic. It can also make money from outside the industry. It can also form an industry chain ecosystem from one point, and amplify profits as a whole. space and build a strong competitive moat. At this time, you face opponents who are building competitive advantages from the perspective of the medical center itself. They can't even afford to lose a single point, but you can make profits or even lose money on a single point. No matter how hard your competitors play, they can't beat you.

Currently, there are two types of companies that truly have industry chain advantages: one is companies that have industry chain advantages for health and wellness talents, such as Changsha's Yierkang, which has its own technical training school for support; Enterprises with advantages in traditional Chinese medicine products and research and development, such as Sinopharm Group, Hongri Pharmaceutical , Hong Kong Power Group, Tongrentang , etc.

At present, the main shortcomings of enterprises with industrial chain advantages are:

1. The strategic goals are not focused. The advantageous resources at each end of the industrial chain belong to different companies or departments, and there is a lack of effective internal integration, collaboration and management, resulting in advantages. Can't perform well.

2. In terms of business model, it is limited to medical clinics and product business itself. It does not have a higher perspective to gain insights into the development trends of the medical clinic industry and grasp the pain points of industry needs. Naturally, it is unable to output value in a targeted manner to empower the B-side. As a result, medical centers that rely on poaching high-quality doctor resources and acquisitions to expand are in the same competitive dimension, turning their advantages into disadvantages.

3. In terms of operation strategy, we did not find a good foothold and entry point. failed to transform the advantages of the industry chain into time compound interest on operational investment.

Here, we hope that companies with advantages in the traditional Chinese medicine industry chain will enter the status quo as soon as possible, give full play to and amplify the competitive advantages of the industrial chain, and empower and promote the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

3. The sudden emergence of cross-border integration and model innovation

Today, our field of traditional Chinese medicine clinics is in a stage of great integration, such as traditional Chinese medicine clinics, health clinics, beauty salons, Western medicine clinics, tonic companies, gift industries, etc. are gradually integrating, giving birth to New TCM health products and services include new species, new categories, and new channels, such as TCM head therapy, TCM myopia rehabilitation, TCM dietary therapy, TCM health gifts, TCM beverages, etc.

Under normal circumstances, companies with cross-border integration, category innovation and business model innovation capabilities are mostly from outside the medical hospital industry. They have keen market insights and can often break into an inconspicuous market gap and through resource integration and Model innovation may grow into a giant within 3-5 years, and everyone may not know it.

For example, in the gift market, the market size will exceed 1.1 trillion yuan in 2021, with an annual growth of more than 100 billion yuan. It is very attractive, and health products will always be the protagonist of the gift market. This is a very good sales channel for traditional Chinese medicine companies. Not only can they sell traditional Chinese medicine health products, they can also stand at the level of the industry and output health gift cards through the integration of medical clinics and doctor resources. Faced with such a trillion-level market, it was not until June this year that we saw Jiuchu, a traditional Chinese medicine ointment company, participating in the Shenzhen Gift Fair for the first time. It is a pity.

For example, in the myopia prevention and treatment market for children and adolescents, according to relevant statistics, the incidence of myopia among primary school students is about 30%, that of junior high school students is about 60%, and that of high school students is about 80%. From 2018 to 2020, the overall myopia rates among children and adolescents nationwide were 53.6%, 50.2%, and 50.2%, respectively. 52.7%. Myopia prevention, control, and correction tasks are extremely arduous and have risen to the national strategic level. A number of policies have been introduced to implement work related to myopia prevention and control. In December 2021, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the National Health Commission jointly issued the "Notice on Carrying out Pilot Work on the Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents with Appropriate Traditional Chinese Medicine Technologies." Unfortunately, in the face of such a huge market with urgent needs and anxious parents, we in the medical clinic industry rarely see those who go all out. Although we occasionally hear about some individuals with good technology, these are individual actions and cannot form potential momentum.

Of course, we have also seen the second and third generation successors in the traditional Chinese medicine industry. They are boldly innovating and proactive. Through direct sales and small, beautiful, light and fast partnership models, they have deployed multiple stores around regional markets or communities. Build a brand and develop very quickly.

hopes that more and more outsiders and successors in the industry will enter the field of traditional Chinese medicine to seek opportunities and innovate to become stronger, giving rise to the "silver carp effect" and stimulating the development and innovation vitality of the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

Whether it is seizing the market by empowering the B-side through technology, or leveraging the advantages of the industrial chain to empower the B-side market, or emerging as a new force through cross-border integration and model innovation, in actual implementation, it must return to the dual drive of technology and market , dual-empowerment operation system, find the precise entry point, expand from point to line and then to the surface, and avoid detours, so that you can achieve yourself in the best era of traditional Chinese medicine.