The country has once again made it clear that people over the age of 3 who are of appropriate age and have no contraindications for vaccination should be vaccinated to protect their personal health.

The country has once again made it clear that people over the age of 3 who are of appropriate age and have no contraindications for vaccination should be vaccinated to protect their personal health.

Image source: Photo Network

Source|Basic public health service project promotion platform, Cyberland-Grassroots Physician Commune

In order to further guide various localities to do a good job in the prevention and control of new coronavirus pneumonia, the State Council responded to the new coronavirus on June 28 The Comprehensive Team of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism for Viral Pneumonia Epidemics formulated and issued the "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)".

In the basic code of conduct for citizens on epidemic prevention, it is once again required to respond to the national new coronavirus vaccination policy. People over the age of 3 years old and without vaccination contraindications should be vaccinated.

As of now, there are still a very small number of people, especially preschool children and the elderly over 60 years old who have not been vaccinated or have been fully vaccinated new crown vaccine work.

At present, it is not that vaccines are worthless, nor that medical staff, township cadres, and village (community) staff have nothing to do. Only because you are Chinese and because we have a strong motherland can you enjoy the free COVID-19 vaccine.

Medical staff, township cadres, community workers work from morning to night every day, day and night, without holidays, just to serve the people and allow everyone to get vaccinated whenever they want. Those who have not yet been vaccinated are asked to complete the vaccination task as soon as possible, accompanied by their family members, to achieve the purpose of building a universal immunity barrier.

Please be kind to medical vaccinators, township cadres, and community workers. They are also ordinary people. Don't attack them with bad words. They fulfill their responsibilities with loyalty and selfless dedication, and are everyone’s health guardians.

Vaccination is a national responsibility and a social obligation! I just want to say that our town and village cadres and medical staff should go home as soon as possible. You are enjoying the country's free policy, but the town and village cadres are trying their best to get you to get vaccinated. What do they want?

After you took the first shot, a large number of people including town and village cadres are still worrying about your second and third shots. What are they doing?

We should be grateful, grateful to grow up in this great country, grateful to have a century-old party that serves the people wholeheartedly , grateful to have an incomparably superior socialist system , and grateful to those who silently worry about vaccinating you. of staff and the people behind them who have made personal sacrifices.

Please cherish our great opportunity to have sufficient and convenient vaccinations, and don’t wait until the policy changes and beat your chest. If you have not been vaccinated and do not have contraindications to the vaccine, please cooperate with the medical staff and get vaccinated as soon as possible for the safety of yourself and your family.

Precautions for the elderly to receive the new coronavirus vaccine

1. Before vaccination

1. Understand the relevant knowledge of the new coronavirus vaccination and understand the vaccination process at the vaccination point. Determine in advance whether an appointment is needed;

2. According to the requirements of the vaccination site, bring relevant identity documents and a mobile phone to facilitate showing the health code;

3. It is best to have a good rest before vaccination to keep the body in a better physiological state. Do not vaccinate on an empty stomach;

4. Wear loose, easy to put on and take off, and warm clothes on the day of vaccination to facilitate vaccination and avoid catching cold;

5. If it is before strengthening immunity, you can check the type of new crown vaccine you have received in advance through Beijing Health Bao.

2. During vaccination

1. Wear a mask throughout the vaccination process, line up in an orderly manner according to the vaccination site signs, and maintain a social distance of more than one meter;

2. Before vaccination, you must actively provide the doctor with your health status, recent vaccinations with other vaccines, and recent medications. information, carefully read, truthfully fill out the informed consent form and sign it;

3. Throw the hemostatic swab into the medical trash can or yellow medical waste garbage bag;

4. Put on the clothes you took off in time, keep warm, and avoid catching a cold.

3. After vaccination

1. Stay at the vaccination site for 30 minutes and leave only if there are no symptoms of discomfort. On the day of vaccination, the local area of ​​vaccination must be kept hygienic and avoid getting wet at the injection site to prevent infection;

2. If there is local pain, redness, induration, general weakness, fever, headache, etc. at the vaccination site, it usually does not require treatment and can recover on its own. If you have persistent fever, high fever or other obvious symptoms of physical discomfort, you should seek medical treatment in time and report to the vaccination point;

3. Avoid strenuous exercise after vaccination and maintain a stable life.

New coronavirus vaccination list for the elderly

1. According to expert recommendations, vaccination can be done under the following circumstances

1. People with chronic diseases who are in stable health and well controlled by medications are not contraindicated in the new coronavirus vaccination and are recommended to be vaccinated.

2. People who suffer from heart disease, coronary heart disease, and other diseases, and whose condition is stable but not acute, can be vaccinated; those whose heart is equipped with a stent, bypass , pacemaker , can also be vaccinated while their condition is stable.

3. High blood pressure is under stable drug control and the blood pressure is lower than 160/100mmHg, so vaccination is acceptable.

4. Stroke , you can be vaccinated when your condition is stable.

5. High uric acid can be vaccinated when the condition is stable.

6. Lumbar disc herniation , hip replacement , fracture and other postoperative recovery periods, as long as the condition is stable, you can be vaccinated.

7. Gastric ulcer , Liver cirrhosis can be vaccinated when the condition is stable.

8. Diabetes is under stable drug control, fasting blood glucose ≤ 13.9 mmol/L, and has no acute complications ( ketoacidosis , hyperosmolar state, lactic acidosis), and can be vaccinated. glycosylated hemoglobin can be vaccinated if it is below 7mmol/L. Medications used to treat diabetes, including insulin injections, are not contraindicated in vaccination.

9. You can get vaccinated by taking health supplements or traditional Chinese medicine.

10. allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma , can be vaccinated.

11. For other special diseases, you should consult the treating doctor before vaccination, and then vaccinate according to the condition of the disease and the recommendation of the clinician.

2. According to expert advice, vaccination is postponed or cannot be done under the following circumstances:

1. People who are allergic to the active ingredients of the vaccine, any inactive ingredients, or substances used in the production process, or those who have been allergic to similar vaccines before, are not recommended to be vaccinated.

2. People who have had severe allergic reactions to vaccines in the past (such as acute allergic reactions, angioedema, dyspnea, etc.) are not recommended to be vaccinated.

3. People with uncontrolled epilepsy and other severe neurological diseases (such as transverse myelitis , Guillain-Barré syndrome, demyelinating diseases, etc.) are not recommended to be vaccinated.

4. Vaccination is not recommended for patients who are having a fever, or are suffering from acute diseases, or acute exacerbations of chronic diseases, or patients with uncontrolled severe chronic diseases (such as patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who take medicine all year round).

5.Gout attacks, severe colds, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other diseases are temporarily postponed during the acute attack period.

6. Vaccination is postponed for patients with malignant tumors before and after surgery, and during chemotherapy and radiotherapy.