In our daily lives, the most indispensable thing is pasta, which is the staple food we often eat, such as steamed buns, noodles, and rice, which we often eat. There are also some common soup dumplings, steamed buns, sesame cakes, fire roasts, pies, etc. The production methods are

In our daily lives, the most indispensable thing is pasta, which is the staple food we often eat, such as steamed buns, noodles, and rice, which we often eat.

There are also some common soup dumplings , steamed buns, sesame cakes, fire , pie and so on. The production methods are different in each region, and there are different differences in different regions.

Compared to southerners, northerners prefer to eat noodles and steamed buns. Most northerners also love noodles, such as the beef tendon noodles , beef noodles , rice noodles and so on that we usually see.

The method of making noodles is very simple. After getting up in the morning, eating a bowl of noodles can enhance the body's immunity and resistance, relieve hunger, and make breakfast.

But if you often eat noodles, have you ever thought about this problem? Will it have a certain impact on the body?

————Noodles nutrition, you should know about

noodles are rich in nutritional value and trace elements, including protein, fat carbohydrates noodles are easily digested and absorbed by the body, helping to improve anemia and strengthen The body's immunity and resistance.

What are the benefits of eating noodles? First of all, it has the effect of nourishing and protecting the stomach.

: Nourish the stomach and protect the stomach. Eating some hot noodles can help absorb nutrients and reduce the probability of gastrointestinal diseases to a certain extent.

: Enhance the body's resistance. The texture of noodles is relatively chewy, so it is rich in protein. It can supplement the nutrients that the human body lacks and constitute the main component of white blood cells and antibodies.

Is eating noodles for a long time good or bad for the body?

First of all, we need to understand what raw materials noodles are made of.

Most of the noodles are made from wheat. They are rich in carbohydrates and calories, and can be regarded as high-calorie foods.

If you regularly eat these high-calorie foods, it will lead to the continuous accumulation of fat substances in the body, resulting in body obesity and excessive accumulation of abdominal fat.

Among many diseases, obese people account for about 3/5, and the body is forced to be closely related and connected with other chronic diseases.

In the process of making noodles, wheat is not only used as raw material. After making, some chili oil, other meat products, and auxiliary materials are added to cater to the taste of consumers. These substances can also cause symptoms in the body. More fat and triglycerides accumulate.

Especially the fried noodles we usually eat, or fried sauce noodles, their calories will be higher, so it is recommended that most people must control their intake of noodles if they want to alleviate this situation. , don’t eat noodles every day.

will not only cause obesity, but also affect your own gastrointestinal function. Especially for people with poor gastrointestinal problems, regular eating of noodles will also cause adverse effects on the body.

[What effects will long-term eating noodles have on the body? 】

【1】The phenomenon of obesity induced

is mainly due to the fact that noodles contain a certain amount of starch and carbohydrates. The probability of obesity is caused by excessive intake of carbohydrates and sugars. Plus noodles, after cooking Some other auxiliary materials will also be added, and the probability of inducing obesity will continue to increase.

[2] Induce gastrointestinal dysfunction

Most people, if their gastrointestinal function is not good, might as well eat some mild food, such as noodles, to feed their stomach. In fact, eating too much noodles is not good for gastrointestinal digestion. On the contrary, it increases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

[3] The nutrition is too simple.

Although some auxiliary ingredients are added to the noodles, most of the staple food is noodles. The nutrition of noodles is too simple, mainly starch and carbohydrates, without too many nutrients. Substances, if eaten for a long time, can easily lead to malnutrition.

What should you pay attention to when eating noodles?

[1] Don’t put too much oil

Many people like to put too much oil when eating noodles, thinking that such noodles will taste more fragrant and go well with rice. In fact, noodles contain more starch and carbohydrates. In addition, oil can easily cause indigestion and sedimentation in the body.

[2] Don’t eat every meal

In order to show their vision, some people regard noodles as their staple food and can’t live without it for three meals a day. However, it is recommended that you do not eat noodles according to the symptoms and avoid eating too many nutrients. You can reduce your intake of noodles and it’s okay to eat them once in a while.

[3] Don’t put too many condiments

For northerners, the taste is generally heavier. When eating noodles, they habitually add too many condiments to make the porridge and noodles taste appetizing. However, It is also because of the addition of various seasonings that the body becomes fatter.

When eating noodles - is it better to eat dry noodles or wet noodles?

There are two types of noodles on the market, one is wet noodles that you roll yourself, and the other is dry noodles, also known as dried noodles. So which one of these two types of noodles is better?

Let’s take a look at the characteristics of wet noodles first:

Noodles contain more water, taste more elastic and tough, and are especially easy to boil, saving time. Not only can you use a machine to press noodles, you can also roll them by yourself. Noodles, ready in less than 20 minutes.

Let’s take a look at the characteristics of dry noodles:

After being pressed by a machine, they are naturally dried into dry noodles. This kind of noodles has no moisture and is easier to preserve. It is favored by many people because it is said that it will not go bad for a long time. The disadvantage is that it has too little water. , the taste is not very good, and there is no natural wheat flavor.

Is it actually okay to eat wet noodles or dry noodles? In theory, it is better to eat noodles, because the noodles are freshly pressed and modified, so they may be fresher.

Moreover, the noodles taste relatively fragrant, chewy and tough, and can satisfy people's stomach and taste. However, the taste of dry noodles is relatively bland.

You also need to pay attention to some things when buying noodles:

Try to choose some freshly pressed noodles. If they are not fresh, the noodles will have a sour taste, especially in summer. This sour taste is very obvious, and you can also Better to identify.

Fresh wet noodles have a faint fragrance, which is also healthier. #爱乐health#