After the rapid development of society, we will find that the way modern people avoid summer is very different from before. This is mainly due to the advancement of science and technology, and the emergence of many magic tools for summer escape, such as refrigerators and air cond

After the rapid development of society, we will find that the way modern people avoid summer is very different from before. This is mainly due to the advancement of science and technology, and the emergence of many summer-saving devices, such as refrigerators and air conditioners. With these two things, summer has become comfortable. a lot of.

Air conditioning and refrigerators make the whole summer better, but some people have problems because of them. Most of them are because of the wrong way to avoid the heat. Many people don't take it seriously. The temperature is high in summer, so it is normal to use some methods to avoid the heat. , but you also need to pay attention to the method.

Reminder: Two ways to escape the heat may lead to heart attack and sudden death.

Eating the wrong cold drinks or popsicles can easily trigger myocardial infarction

Many people may not believe it, or it may be an exaggeration, but some people do suffer from it. Ms. Wang, 52, worked in the fields all morning. When she got home, she was sweating profusely. In order to cool down and feel better, she asked her daughter to take a popsicle and eat it. After finishing, I felt much better and suddenly felt cooler.

I haven’t felt comfortable for a long time. When I was taking a nap, I suddenly felt that my heart was beating very fast. People are very weak and call their daughters quickly. As soon as the daughter saw the situation, she immediately took her mother to the hospital.

After examination, it was found that Ms. Wang suffered from sudden myocardial infarction. After timely rescue, Ms. Wang saved her life. Ms. Wang’s daughter wanted to know why her mother had a sudden myocardial infarction. The doctor asked her if Ms. Wang had three types of high blood pressure. Her daughter said that she had been diagnosed with high blood pressure. I'm very careful and my blood pressure is under pretty good control.

Then, after careful investigation, the doctor finally found the cause. It turned out that Ms. Wang ate a popsicle after sweating profusely. For Ms. Wang, who already suffers from high blood pressure, a popsicle, coupled with excessive sweating, is enough to induce a myocardial infarction.

Why can a popsicle cause a heart attack?

There is nothing wrong with the popsicles themselves. The key point is that there are many coincidences. The first is eating popsicles while sweating profusely. The second is that one has high blood pressure. The combination of the two will cause greater irritation to the blood vessels. And damage, blood vessels will rapidly shrink after being stimulated by cold. The blood pressure itself is high. Even if the control is stable, under the rapid contraction of blood vessels, the blood pressure may skyrocket rapidly.

After blood pressure soars, blood concentration becomes higher , and coronary artery blood vessel resistance also increases accordingly. In this case, the risk of myocardial infarction will naturally increase. The key is that Ms. Wang's coronary artery resistance increases not only due to cold stimulation. After the sweat output increases, if the water is not replenished in time, the human body will become more dehydrated, and the blood concentration will also increase. Double stimulation Under this condition, myocardial infarction will come easily and easily.

Just a reminder, even if you don’t have three highs or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , under dehydration or cold stimulation , it may trigger myocardial infarction. Older people should be more careful, as well as some people who have experienced People with many bad habits should pay attention to how to eat popsicles, cold drinks or iced fruits in summer. Do not eat cold drinks, popsicles or iced fruits while sweating.

If the air conditioner is not blowing properly, heart attack or sudden death may come at any time

Mr. Li, a fishing enthusiast, will go fishing whenever he has time in any season. Under the high temperature in summer, many people are reluctant to go out, but he still wants to go fishing on the river. , one day when I came back from fishing under high temperature, my whole clothes were soaked with sweat, and my face was flushed with heat. When I got home, I wanted to cool down, so I adjusted the air conditioner to the lowest temperature, and stood in the wind. .

Of course it is very comfortable to blow like this, and you will cool down quickly, but problems can happen at any time. As expected, Mr. Li suffered from intense chest pain at night, and his body was also full of weakness feeling, and a wave of dizziness came over him. , just fainted . The wife was frightened and quickly called 120. After being sent to the hospital, she was diagnosed with myocardial infarction. The doctor said that if it had been later, she might have died suddenly because the blood vessels were severely blocked.

The reason is improper air conditioning. Under hot and cold stimulation , the blood vessels rapidly relax and contract quickly, causing great damage to the blood vessels, causing plaques to quickly fall off to form thrombi. Serious blockage of coronary arteries, leading to severe insufficient blood supply to the myocardium, will cause acute myocardial infarction, and may lead to sudden death later.

When air-conditioning is used in summer, alternation of hot and cold is most avoided. To put it simply, the difference between human body temperature and indoor temperature is too large. Under such circumstances, blood vessels cannot switch freely, which can easily cause strong stimulation to blood vessels and cause blood vessel plaques to fall off quickly.

A special reminder, air conditioning is used in summer. No matter how hot it is, cannot adjust the temperature too low, especially when sweating profusely. The most suitable temperature should be 26℃. Moreover, you should not blow air directly on the air conditioner. Not only will it cause damage to the blood vessels, it will also easily cause cold and dampness, and the spleen and stomach will also be easily damaged.

Faced with the hot weather in summer, it is really annoying. It is necessary to choose some ways to escape the heat. However, you should still choose the right way to avoid the wrong way to escape the heat, which will bring disaster to the body. The above two ways to escape the heat You should be vigilant about the method. Many people are prone to mistakes and their blood vessels are very fragile. Don't let myocardial infarction or sudden death have the opportunity to find you.


1. "How to turn on the air conditioner for the healthiest thing" · Director of the Outpatient Department of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Heilongjiang, Wang Xiuju