It’s the 6th anniversary of Dr. Jia’s Women’s Department and the 5th anniversary of Yi Yuantang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic. Flags and banners have been hung up at the clinic, and our new formula for treating fibroids has come out. Everything is ready to welcome today.

I am very happy to be able to say hello to the patients as scheduled today. The clinic has been busy with one thing these days. It’s the 6th anniversary of Dr. Jia’s Women’s Department and the 5th anniversary of Yiyuan Tang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic. The clinic’s hanging flags and banners have all been hung up. Our new prescription for treating fibroids has also come out. Everything is ready, just to welcome today. arrival.

Recipe for dispersing tumors [Jiashi Danfeng Granules]

Recipe for dispersing tumors? This shows how targeted this new conditioning policy is. If the uterus is compared to a room, small fibroids and budding fibroids are like dust, "the scorch is like a feather, and it is impossible to lift it lightly." At this time, only needs a relatively light elimination method to achieve the desired effect. With the effect of pulling a thousand pounds, small fibroids can be easily removed. .

If there is a corner of the room that has a lot of dust, and it has been surrounded by cold and damp all year round, and the blood stasis has formed into lumps, this is stubborn fibroids, or large fibroids that have been there for many years. If the broom cannot sweep, you need to use stronger methods. Use a shovel to loosen it, and then cleaning will be easier. And this shovel is Danfeng Granules .

The ingredients of Danfeng granules are very interesting. uses many types of flowers. One of the characteristics of flowers is that they can "disperse". Hemerocallis Jieyu Sanji , Danfeng Peony Huoxue Sanji , Lilac Regulate Qi Sanji , Short Stem Five Add to remove dampness and disperse accumulation . Furthermore, all flowers according to the Five Elements belong to fire, so cinnamon is needed to bring fire back to the origin and lead these "scattered" powers to the lower burner.

Another feature of Danfeng Granules is that it calms the mind and calms the mind and connects the heart and kidneys.

We often say that the highest level of health care is to nourish the mind. Danfeng granules also incorporate the idea of ​​nourishing the heart. We selected lily , perilla , snow lotus , and eucommia male flower as monarch medicines to calm the mind and relieve depression, nourish the mind and calm the mind. There are also Hemerocallis , "Albizia julibrissin and anger, Hemerocallis ", which can make us calm down. A patient seen by had heavy menstruation and fibroids. After taking Danfeng Granules, he felt very calm and could write a large volume of calligraphy with calmness.

The normal state of the human body is "cold head and warm feet". When the heart is calm, Qi and blood will flow downwards, and there will be no nodules in the upper thyroid and breast glands. When Qi and blood circulate to the lower burner, the lower burner will be relatively warmer. , is tantamount to strengthening the power of Wen Tong, and fibroids, cysts can be better dispersed. This is also the perfect state where the heart and kidneys intersect and water and fire are harmonious.

This is the overall conditioning idea of ​​Danfeng Granules. The first one is "dispersing", dispersing all accumulation, nodules, and stasis ; the second one is calming the mind, communicating with the heart and kidneys, and calming the mind , which is not only for the treatment of fibroids, but also for the treatment of the whole body. s help.

Finally, summer is a good time to treat fibroids. Stubborn fibroids and large fibroids are like lumpy grass. It is difficult for grass to grow lushly. You need to turn over the stagnant land first. Danfeng Granules can disperse accumulated clumps. special party. As long as everyone is willing to adjust and seize this opportunity, our outpatient doctors, experts, and assistants will provide patients with professional help! I have been with you for the past 6 years, thank you!

I am Dr. Jia Xiufeng, MD, specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine Gynecology @TCM Gynecology Jia Doctor . I spend a lot of thought and energy writing popular science every day. It is not easy to code words. If you agree with what I say, please give me a thumbs up. Or click to follow; sharing is a virtue, giving roses to others will leave a lingering fragrance in your hands! Please forward and share this article to those who need it, so that more people can benefit from it.

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