Hello everyone, I am Dr. Mi. The hottest summer is coming at a pace that makes people disown each other. While it is muggy and hot, it also brings various fruits and vegetables to the market. Everyone knows that the good time to eat melons has come again. Old Chinese doctors ofte

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Mi

The hottest summer is coming at the pace of disowning relatives. It is sultry and hot at the same time, and it also brings various fruits and vegetables to the market. Everyone knows that the good time to eat melons has come again.

Old Chinese medicine practitioners often say that if you eat melons in summer, Chinese medicine will not cure them. But the problem is, watermelon, winter melon, loofah, cucumber, bitter melon, Wang Xiaofei’s melon. . .

Let’s tell a little story about the outpatient clinic.

A few days ago, a little boy, 5 years old, came to the clinic. He looked listless, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

My mother said that this situation started when the weather got hotter, and felt less energetic after the beginning of summer. The baby sleeps a lot every day, but he always feels lack of energy , has a bad temper , does not want to eat, his urine is yellow , and he has a low-grade fever every afternoon this week.

I went to the hospital for a blood test and found no infection. This frightened my mother. She kept asking me, what is going on with Dr. Mi? Is he not suffering from any serious illness?

Let’s take a look at the tongue:

This baby should be 疰夏!

Boiled summer, also known as bitter summer, is a common disease in summer. Because it does not seem serious, it seems to be just a lack of appetite and poor appetite, so it is often not noticed or even gradually forgotten.

But in fact, Yanxia is not friendly at all. Not only will it damage the child's vitality and reduce immunity, it will also leave the root of the disease, which will relapse in the summer.

The problem is here, how to cure it?

I immediately asked the mother to go to the vegetable market to buy a few kilograms of winter melon, and specifically told her not to worry about how to eat the melon meat, but the skin and seeds of the winter melon must be kept. After cleaning, boil water and honey for the baby to make tea.. It is refreshing and sweet, and babies love to drink it.

Mom asked, no need to take medicine? Great, go buy it now!

I came back for a follow-up visit a week later. The mother said that after drinking for a day, the child had a lot of black, shapeless and smelly stools, but he was cured after a few defecations! The low-grade fever is gone, my energy is better, and my appetite is better. I asked my mother to drink some Pseudostellariae + dendrobium +winter melon water (not winter melon seeds ) and drink it for another week.

Can you cure the disease by eating a melon instead of taking medicine? ! This child’s mother thinks Chinese medicine is amazing!

In fact, it is not strange at all, because summer is not a difficult disease to treat. It mainly consists of two words- dampness + heat. In summer, is damp and hot, , and the summer heat invades externally, causing stasis and blockage of the spleen and stomach.

And winter melon rind is best at clearing away heat, nourishing yin and dehumidifying. No matter how much moisture is in the body, it can turn it into water and discharge it from the body, or turn it into body fluid, allowing the moisture to abandon the darkness and turn into the light for me. Used. Once the moisture is removed, the child's illness will naturally be cured.

At the same time, because summer is hot and humid and the air moisture is high, in this environment, we feel like we are in a big steamer, and we are easily susceptible to moisture intrusion. In addition, in summer, Yang Qi floats on the surface, the spleen and stomach are weak, , which is more likely to cause dampness, spleen and stomach , and congestion in the body.

Reflected in children, it is summer; reflected in us adults, it may appear as hair loss, acne, eczema, and other minor problems caused by blockage.

This child has a constitution of with yin deficiency and , so he has a combination of dampness and heat.In the afternoon, Yangming auxiliary heat, Yin deficiency and fever , will cause a low fever. Winter melon seeds can clear away heat, promote diuresis and relieve constipation. If the fire is removed from the cauldron, it will naturally stop burning.

Winter melon has magical effects. In many medical records and ancient prescriptions, winter melon is also the main force in treating swelling.

Guangdong famous doctor Wang Mengyong once treated a 63-year-old patient with edema of both lower limbs with the help of winter melon peel. This patient had suffered from edema in both lower limbs for more than two years. After only three treatments, the edema in his lower limbs was relieved in just over a month.

The skin of winter melon is so magical, and the functions of winter melon seeds are also extraordinary. "Changsha Medical Solution": "Start with Taiyin Lung and Yangming Large Intestine Meridian.. Clear the lungs and moisten the intestines, drain pus and remove blood stasis." So when you have a hot cough in the lungs, such as pneumonia with yellow phlegm, or discomfort due to gastrointestinal infection, you can try winter melon seeds soaking in water.

Famous doctor Liu Duzhou treats coronary heart disease When a person has severe pain in the chest and arms and ecchymosis on the tip of the tongue, he uses Reed Stem Decoction plus winter melon seeds. The winter melon seeds here play the role of clearing away phlegm and dispersing stagnation.

But in my opinion, for ordinary people like us, the most important effect of winter melon seeds should be beauty and beauty..

Don’t forget, winter melon seeds enter the lung meridian, and the lungs are mainly white and fur. Therefore, winter melon seeds have miraculous effects in beauty and beauty. " Materia Medica Anthology " says: " white melon seeds are mainly used to make people happy and have good color. They can be used for a long time to lighten the body and resist aging. They can be used as facial oil to make people happy." Therefore, whitening in summer Mothers can try this method: Mix winter melon seeds with honey and osmanthus, soak them in water and drink them.

If it’s not too troublesome, you can also grind the melon seeds into powder, mix it with milk and refrigerate it, and then apply it on your face as a facial mask. This method of external application can not only calm and reduce inflammation, whiten the skin, but is also very effective in treating skin redness caused by excessive use of cosmetics.

Okay, now you should know what melons should be eaten in summer, right?

Before Sanfu , it is recommended that you make soup with winter melon for seven consecutive days and take it for the whole family. Removing dampness and heat without coldspleen and stomach can turn the moisture trapped by summer heat and summer dampness into "essence water" and eliminate waste water.

Winter melon When making soup, you can boil all the skin and seeds of the winter melon. While enjoying the delicious taste of the winter melon meat, you can also get the skin and seeds of the winter melon to dilute water and whiten the skin.

Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine is everywhere in life. . . .