Diabetic foot is one of the serious complications of diabetes, which brings a huge burden to individuals, families and society. Measures should be taken to prevent its occurrence. So, what is high-risk foot? High-risk foot is the early stage of diabetic foot. In order to prevent

Diabetic foot is one of the serious complications of diabetes . It brings a huge burden to individuals, families and society, and measures should be taken to prevent its occurrence. So, what is high-risk foot?

High-risk foot is the early stage of diabetic foot. In order to prevent the occurrence of diabetic foot, screening of high-risk foot is particularly important. Today I will tell you in detail what examinations are needed for diabetic foot?

What should diabetic foot patients undergo a physical examination in the outpatient clinic?

Mainly, a thorough examination of the lower limbs below the knee joints should be carried out at least once a year. For high-risk groups, it should be more frequent. Problems that need to be observed and recorded include abnormal gait, wear and tear of shoes, and whether foreign objects have penetrated into the shoes. Vascular activity, hair growth, skin temperature, capillary refill, and observation of the foot and heel. The deformity and tissue destruction, the size of the ulcer location, whether there are signs of edema or inflammation, the stability of the joints and the strength of the muscles should also be checked. If possible, a comprehensive neurological examination, reflex, motor and sensory functions should also be done. Various examinations, such as light touch, two-point discrimination, acupuncture and proprioception, should be checked one by one.

What should diabetic patients look for in blood vessel examination?

The most commonly used non-invasive examination is arterial Doppler ultrasound, the data of which is expressed by absolute pressure or ankle-brachial index. The ankle-brachial index reaches 0.45, which is considered the minimum value at which wounds can heal after amputation. The pressure of toe blood vessels An absolute value of 40mmHg is the minimum standard for wound healing. Note that patients with arteriosclerotic diseases may have falsely elevated pressure values. Other vascular examinations include measurement of skin perfusion pressure and transcutaneous oxygen partial pressure. The former is to experimentally determine the minimum pressure required to block the refilling of the skin after it is compressed. The latter is also used to determine the potential for healing after amputation. If the pressure is less than 20mmHg, there is a high risk of wound infection and if it is greater than 30mmHg It means there is sufficient healing potential.

As a diabetic patient, when you find numbness or pain in your lower limbs, you should go to the hospital for relevant diabetic foot screening to achieve early detection and early treatment.

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