In midsummer, air conditioning, WiFi, and watermelon are all indispensable. However, do you know the harm of iced watermelon overnight? Ms. Zhang ate half of a refrigerated watermelon and then developed severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fever and other symptoms. When she was sent

In midsummer, air conditioning, WiFi and watermelon are indispensable. However, do you know the harm of iced watermelon overnight? Ms. Zhang ate half of a refrigerated watermelon and then developed severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fever and other symptoms. When she was sent to the hospital, the doctor found that Ms. Zhang had suffered from shock, small intestinal necrosis and severe bacterial infection. Fortunately, the rescue was timely and Ms. Zhang was able to escape the danger. Coincidentally, Mr. Li also ate a piece of watermelon in the refrigerator, causing congestion, edema, necrosis, gas and fluid accumulation in his nearly 70cm long small intestine, and ultimately had to be surgically removed.

A small experiment on the Internet found that if a cut watermelon was wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator, the test results after 24 hours showed that 25g of watermelon contained 160 bacteria. If you eat it with a spoon, wrap the remaining watermelon in plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator. After 24 hours, a test found that there were as many as 1,600 bacteria in 25g of watermelon. If you use a knife and chopping board that have been washed after cutting to cut watermelon, the test after 24 hours found that there were 8,400 bacteria on 25g of watermelon. Watermelon cut with a special knife and chopping board contained 25 bacteria per 25g.

Nutritionist Liu Yueming, director of Beijing Longfu Hospital, pointed out that the temperature of the refrigerator compartment is around 5°C. Although the optimal temperature for most bacteria to reproduce is 20°C-40°C, there is still a certain risk in the 5°C-10°C environment. reproductive capacity. If the watermelon is contaminated by bacteria, then eating watermelon again is likely to cause bacterial food poisoning . The toxins produced by the bacteria will invade the intestinal mucosal epithelial cells and submucosal tissues. In mild cases, symptoms of acute gastroenteritis such as abdominal pain and diarrhea may occur. , in severe cases, it can cause irreversible intestinal damage.

Liu Yueming reminded that watermelon should be eaten as much as possible at one time. If there is any leftover, it is best to eat it within 4-6 hours without putting it in the refrigerator. If it is stored in the refrigerator, try to eat it within 24 hours. . "When storing, you can cover it with plastic wrap and do not put it on the same layer as raw meat or cooked food to avoid cross-contamination and cause food-borne diseases."

"Watermelon has a very high water content. For healthy people, eating it can clear away heat and diuresis. Some patients with kidney disease who have poor water excretion should try not to eat it or eat less to avoid water retention in the body and aggravating edema. "Liu Yueming emphasized that watermelon is a high-glycemic fruit with a glycemic index of 72, and patients with diabetes should try not to eat it; watermelon is a high-glycemic fruit. People with weak spleen and stomach should also eat less cool fruits and melons to avoid causing abdominal pain, bloating and other gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms.

Source: Beijing News

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