Have you ever experienced ringing in your ears, feeling upset, and having trouble falling asleep? Have you ever been troubled by tinnitus? Many people will ask, what is tinnitus? How to treat?

Have you ever experienced ringing in your ears, feeling upset, and having difficulty falling asleep? Have you ever been troubled by tinnitus or ?

Many people will ask, what is tinnitus? How to treat?

In fact, tinnitus is a clinical symptom. There are many causes of sudden tinnitus. In mild cases, it may be caused by otitis media, otosclerosis, acoustic damage (noise and blast damage, etc.), etc. ear diseases, or in severe cases. It may be a precursor symptom of some serious diseases such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma, cardiovascular disease, acoustic neuroma, etc.

The causes of the disease are different, and the treatments are also different. Today I will teach you about tinnitus.

What exactly causes tinnitus?

Tinnitus is often caused by cell damage in a certain part of the inner ear.

When these cells are damaged by stimulation from internal and external factors, they lose their normal listening function and instead transmit erroneous auditory signals to the brain. This allows patients to hear abnormal sounds even without external sound stimulation. .

Factors that can cause inner ear cell damage and cause tinnitus mainly include:

(1) ear damage

  • being in a noisy environment for too long, causing mechanical damage to the ear structure ;
  • smoking and drinking a lot of coffee containing Because 's drinks affect the blood supply to the ears;
  • took certain drugs that can cause ear damage, such as certain antibiotics, anti-epileptic drugs, and painkillers. Ibuprofen and aspirin have all been reported to have tinnitus.

(2) Other diseases affecting

  • damage to the head and neck affects the inner ear;
  • ears are attacked by diseases, such as otitis media, tympanic membrane lesions, etc.;
  • suffers from hypertension and other diseases, which affect the blood supply to the ears, and pulsatile tinnitus often occurs ;
  • The aging of the auditory nerve fiber endings in the inner ear means that normal hearing declines.

Diseases hidden behind tinnitus

The specific cause of tinnitus can be preliminarily determined through the specific feelings of tinnitus, the tone of tinnitus, and whether it is accompanied by other symptoms.

(1) Otogenic Tinnitus

Otogenic Tinnitus lesions occur in the auditory system, tinnitus caused by mechanical damage to ear structures caused by certain reasons. For example, otitis media, otosclerosis, acoustic damage (noise and blast damage, etc.) and other ear diseases.

This type of tinnitus is generally high-pitched, persistent tinnitus , which is caused by sensorineural hearing loss (noise) or may indicate cochlear damage.

(2) Psychogenic tinnitus

Tinnitus may also occur due to long-term work pressure. Especially in the dead of night when people need sleep and rest, the symptoms of tinnitus become more obvious. Sleep is affected, and continued fatigue and tension will aggravate tinnitus, creating a vicious cycle.

This type of psychogenic tinnitus can be improved by adjusting your lifestyle. When you feel relaxed and well rested, your immunity will improve, and the symptoms of tinnitus will be reduced or disappeared.

(3) Cardiovascular disease

high blood pressure , hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, low blood pressure , etc. can all cause tinnitus. At the same time, thyroid dysfunction , diabetes and some viral infections will affect the insufficient blood supply to the ears, can also cause tinnitus.

This type of tinnitus is mostly pulsatile (tinnitus that is synchronized with the heartbeat). The most common cause of pulsatile tinnitus is vascular.

(4) Cervical spondylosis

Some tinnitus may also be a complication of cervical spondylosis . The cause of this tinnitus is due to cervical spine strain and hyperplasia, which causes compression of nerve roots and vertebral arteries , resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain , which in turn affects the internal auditory artery that supplies blood to the ear, causing tinnitus.

(5) Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Tinnitus is one of the common symptoms of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, because the tumors are distributed in the pharyngeal recesses or the Eustachian tube round occipital area, and these parts are stimulated and compressed by the tumors for a long time, which is prone to Symptoms of secretory otitis media , such as tinnitus, hearing loss , etc.

If there is a low-frequency buzzing sound in the ears, along with a sense of fullness and blockage, and hearing loss, but feels loud when listening to one's own words, especially men who smoke frequently, they should be highly alert to the possibility of nasopharyngeal cancer. .

(6) Acoustic neuroma

Acoustic neuroma refers to a tumor originating from the auditory nerve sheath. It is a benign tumor and is one of the common intracranial tumors. When the tumor size is small, tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo occur on one side, and a few patients develop deafness after a period of time. Tinnitus may be accompanied by episodic dizziness or nausea and vomiting.

If you have unilateral, long-term, persistent, high-profile tinnitus , you should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible, because there is often a serious illness behind it.

How to treat tinnitus?

The treatment methods vary depending on the cause of the disease. It is necessary to prescribe the right medicine according to the cause of the disease. There is no one-size-fits-all method. Short-term, mild tinnitus can heal on its own in most cases. In addition, if the cause of tinnitus is clarified, most of the tinnitus can recover quickly after the cause is solved.

Tinnitus is one of the three major problems in otology. Generally speaking, there is no particularly good way to deal with sudden tinnitus other than injecting drugs to expand blood vessels and improve microcirculation.

But many clinical successful cases tell us that the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine has the best effect on sudden tinnitus. Infusion of and Chinese medicine at the same time may successfully kill the tinnitus in a few days.

Regardless of the cause of tinnitus, we need to pay attention to the following measures in life to relieve discomfort, speed up recovery, and avoid worsening:

  • Avoid going to places with high noise. If the environment is unavoidable, you can use earplugs or earmuffs;
  • Rules Exercise and control your weight. The incidence of tinnitus is higher among obese people, and exercise can help promote blood flow in the ears;
  • Avoid coffee and cigarettes, which will reduce blood flow in the ears (making blood vessels spasm ) and cause tinnitus;
  • You must get enough rest. Relax and relieve anxiety.

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