Watch wonderful stories ☯ Learn Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine "Health Times" published a short story about catechu. The content of the story is roughly as follows: The protagonist is an educated youth from Beijing who is stationed in Beidahuang to guard the bo

Watch wonderful stories ☯Learn Chinese medicine

" Health Times " published such a short story about catechu . The content of the story is roughly like this:

The protagonist is an educated youth from Beijing who is stationed in Beidahuang to guard the border. , in the severe cold of minus 40 degrees in Beidahuang, he suffered from severe rhinitis. His nose is always swollen like a head of garlic, and thick yellow mucus is like water from a small river. I always feel a headache after blowing my nose. He used the popular nasal medicine at the time, but the result became more and more uncomfortable with the treatment. When

went home to visit relatives, his father was very anxious when he saw his red and swollen nose with a thick runny nose. He asked Dr. Li Chunsheng, director of the Otolaryngology Department of Beijing Fuxing Hospital, to treat him.

After carefully examining his nose, Dr. Li diagnosed him as suffering from chronic hypertrophic rhinitis . The doctor warned him: If you have runny nose, wipe it gently with a handkerchief or toilet paper. Do not blow it hard, otherwise it will damage your nose and brain.

The doctor used "catechu therapy" collected from folk secrets to treat his rhinitis.

Catechu therapy:

Mash a little catechu into fine noodles, put it in a small bottle, do not fill it up, pour sesame oil into the bottle, and soak the catechu completely.

During treatment, use a cotton swab dipped in catechu and stuff it into one nostril. After 20 minutes, replace it with a new cotton swab dipped in catechu and stuff it into the other nostril. The 20 minutes are over.

In this way, once a day, 7 days is a course of treatment.

Using this method, he only needed two courses of treatment, and his rhinitis was completely cured. He has never had it again.

The story comes from: "Health Times" (page 7, May 16, 2002)

Hello everyone, I am pharmacist Cai Huabing of Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University.

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Catechu (ér chá)

Catechu is a decoction of the peeled branches and dried leaves of Leguminosae deciduous tree plant Catechu. Harvest branches and stems in winter, remove the outer skin, chop into large pieces, add water to boil, concentrate and dry. Break into pieces and use raw.

Its taste is bitter, astringent and cool in nature. Guixin, Lung meridian. It has the effects of activating blood, healing wounds, stopping bleeding, promoting muscle growth and relieving sores.

Instructions for use: External use: Grind into powder and sprinkle or mix for application; Oral use: Take into pills and powder, or wrap in cloth and boil in water.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Clears the heat in the diaphragm, resolves phlegm and promotes body fluids. It can be applied to wounds and all kinds of sores. It can promote muscle growth and relieve pain, stop bleeding and remove moisture."

Catechu can activate blood circulation and dissipate blood stasis, astringe and stop bleeding, promote muscle growth and reduce sores. , it also has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying and removing dampness.

can be used for trauma, bruising, bleeding, sores, eczema, tooth decay, etc.

To treat traumatic bleeding: you can use catechu with blood root, white and , dragon bone , etc., such as Zhixue Powder; Such as Fujin Shengji Powder; to treat skin eczema: catechu can be mixed with keel, light powder, etc.; to treat cough due to lung heat: catechu can be mixed with mulberry leaves, perilla, etc. to soothe the lungs and calm the cough. Powder;

To treat tooth decay: catechu can be used with borneol , borax , etc.

" Diet and Diet Essentials ": "Remove phlegm and heat, quench thirst, facilitate urination, eliminate food and reduce qi, refresh the mind and less sleep."

Tooth decay: refers to red and swollen gums, ulceration and pain, and rancid pus and blood.

There is also a prescription for catechu, which is a concentrated decoction of the leafy twigs of the Rubiaceae plant Uncaria catechu. The nature, flavor, efficacy, and indications are the same as those of catechu.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Catechin catechu

The catechu tree is more common in the south. Have you seen it?

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# unusual case#