If nothing else, "aging" is a stage that everyone needs to go through. Under normal circumstances, once a person reaches the age of 50, he will slowly enter the aging stage. However, friends who like to watch entertainment programs will find that celebrities such as He Jiong, Lin

If nothing else, "aging" is a stage that everyone needs to go through.

Under normal circumstances, once a person reaches the age of 50, he will slowly enter the aging stage. However, friends who like to watch entertainment programs will find that stars such as He Jiong, Jimmy Lin, Hu Ge, etc., no matter they are 10 Whether it was 20 years ago or 20 years ago, their appearance has not changed much, as if "time" has forgotten these stars.

Looking at ordinary people, some people are clearly in their early 40s but look like they are in their 50s. Why can male celebrities press the pause button or the slow button on the road to aging, but ordinary people cannot?

In fact, the main reason is that male celebrities pay attention to maintenance. The earlier they take care of themselves, the slower they will age. But if you want to prevent aging, you don’t need to shout slogans. Just apply two facial masks if you have nothing to do. If you want to delay aging, you need to understand the symptoms of aging and then prescribe the right medicine.

Once a man starts to age, his body will undergo four changes.

1 The "Mediterranean" phenomenon will appear.

"Mediterranean" is a label for middle-aged men. As we age, the male hormone in our body will slowly decrease, which will affect the growth of hair. Over time, a "Mediterranean" phenomenon will appear. In addition, as age increases, human body functions will slowly decline, and kidney function will also be affected to a certain extent. When kidney function is weak it will also cause men to experience hair loss .

If the "Mediterranean" is caused by the decline of male hormones, you can do appropriate physical exercise every day, maintain a good mood , avoid staying up late and other factors to promote the secretion of male hormones. If "Mediterranean" is caused by the kidneys, we need to maintain the kidneys and avoid abnormal renal function to prevent the occurrence of "Mediterranean".

2 Abnormalities in urine

For men, the older they are, the greater the risk of prostate disease. Once the prostate becomes abnormal, frequent urination and incontinence of urination will occur. In addition, when the prostate function is weak, it will also affect the distance of urination. When it appears that it is "incompetent", it means that the body is slowly getting older.

If there is an abnormality in the prostate, you can go to the hospital for examination. If the cause has been determined, the problem can be solved in time. A friendly reminder that after the age of 45, prostate disease problems are more common. Men should always pay attention to their own health.

3 will slowly turn into a "pregnant belly"

After men enter the aging stage, the body's metabolism will slow down , resulting in excess energy and fat in the body not being metabolized in time and accumulating in the abdomen. In addition, as age increases, the body will become slower and lazier. When the amount of exercise is not enough, the energy intake will be greater than the energy consumed, resulting in the accumulation of energy in the body, over time. "Pregnant belly" will appear

Therefore, it is recommended that men after the age of 50 strictly control their energy intake every day. After eating three meals a day, they can take an appropriate walk to promote the digestion of food in the body and speed up metabolism. , to avoid the appearance of "pregnant belly".

4 Physical strength will become worse and worse

During the aging period of the body, one of the most obvious characteristics is that it becomes "incompetent". When you are young, you can climb 10 floors in one breath. When your body enters the aging stage, you will be out of breath after climbing 2 to 3 floors.

If a man feels "out of power" after the age of 50, it means he has entered the aging stage. If he wants to slow down the rate of aging, he needs to exercise for 30 minutes every day to achieve the effect of strengthening his body.

In short, aging is something that every man needs to experience. Although we cannot prevent aging, we can delay aging in a targeted manner based on the symptoms of aging.

Of course, it is not enough to simply know the manifestations of aging and the measures to delay aging. If we want to press the "pause button" on aging, we need to be well aware of the behaviors that induce aging, so that we can better delay aging.

What factors in life will accelerate male aging?


Compared with before, it is indeed more comfortable to go to work now. Most people sit in the office all day long. But sedentary behavior is very detrimental to your health. It will not only affect physical health, but also cause the human body's cells to lose their activity and promote cell aging. When cells age rapidly, people will naturally become more susceptible to aging.

·Smoking and drinking

In today's society, the vast majority of men have the bad habit of smoking and drinking. Long-term smoking and drinking will not only increase the risk of lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer and other cancers. The harmful substances in cigarettes will accelerate skin aging. In addition, alcohol will affect the body's metabolic function , affecting the body's normal metabolism and causing the body to age rapidly.

In addition to the above two common bad behaviors, often staying up late, not exercising, excessive life pressure, unstable emotions and other reasons may accelerate aging. Therefore, if you want to delay aging, you need to get rid of the bad behaviors in your life first. living habit.

Summary: Aging is unstoppable, but it can be delayed. From the above content, you should find that both methods of delaying aging and behaviors that accelerate aging are all derived from small details in life. Therefore, if you want to alleviate aging, you need to make changes in the details.


[1] 7 behaviors that accelerate male aging. Staying up late ranks at the bottom. The first place may be common among many men·Guangming.com·2019-03-19