Aunt Wang recently discovered a red acne on her arm. At first I thought it was caused by mosquito bites, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But it never subsided, and several new red pimples even appeared around it, which frightened her. Especially Aunt Li, who was dancing in

Aunt Wang recently discovered a red acne on her arm. At first I thought it was caused by mosquito bites, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But it never subsided, and several new red pimples even appeared around it, which frightened her.

Especially Aunt Li, who was dancing square dance together, saw this situation and said it was a sign of liver disease . It's best to check it out, which makes Aunt Wang even more scared.

What is the reason for red acne on the body?

If we observe carefully in life, we will find that most people have some acne on their skin to a greater or lesser extent. For example, when people work at high temperatures, acne will appear on the skin due to excessive heat in the body. Acne will also appear on the skin when eating too much chili pepper.

However, these acne will disappear naturally after a period of time and will not have any impact on health. So many people ignore it. So what are the causes of red acne on the body?

. Red acne on the body may be mosquito bites.

It is summer and mosquitoes are in the breeding season. After being bitten by a mosquito , red acne will appear on the bitten area of ​​the skin, which is also the source of red acne on many people's bodies.

And the more toxic the mosquito bites, the larger the red acne caused by the bite and the longer it will last. In this case, just apply a little toilet water or soapy water, and don't worry too much.

. Allergy

Not everyone with allergy will have a more violent reaction. There are also some people who only have some acne on their skin when they are allergic. If you feel itchy around the acne, it is best to go to the hospital to buy some anti-allergic medication.

3, vascular nevus

red acne, it may also be vascular nevus . This phenomenon often occurs in the elderly. Such vascular nevus may appear on the arms or chest and back.

This is caused by blood vessel aging and blood vessel damage, which leads to expansion of blood vessels on the skin surface. Moreover, this red nevus does not have any adverse symptoms, but it is difficult to completely subside.

Don’t worry if you encounter this situation. Just leave it alone. Do not rub or twist it with your hands.

4. Spider nevus caused by liver disease

Spider nevus is a red nevus that appears on the chest and abdomen and looks like a spider. It is caused by the dilation of capillaries on the surface of the skin. Its appearance is related to changes in the content of sex hormones in the body.

Patients with liver disease, due to the decline in liver function , are unable to decompose and excrete estrogen , resulting in an increase in estrogen content in the body, causing telangiectasia and spider nevus.

It is not difficult to see from this that the appearance of red moles on the body does not confirm liver disease. It can only be said that this possibility exists, and further examination is needed to determine the specifics.

But it is not difficult to see that the liver is the main metabolic organ of the human body. Its lesions will cause changes in other parts of the body. If it can be grasped in advance, it will be of great benefit to the prevention of liver disease. Let’s learn together.

Liver disease, be aware of hands and feet. When liver disease occurs, there are three changes in hands and feet.

First, fingernails will appear concave

Traditional Chinese medicine believes: The liver controls diarrhea and regulates qi. It has the function of tonifying the triple burner and dredging water channels. If the liver qi is loose and loose, the qi movement will be sluggish, resulting in stagnant blood and yin stagnation.

This sentence means that the liver has the function of storing blood and regulating blood volume. If the liver becomes diseased, its ability to regulate blood will decrease.

When the liver is in good condition and the blood is sufficient, people's nails will become fuller and more colorful. But if the liver is damaged, the qi and blood will not flow smoothly, and the nails will not be replenished with enough qi and blood, and there will be signs of depression. For example, some brown lines will appear on the nail surface.

Second, large erythema will appear on the palm of the hand

If you find erythema appearing in the large and small thenar muscles , it may be a sign of liver function loss, because the liver is the organ responsible for catabolism, and estrogen needs to pass through the liver. function to maintain balance.

When the liver function declines, the content of estrogen in the body increases, and the palms will become red. This is also called " liver palms ".

Third, edema in the lower limbs or feet

Swelling in the lower limbs is also one of the manifestations of liver disease. Because the liver is the body’s main organ for protein synthesis. If the liver is damaged, protein synthesis will be limited, resulting in hypoalbuminemia. At this time, edema will appear in the lower limbs, and the more serious the liver disease is, the more serious the edema will be.

You may wish to check your own situation. If you do not find similar symptoms, it means that your liver is in good health. If you find one or two of them, don’t worry too much. Go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in a timely manner to confirm the condition and provide symptomatic treatment.

Summer is coming and the heat is unbearable. When people are agitated, they often neglect organ maintenance, leading to liver damage. This article will take stock of several common behaviors that damage the liver in summer, as well as good habits that nourish and protect the liver.

Summer is coming. Do less of the two liver-damaging behaviors and eat more of the two liver-protecting foods.

Like to drink alcohol and eat late-night snacks at night.

Summer nights are often the prime time for beer and food stalls. Many people choose to drink a little beer and order some barbecue in the evening. This behavior is not friendly to liver health.

Whether it is alcohol or oil in barbecue, it requires the metabolism of the liver to be absorbed by the body. This will undoubtedly increase the burden on the liver, and when alcohol is metabolized, it will also damage liver cells, resulting in alcoholic liver disease .

Likes to stay up all night

In summer, because the weather is relatively muggy, people may also have difficulty falling asleep . At this time, it often happens that stays up late .

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the time between 1 and 1 o'clock at night is the time when Qi and blood enter the liver, and it is also the time when the liver rests. If you do not fall asleep at this time, the liver will not be able to recover.

If things continue like this, the liver will naturally be damaged.

Eat more protein-rich meat

As summer comes, you can eat more beef and chicken. These types of meat contain less fat and more protein. After consumption, it can provide a large amount of amino acids ingredients, providing the liver with raw materials for protein synthesis.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber , which can promote the body's metabolism, thereby reducing the metabolic burden on the liver and reducing the pressure on the liver to detoxify .

The liver is not only one of the five internal organs of the human body, but also an important organ for metabolism and detoxification.Liver lesions will inevitably cause a series of chain reactions, causing abnormalities in many parts of the body. Since liver lesions do not cause pain, they are difficult to detect. Learning more relevant knowledge will be quite useful in preventing liver disease in life.

[Reference materials]

1. The liver has 5 main functions and you must protect it·Life Times·2018.8.18

2. Seven habits are liver killers· China Economic Network ·2017.9.17

3. Five obvious signs of liver damage· Yangtze Evening News ·2017.3.28