Let’s get straight to the point. Today I will share an #unusual case# of refractory gout treated with traditional Chinese medicine. The male patient was 50 years old. For unknown reasons more than 20 years ago, the first metatarsophalangeal joint of his left foot began to swell a

Let’s get straight to the point. Today I will share an #extraordinary case# of refractory gout treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

A 50-year-old male patient began to experience swelling and pain in the first metatarsophalangeal joint of his left foot for unknown reasons more than 20 years ago, accompanied by joint swelling, impaired joint function and abnormal movement. At that time, the skin around the joint was red and the skin temperature was high. Because the joint was red, swollen, hot and painful, it was relieved after taking painkillers by myself.

10 years ago, both ankle joints experienced redness, swelling, heat and pain. At the same time, the joint function was also affected, making it difficult to walk. At that time, I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with gouty arthritis. The physiological and biochemical tests and blood uric acid were also relatively high, but the specific number was not available. remembered. After the doctor gave colchicine , ammonium bicarbonate , benzbromarone , the pain was relieved, but there has been no systematic and effective treatment since then.

5 years ago, tophi of varying sizes appeared around the joints of both hands. The joint pain was severe. I still took painkillers on my own, but I still did not take systemic treatment to lower uric acid.

Half a month ago, I ate too much hard currency and drank a few too many glasses of wine at a party. My feet, ankles and finger joints were swollen and painful. The pain was unbearable and I came to see a doctor for treatment.

syndrome is characterized by pain in the elbows, wrists, metacarpophalanges, interdigitals, knees, ankles, and metatarsophalangeal joints of the patient. The left wrist joint is the most severe. The skin of the joints is red, the skin temperature is high, and there are multiple joints around the joints. Obvious tophi can be seen, joint flexion and extension are difficult, and movement is limited. Joint symptoms become worse when exposed to cold and aggravated by heat.

It is also accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, red tongue with petechiae, yellow and greasy coating, and slippery and rapid pulse.

The blood uric acid test was 663, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 102, C reactive protein 11.4.

Based on the above TCM symptoms, the TCM syndrome differentiation is liver, spleen and kidney deficiency, phlegm, heat, blood stasis and poison, internal deficiency and excess mixed with gout.

Traditional Chinese medicine, based on the principle of "treating the symptoms when it is urgent", provides methods of removing dampness and reducing phlegm, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis , and clearing away heat and detoxification in the acute phase. The prescription is Miao medicine Gout Ting, which is composed of Gypsum and Anemarrhena. , Phellodendron , Honeysuckle , Forsythia , Fangji , 萆袢, Trachelospermum , Coptis chinensis, Sanbaiguang, Daoxueteng, Chuchuhuang, Turmeric , peach kernel , safflower , licorice composition.

Decoct it in water and take it warmly once in the morning and evening. At the same time, it is combined with diclofenac sodium for anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

After taking the medicine for ten days, the patient's symptoms were significantly relieved, but the effect was not changed. After removing the gypsum, honeysuckle, Coptis chinensis and forsythia that were used to clear away heat, add Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria , Raw rehmannia , Chinese yam, Gouji. , Bupleurum , White Peony and other products that strengthen the spleen and kidneys, soothe the liver and regulate qi, , take it for another month until the gouty joint swelling completely disappears, the tophi becomes soft, and the unsealed tophi disappears. The re-examination of blood uric acid has dropped below 360, erythrocyte sedimentation rate has dropped to 20, and C-reactive protein has dropped to 1.4. So I stopped taking diclofenac sodium , and changed to lifestyle adjustments such as low protein, low purine, more fruits and vegetables, and drinking more water.

The above prescription for the remission period was taken for another three months to consolidate, and the blood uric acid was reduced to 300 during the re-examination. The condition was stabilized and under control, and there was no recurrence during follow-up.

In short, our goal is: uric acid will no longer be high, gout will not occur, and stay away from kidney stones .

has been popularizing headlines for more than a year. The more he communicates with fans, the more he gradually focuses on metabolic diseases especially gout, because he can empathize with and deeply understand the joys, sorrows and joys of gout sufferers. Therefore, Dr. Jiang has a wish in 2022. He wants to recruit 1,000 gout patients who have been suffering from gout for many years to work with me to correctly lower uric acid and stay away from the shackles of gout. You can follow @TCM Dr. Jiang talks about gout and leave a message in the comment area or send a private message for one-on-one answers, personalized Develop a uric acid-lowering cocktail program. #将 Zero Zero Plan##Doctor Doka Super Group##I am creating in Toutiao#.

References for this article (pictures and texts are from the Internet and have been deleted): Zhong Qin and other articles in the 3rd issue of "Rheumatism and Arthritis" in 2016 "Experiences in treating refractory gout from the perspective of phlegm, poison and blood stasis".