When people think of high uric acid, they think of gout. It seems that these two words have been bound together. Because of this, when a person has low uric acid, he will naturally relax his vigilance against gout and feel that he is "safe". But in fact, low uric acid does not ne

Speaking of high uric acid, people will think of " gout ". It seems that these two words have been bound together. Because of this, when a person has low uric acid, he will naturally relax his vigilance against gout and feel that he is "safe". But in fact, low uric acid does not necessarily mean you will not suffer from gout.

Trabecular is an example. The 22-year-old is a college student. Once when he was returning to the dormitory after class, he suddenly felt a pain in the big toe of his right foot, which almost made him kneel down. Fortunately, the roommate who returned to the dormitory with him found something abnormal and rushed Trabecular to the hospital. After examination, it was found that Trabecular was caused by a subcutaneous tophi attack in the toe joint of his right foot, which is what we commonly call it. Gout phenomenon.

However, after receiving the diagnosis form, Xiao Liang did not believe the result. A few days ago, the school organized a physical examination and found that his blood uric acid concentration was only 6.2mg/dL, which is within the normal uric acid category. I really don’t know why I was diagnosed. Gout attacks. This condition of trabeculae is actually a typical symptom of hypouricemia gout.

Low uric acid may also cause gout? Why is this?

In fact, many people have a misunderstanding, thinking that excessive uric acid causes gout.

But in fact, in medicine, uric acid and gout are two independent pathogenic factors . They can only be said to be related to each other, but there is no unique causal relationship.

The real cause of gout is actually the "tophus" formed by uric acid crystals. Although the increased concentration of uric acid is part of the cause of the formation of tophi,some other factors can also lead to similar situations. .

Here mainly lists 3 reasons:

Body temperature drops too low due to external influences

Blood uric acid concentration is affected by temperature. When the temperature is too low, The solubility of blood uric acid decreases, and the level approaches saturation, even if the uric acid itself If the concentration is not high, crystals may precipitate and induce gout.

Generally speaking, when body temperature drops below 37 degrees, the possibility of gout will increase accordingly.

Bone and joint injuries occur

For example, may cause bone and joint injuries due to bumps or wrestling. Inflammation is concentrated in the location of the lesions, which will cause changes in the Ph value of arthritis, leading to the precipitation of uric acid crystals in joints. .

The precipitation of uric acid crystals is equivalent to the possibility of gout attack. And because the concentration of tissue fluid in the foot is relatively high, it is easier to form a large number of crystals. This is one of the reasons why gout is more common in the feet.

Uric acid drops too fast

Yes, you read that right. Not only does high uric acid increase the risk of gout, but if uric acid drops too fast, it will also lead to the aggravation of uric acid crystals. This is because during the period when blood uric acid drops significantly, the uric acid concentration at the joints does not change much. If the concentration difference between

and is too large, it will also induce the formation of tophi, thereby increasing the risk of uric acid.

It can be seen that gout is not a "patent" for high uric acid. Even if uric acid is normal, gout may occur due to some other physiological or pathological factors.

But don’t panic too much. According to Data provided by National Rheumatism Data Center, The prevalence of gout in my country is between 1% and 3%. Although there is a possibility of gout in both low uric acid and high uric acid, the overall probability is still relatively low.In contrast, the prevention of gout cannot only focus on uric acid. Other causative factors also need to be paid attention to.

For these three types of people, even if the uric acid is normal, they should be wary of gout in advance.

The first type of people : Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old

The pH regulation of body fluids needs to be balanced by the metabolic system. According to epidemiological survey , the probability of gout in people with low metabolism is about 22% higher than that in people with normal metabolism.

For middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old, due to the influence of age, their organ functions have deteriorated. In contrast, their metabolic capacity will also decline, and the possibility of gout will be higher.

The second type of people : People with a family history of gout

Gout is also a genetic disease. According to a large number of studies, more than 40 genes are related to gout and uric acid control.

Therefore, if there is a history of gout in the family, you should also be alert to potential gout risks.

The third type of people: Obese people

According to the data from the "U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey", About 50% of gout patients have symptoms of obesity. For most obese patients, there are often signs of elevated blood sugar. And high blood sugar will cause the body to become resistant to insulin .

Without the participation of insulin, the body's metabolism will slow down and the efficiency of uric acid excretion will decrease, which will also increase the chance of gout. Actively losing weight and maintaining a standard weight will not only help reduce the risk of gout, but also have a positive effect on improving indicators such as uric acid, , blood lipids, , and blood sugar.

In summary, even if the uric acid level is normal, some people still have a high risk of gout. It is simple and direct to be vigilant in advance and take measures to control: adjust the diet, reduce the intake of greasy food, regular work and rest, active exercise, etc. Adjustment method. Going to the hospital for regular check-ups is also an effective way to prevent high uric acid and gout.


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[3]: "Uric Acid High does not equal gout (Lecture Hall of Famous Doctors)" People's Daily, 2021-7-30