Hello, doctor, the film I took was of cervical disc bulge, with both the third and fourth symptoms. I have a heating electromagnetic spectrum therapy device at home. Can I do it for ten minutes a day?

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Shenyang Orthopedic Hospital Soft Traumatology Department Su Wanpeng


Doctor, hello, the film I took was for cervical disc bulge, both third and third. For the four symptoms, if I have a heating electromagnetic spectrum therapy device at home, can I do it for ten minutes a day? Can lifting dumbbells enhance muscle function? Is it okay to dance some cervical vertebrae and do ?

Experts explain

Spectrum therapy devices with heating functions are available. It is a type of thermotherapy. The treatment time can be slightly longer. The recommended length of neck treatment is generally 30 minutes, because the skin is resistant to heat. The degree of treatment is limited, and the treatment area needs to be heated gently to gradually bring the muscles in the treatment area to the temperature required for treatment, and maintain it for a certain period of time to promote tissue metabolism to achieve the therapeutic effect.

Exercises such as lifting dumbbells and jumping cervical spine exercises are feasible for healthy people, some sub-healthy and cervical spondylosis people in the late recovery stage. After exercise, the corresponding muscles will suffer from fatigue damage, and the above-mentioned groups have better results. Compensation and recovery capabilities can achieve excessive recovery of corresponding muscles through exercise, thereby enhancing muscle strength and protecting the cervical vertebra to strengthen the body. However, it is absolutely prohibited for patients with cervical spondylosis, as additional exercise will aggravate the disease. Existing muscle fatigue damages and aggravates the condition. For patients in recovery, the most important thing is rehabilitation training, but it needs to be carried out under the guidance of professional doctors. Rushing into self-exercise without evaluation is often counterproductive.


how to treat c2-c7 cervical disc herniation and degenerative disease?

Expert interpretation

First of all, everyone needs to clarify the difference between cervical disc herniation and cervical disc herniation. Cervical disc herniation is a change in anatomical structure. Clinically, there may be no symptoms, or only neck discomfort and no symptoms of nerve root entrapment. If you have symptoms such as dizziness and headache, you don’t need to pay too much attention to the condition at this time. Pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and live a step-by-step life. Cervical disc herniation is a symptom caused by the herniated disc compressing local soft tissue. Depending on the condition, it is usually treated with hyperthermia , electromagnetic therapy, massage techniques , acupuncture treatment and other methods to promote recovery. If it is a cervical disc herniation, During the acute attack period, some anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are prescribed.

asked doctor

, I would like to ask: I feel dizzy, even when I lie down, and my neck cannot support my head after sitting for a long time.

Expert Interpretation

In this case, it is recommended that you first seek medical treatment at the neurology and otolaryngology departments to clarify the cause of dizziness and rule out dizziness caused by brain lesions and inner ear vestibular problems. The most obvious characteristic of dizziness caused by cervical spondylotic myelopathy is top-heavy and a feeling of cotton when walking. The symptoms of vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis are closely related to body posture. Doing a specific posture to one side will cause the vertebrobasilar artery on the opposite side to be compressed, resulting in insufficient blood supply and inducing symptoms of dizziness.

The reason why the neck cannot support the head is because the neck muscles cannot support normal work needs for a long time after strain. Usually, most patients show symptoms of lightness in the morning and weight in the evening. Symptoms often appear at noon and become significantly worse in the afternoon. In this case, it is recommended to take a lunch break at noon. Lie down for a while or perform simple airbag traction to relieve neck muscle fatigue. The most fundamental cause of the disease is neck muscle fatigue. Physical therapy can be used to relax the muscles and improve local metabolism to promote recovery.

asked a question

Dr. Su, Hello, cervical bone hyperplasia , C5-C6 intervertebral disc herniation, is it related to the constant headache? The cervical spine is usually stiff, and there will be a sound when moving the cervical spine. Should I move the cervical spine more or use acupuncture? . Slow recovery through heat therapy. How long does it take to recover?

Expert interpretation

Cervical bone hyperplasia and C5-C6 intervertebral disc herniation. Such pathological changes generally do not cause headaches.In this case, it is recommended to check the lateral position of the opening of the atlas. First, determine whether there is subluxation of the atlas and axis. In clinical practice, it is common for the second cervical vertebra to be deflected, which can induce headaches. Spasm of the skull base muscles can also induce headaches. , At the same time, it should also be clarified whether the sequence of the cervical spine is neat, and whether the rotation and lateral deviation of the cervical spine cause vertebral artery spasm, which affects the blood supply to the brain and induces headaches.

Daily maintenance plans vary depending on individual physiques, but patients with cervical spondylosis commonly experience the coexistence of muscle spasm and muscle dysfunction. A stiff neck often pops when moving, which is a specific manifestation. Reasonable improvement of different muscle states and restoration of coordinated work during treatment and recuperation is the key to recovery. It is recommended to combine treatment with rehabilitation training. In the early stage of the disease, if the corresponding symptoms have just appeared and there is no obvious relief after a short period of recovery, systematic treatment should be received in time, and functional training should be used in the later stage of the treatment to maintain and consolidate the treatment effect.

asked a question

Hello doctor, I have neck pain and stiffness, sometimes numbness in the ring finger of my left hand, and pain in my right shoulder and shoulder blade seam. It will gradually get better in a few days. Can you tell me how to treat it?

Expert Interpretation

Your symptoms are relatively complicated, considering that a variety of diseases are mixed together, including but not limited to cervical disc herniation, cervical and thoracic joint disorders, cervical and back fasciitis, etc. Currently, warm therapy is the first choice for self-care at home, with localized Hot compress improves muscle metabolism and relieves muscle spasms. The neck and shoulders can gradually be stretched under the guidance of professionals to relieve muscle spasm. The initial onset of cervical spondylosis resolves quickly but is easy to recur. After the number of episodes increases, as the disease progresses, cervical spine arching, intervertebral joint hyperplasia, and herniated disc calcification, the related symptoms after the onset of cervical spondylosis become increasingly difficult to alleviate. After the above symptoms occur again, it is recommended that you go to the hospital for treatment. Through imaging examination, the size and location of the herniated disc can be clarified. Combined with the disorder of the cervical and thoracic spine, receive systematic treatment to thoroughly regulate the muscles with deep fatigue and the small joints of the cervical and thoracic spine disorders. Good, in order to fundamentally block the progression of cervical spondylosis.

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