New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net, Nanguo Metropolis Daily News on July 1 (Reporter Sha Xiaofeng) Recently, in the general election of the third board of directors of the Chinese Hospital Association Medical Imaging Centers Branch (Chinese Hospital Association Medical Imaging Centers

new Hainan client, Nanhai network , Nanguo Metropolis Daily July 1 news (Reporter Sha Xiaofeng) Recently, at the third session of the Board of Directors of the Chinese Hospital Association Medical Imaging Centers Branch (Chinese Hospital Association Medical Imaging Centers Branch) In the general election, Song Bin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sanya People's Hospital | West China Sanya Hospital of Sichuan University, was elected as the deputy director. This is also the second time that he was elected as the deputy director of the Radiology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and the vice president of the Radiology Physician Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association. , vice president of the China Imaging Technology Research Association, and vice president of the Imaging Medicine Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of International Healthcare Exchange, he has taken an important position in another national academic group/industry organization in the field of domestic radiology imaging, which reflects the radiology community. Recognition of Professor Song Bin’s academic attainments and subject management level.

Song Bin was elected as the deputy director of the third Medical Imaging Center Branch of the Chinese Hospital Association.

Song Bin is a third-level professor at Sichuan University, first-level chief physician and doctoral supervisor at West China Hospital of Sichuan University. He takes abdominal imaging as his clinical and scientific research sub-specialty, and has long been committed to the basic, imaging and clinical application research of primary liver cancer and chronic liver disease . He is an expert in the research and development of new technologies for liver disease imaging diagnosis, liver function and molecular imaging. He is a well-known expert in the fields of liver imaging big data and application, liver imaging and artificial intelligence . In the past five years, as the project leader, he has undertaken 12 scientific research projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Education Doctoral Program Fund, etc., and has published academic papers in domestic and foreign public publications. He has more than 300 papers, of which more than 160 are included in SCI, including Radiology, Liver Cancer, Medical Image Analysis, European Radiology, JMRI and other famous journals. A single article has been cited up to 652 times by WOS. He is a highly cited scholar in Elsevier's Chinese radiology community. , serves as the associate editor of "Abdominal Radiology" and "Annals of Translational Medicine", and is also the editor-in-chief of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" planning textbooks "Abdominal Radiation Diagnostics", " Chinese Imaging Medicine - Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic and Spleen Volume " and " "Highly Specific Contrast Agent Enhanced MR Diagnosis of Hepatobiliary Diseases: Case Collection" and other 6 textbooks/monographs. As deputy editor, he participated in the 5-year and 8-year national planning textbooks " Medical Imaging " and Imaging Medicine for clinical medicine majors. Compilation of the professional five-year national planning textbook "Medical Imaging". He is the academic and technical leader of Sichuan Province and the business director of the Radiation Medicine Quality Control Center of Sichuan Province. He has received honorary titles such as Tianfu Famous Doctor and the Fourth People’s Daily Health Times National Famous Doctor-Excellent Style Award.

During his 14 years as the director of the Department of Radiology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, he led the West China Department of Radiology to advance in all aspects of medicine, teaching, research, and management. He was recognized in the "Best Specialty Reputation of Chinese Hospitals" released by the Hospital Management Institute of Fudan University. Ranking list" ranks among the top three in the country every year, including first place twice and second place eight times, with outstanding achievements in discipline construction.