It has been raining continuously in Beijing in recent days. This environment is when the dampness evil is at its peak. The overall climate in the north is dry, and people do not have enough tolerance and protection against external dampness. When encountering this kind of weather

It has been raining continuously in Beijing in recent days. This environment is when the dampness evil is at its peak. The overall climate in the north is dry, and people do not have enough tolerance and protection against external dampness. When encountering this kind of weather, they are prone to various minor symptoms.

For example, many people think that light rain does not require an umbrella. As a result, after being caught in the rain, the head feels heavy and the limbs are sore. This is because the body is caused by the dampness evil; It evokes joint pain , which is also caused by the invasion of dampness evil into the meridians.

Most cases occur in the intestines and stomach, because among the five internal organs, the spleen controls dampness, and dampness evil is most likely to attack the spleen and stomach after it enters the body. When most people are invaded by dampness evil, it will be reflected in the digestive system.

If you feel dampness, but have no symptoms, or the symptoms are not serious, you should prevent the dampness from continuing to invade, and take protective measures, such as not easily wading in the rain, opening windows frequently for ventilation, and keeping the living environment dry and comfortable.

On the other hand, eat more food that strengthens the spleen and promotes dampness, such as the beans we introduced before, such as white lentils , mung beans , adzuki beans , etc. It is good to make porridge and drink them. Adding some barley , you can eat it regularly even if you don’t feel dampness, which can have the effect of early protection.

What should I do if I have gastrointestinal symptoms due to excessive dampness and heat? This situation cannot be left to chance. Diarrhea, for example, is not a temporary problem. Many people will suffer from hypoglycemia and general weakness after having too much diarrhea. In more serious cases, they may suffer from dehydration, so we should actively deal with this symptom.

If the diarrhea is not serious, you can try to treat it with dietary therapy first. For example, use 1 pound of fresh purslane, or 60g of dried product, boil it in water, remove the residue and extract the juice, divide it into 3 to 7 servings on average, and drink 1 serving a day.

Purslane can clear away heat and dampness, detoxify and stop diarrhea. It is often used to treat bacterial dysentery and acute gastroenteritis. It is effective in treating abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever caused by intestinal infection.

For mild enteritis abdominal pain or moderate enteritis that has been relieved, you can grind 15g of dried patchouli into powder, then add 30g of japonica rice to cook porridge, which can achieve the effect of strengthening the spleen and reducing dampness .

Of course, if you have severe diarrhea symptoms, you should go to the hospital for examination in time. Generally, some Chinese patent medicines for detoxification, dampness and heat-clearing are reasonably applied according to the condition, and the condition can be relieved soon.