File photo During this period, it rained frequently in Beijing. The forecast from the Beijing Meteorological Observatory shows that rain will continue in the next few days. In high temperature and high humidity environments, skin diseases, intestinal infectious diseases, food-bor

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During this period, it rained frequently in Beijing. The forecast from the Beijing Meteorological Observatory shows that rain will continue in the next few days. In high temperature and high humidity environments, skin diseases, intestinal infectious diseases, food-borne diseases, etc. occur from time to time.

"Rainy and humid weather can easily breed germs, leading to skin diseases such as urticaria, papular urticaria , eczema , contact dermatitis , tinea manuum and pedis are the most obvious." Xu Jie, attending physician at Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Reminder: After sewage wets your feet on rainy days, rinse them as soon as possible to avoid water immersion dermatitis; wear less rain boots and sneakers with poor breathability, and change underwear, shoes and socks quickly after they get wet, and dry them after washing to keep them dry. It is the best way to prevent fungi from infecting ; the air humidity is high in rainy season, clothes must be dried, and bedding needs to be washed and aired frequently to prevent rainy and humid weather from breeding bacteria and causing skin diseases. In addition, fabric sofas easily absorb moisture, so you need to keep the sofa clean, dust it regularly, and clean it regularly.

When traveling on rainy days, many people choose to wear slippers and sandals. After a period of time, some women may experience symptoms such as leg and foot cramps, diarrhea, irregular menstruation, and body aches, which are caused by cold soles of the feet. Xu Jie reminded that in order to avoid the above situation, it is best to prepare a pair of spare shoes. If you are walking or taking public transportation, you can wear a pair of breathable shoes that can be used in rain or shine, or you can wear plastic shoes or rain boots, and then change into comfortable shoes when you arrive at your destination.

"Try to avoid getting exposed to the rain, especially for rheumatism patients." Xu Jie said that exposure to the rain can easily lead to the recurrence of colds, arthritis, rheumatism and other diseases; rheumatism patients are most afraid of humid climate, and humid and rainy weather can cause the recurrence of "old rheumatism". It may also cause rheumatism in some healthy people.

In summer, the humidity is high and the temperature is high. Bacteria and mold reproduce quickly. Food and items are easily contaminated by microorganisms, causing intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. For this reason, Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reminds you to use soap or hand sanitizer and wash your hands with running water when you return from going out; try to finish your meals on the same day, keep leftovers refrigerated and heat them thoroughly before eating; do not wash them with rainwater Fruits and vegetables; if there is water in the home, the tableware and kitchenware that have been exposed to rain must be thoroughly washed and disinfected before use. The tableware can be completely immersed in water and heated to boiling for 15 minutes; clean up the rainwater and garbage around the room in time to reduce the breeding of mosquitoes and prevent mosquitoes, Kill flies. In addition, pay attention to weather changes, add or remove clothes in a timely manner to prevent colds, and seek medical treatment in time if you feel unwell.

Beijing News reporter Liu Xu

proofreader Lu Qian