Many people are helpless when it comes to insomnia. In fact, there is a trick that can deal with difficulty falling asleep, excessive dreams and early awakening. Insomnia, excessive dreams, early awakening, fatigue and weakness the next day, dizziness and listlessness throughout

Many people are helpless when it comes to insomnia. In fact, there is a trick that can deal with difficulty falling asleep, excessive dreams, and early awakening.

Insomnia, dreaminess, early awakening, fatigue and weakness the next day, dizziness and listlessness throughout the day, which in the long run can cause anxiety and memory loss . In addition to taking diazepam, are there any other methods? Of course there is, and today I will share with you two tricks that have very good results.

This method is: Soak a towel with hot water, then wring out the water, and wipe it on both sides of the midline of the spine, that is, both sides of the spine. Wipe from top to bottom for 5 minutes. When the towel is cool, soak it in hot water again. Keep the towel hot until the skin turns red.

There is another method, rub the base of the ears. Place the index and middle fingers of both hands at the base of the ear behind the earlobe, below the occipital bone, press and rub with the pads of both fingers, and rub repeatedly. The intensity of massaging is appropriate.

Poor sleep is related to mood and sleep environment, which are all causes of insomnia. Therefore, if you want to have good sleep quality, you must create a good sleep "environment" for yourself, including the psychological environment and the external environment.