Ice cream cold drinks bring coolness in summer, and some people have been admitted to the hospital. On June 30, a reporter learned from the Gastroenterology Department of Shanghai Dongfang Hospital that more than a dozen patients have been coming to see a doctor every day because

This summer, "Ice Cream Assassin" has been frequently searched for "expensive". Netizens complained, "Don't take ice cream if you don't know it", "I was accidentally attacked by the ice cream assassin", "My heart started to feel cold after I paid the money"... Ice cream cold drinks bring coolness in summer, and some people have been admitted to the hospital because of it. On June 30, the reporter learned from the Gastroenterology Department of Shanghai Oriental Hospital that more than a dozen patients come to see a doctor every day because they feel uncomfortable after eating ice cream and cold drinks.

html On June 29, Zeng Xin, deputy director of the Department of Gastroenterology and Director of the Headquarters of Shanghai Dongfang Hospital, received a diagnosis from a girl in her 20s. This patient usually has poor digestive tract function and often suffers from symptoms such as abdominal pain, acid reflux, hiccups, and belching.

During the hot weather a few days ago, she couldn't help but drink a cold drink, and then she started to have stomach pain and the acid reflux worsened. After a few days, her abdominal pain symptoms had relieved, but symptoms such as acid reflux and belching had worsened significantly, so she came to the hospital for treatment.

Zeng Xin said:

"This patient has functional dyspepsia . There are many patients like this. The symptoms are mainly abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. after eating cold drinks. Most of the conditions are not serious and last long. It’s not particularly long, but it’s quite troublesome.”

Recently, at the Gastroenterology Department of Shanghai Oriental Hospital, more than a dozen patients come to see us every day because they feel uncomfortable after eating ice cream. Among them, most patients have some functional gastrointestinal diseases themselves, such as indigestion, abdominal pain, acid reflux, etc. After being stimulated by eating cold drinks, the disease can be induced or the symptoms can be aggravated. There are also a few patients who come to see us for bacterial infections after eating raw or cold food that has deteriorated after being left for a long time.

Zeng Xin said that every year from June to October, when the weather is relatively hot, it is the peak period for people to seek medical treatment if they feel uncomfortable after eating cold drinks. Most of them are young people. This may also be related to the fact that young people prefer to eat ice cream and cold drinks. .

She reminded that when buying food such as ice cream and cold drinks, pay attention to the shelf life; pay attention to the storage temperature when transporting and storing it at home. Excessive temperature can easily cause bacterial growth and food deterioration; if the packaging is damaged, do not eat it; after opening Eat as soon as possible and do not freeze repeatedly.

It should also be noted that people who usually have gastrointestinal diseases , or people who often have various gastrointestinal symptoms, are advised to control the amount of cold drinks and not eat too much or frequently. Some ice cream cold drinks contain relatively high sugar and fat content. It is recommended that patients with diabetes and hyperlipidemia, as well as patients with pancreatitis recurrent attacks, not eat them.

In addition to the common cold drinks such as milk and fruit flavors, many citizens have discovered that group buying groups have begun to buy various alcoholic ice creams. Can children eat these alcoholic ice creams? Zeng Xin said that foods containing high alcohol content are not recommended for children.

Morning News · Zhou Zao APP Reporter · Pan Wen

Source: Zhou Zao Shanghai