How to treat allergic rhinitis? It occurs all year round and is extremely painful. I think spleen deficiency is the key. Only by strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi can the disease be eliminated. It's obviously a trivial matter, but it's like wielding a knife or a gun. L

How to deal with allergic rhinitis? It occurs all year round and is extremely painful.

I think spleen deficiency is the key. Only by strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi can the disease be eliminated. It's obviously a trivial matter, but it's like wielding a knife or a gun.

gives you a case to make it clear.

Last year, I had a patient here who suffered from allergic rhinitis for six years. Perennial nose itching, nasal congestion, poor sense of smell, and frequent sneezing. Since suffering from rhinitis , I have been taking medicine almost all the time. I spent a lot of money and was delayed in my work. Even if it doesn’t get better, I can’t get rid of it.

After checking tongue coating , it was found that tongue coating was obviously thin and white, and the pulse was thin and weak.

Ask carefully, and there are:

1. Loose stools

2. Listlessness and weakness in doing things

3. Deterioration of sense of smell, poor appetite, abdominal distension

4. Watery nose

Usually everyone just feels like snoring. Sneezing, runny nose, maybe just catching a cold ,it's not a big deal. However, no, traditional Chinese medicine believes that this symptom is “caused by weak Wei Qi”.

Wei Qi is a protective ability responsible for protecting the body's skin and allowing the body to better resist cold evil. Insufficient Wei Qi will cause a series of symptoms, and through the interaction of these symptoms, it will turn into rhinitis.

The nose orifice leads to the lungs and bowels. When the body's defensive qi is not solid, evil qi damages the pores of the skin, directly causing an imbalance in the circulation and decline of lung qi. Lung Qi and are not working properly. The nose, which plays the function of the lung orifices, will naturally have problems.

At the same time, Wei Qi originates from the spleen and stomach, and the spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry. When the human body's defense qi is weak, it will inevitably lead to poor transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach. So, for the most part. The first step to consider when dealing with rhinitis is to improve spleen and stomach Qi.

After understanding these situations, it will be easy to take care of them.

You can use Astragalus , Codonopsis pilosula , Atractylodes macrocephala, tangerine peel, Angelica , Fangfeng, Xinyi flower, Cimicifuga , Bupleurum .

Overall, a virtuous cycle is formed. Starting from the lungs, the Yingwei Qi can supply the spleen and stomach.

Note: Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectical treatment, which requires one person and one person. Remember not to blindly use it, otherwise it will be counterproductive.