Speaking of leg shaking, there is a joke that has been circulating on the Internet for a long time: Everyone who loves to shake their legs has a sewing machine in their heart. What's more, once some people shake their legs, they can't stop ~ making people wonder if they have any

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Speaking of leg shaking, there is a joke that has been circulating on the Internet for a long time: Everyone who loves to shake their legs In my heart, there is a sewing machine.

They can shake regardless of posture or occasion~shake to the resonance of all things~shake to the indignation of both humans and gods~

As a classic move of "Mother's Beating", leg shaking has been frowned upon since ancient times, and there is even a saying that "shaking the legs makes people disperse" Wealth" argument.

What's more, once some people shake their legs, they can't stop ~ making people wonder if they have some serious illness.

Leg shaking is so annoying, why can’t you stop?

1. One of the reasons is that the behavior of leg shaking is inherited from ancestors!

A long time ago, the living environment was harsh. The ancients were either running for their lives or on the way to escape... So even when resting, they would keep their toes touching the ground to keep their nerves highly sensitive and make their muscles respond at any time, ready to run. road.

Over time, this muscle stress response is retained.

As a result, leg shaking has become a "self-taught" skill, so much so that to this day, many people still retain this stress habit of shaking their legs.

2. Another reason is that when people are nervous, they will shake their legs.

Psychological counselor Dawn Templeton said that when people feel nervous and anxious, the body will be in a state of "vigilance" and produce a "fight or flight" response.

At this time, the body will produce reserve energy. When the accumulated energy is too much, it will be released through muscle activity (shaking the legs)~

3. The last reason is that sitting for a long time can also cause people to shake their legs!

As animals that walk upright, it is not our nature to "sit for long periods of time". Sitting in the classroom is like a loose chair, and the computer desk front 996 makes people's limbs stiff and unable to concentrate. At this time, some people want to soothe their restless hearts by shaking their legs ~

Therefore, leg shaking is actually an ancestral, normal physiological and psychological reaction. What's more, there are some unexpected benefits for ordinary people to shake their legs.

What are the benefits of shaking your legs?

1. Are you nervous? Shake~

Shaking your legs is actually a stress-conditioned reflex behavior, which originates from psychological self-protection. Leg shaking can help muscles relax, speed up blood circulation, and relieve tension.

Someone on the Internet specially summed up a set of leg shaking experience: shake it when you are bored to increase your interest; shake it when you are depressed to express your sorrow; shake it when you are happy and you will feel happier.

2. Have you been sitting for a long time? Shake your legs~

For sedentary people, shaking their legs is an activity that is beneficial to their health.

Sedentary people usually sit for a whole day. Sitting for a long time will cause the body's qi and blood to be blocked, muscles to relax, leading to weakness in the lower limbs and physical fatigue.

Appropriate leg shaking can give the muscles of the lower limbs a chance to move, keep the blood in the lower limbs flowing and accelerate blood circulation, thereby eliminating physical fatigue to a certain extent and avoiding leg numbness.

3, want to slim legs ? Shake~

Shaking your legs can slim your legs, it’s no joke~

Non-exercise thermogenic activities recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) include leg shaking, which shows that leg shaking can indeed generate heat and energy. consumption.

But it should be noted that if you want to lose weight just by shaking your legs, it may be difficult to lose weight.

Some people have made such statistics. Shaking your legs for 2.5 hours a day can consume about 200 kcal. A cup of milk tea has about 500 kilocalories. In other words, if you drink a cup of milk tea, you will need to shake your legs all afternoon!

4. No battery? Shake ~

In addition, in addition to its health benefits, shaking your legs can also generate electricity to charge your mobile phone.

Dutch female designer Natalie has designed a "leg-shaking power chair" called MOOV Chair, which uses the energy generated when shaking legs to convert it into electricity to provide power services for mobile phones.

In an era where mobile phones are always in hand, the emergence of the "leg-shaking power chair" provides a new way to charge mobile phones, and this method is not only beneficial to environmental protection, but also provides a good shaking space for shaking legs.

After reading the above content, do you have a deeper understanding of leg shaking? Since shaking your legs is also good for your health, everyone should shake them moderately depending on the occasion~

Although shaking your legs is great, it won’t affect others. When you want to shake your legs, recommends finding a place where no one is around. Practicing alone~