When it comes to leeks and mutton, everyone must be familiar with it. They are not only common in daily life, but also foods that men often joke about at dinner parties. This shows to a certain extent that leeks and mutton are foods that people consider to be very nourishing.

When it comes to leeks and mutton, everyone must be familiar with them. They are not only common in daily life, but also foods that men often tease at dinner parties. We always hear men jokingly saying, "Eating more leeks and mutton is good for your health", and other people will smile knowingly.

This shows to a certain extent that leeks and mutton are foods that people consider to be great supplements. The so-called "big supplement" for men means tonifying the kidneys, strengthening yang, and regulating sexual function.

There are many foods that can be greatly supplemented in life, such as sea cucumbers, ox tail bones, oysters, etc. . So is it true or false that leeks and mutton can be a great supplement? Let's take a look.

1. What is the so-called supplement?

In daily life, people often say that if you are lacking, you should eat whatever you need to make up for it. The so-called supplementation also depends on what you eat. For women, the function of Dabu is to nourish yin, while for men, it strengthens yang and nourishes kidneys.

The great supplement for women is to eat black-bone chicken, angelica , red dates, pig's trotters and other foods that are beneficial to Qi and blood, to promote the repair of female ovaries, delay aging, detoxify and nourish the skin.

Men's tonic is through eating beef, mutton, leeks, eggs and other foods that are beneficial to the kidneys to relieve physical weakness and avoid back pain and sexual dysfunction caused by insufficient kidney qi and other problems.

2. Can leeks and mutton really be a great supplement for men?

, Chives

Chives are also called Qiyangca. They are Liliaceae perennial herbs with a unique fragrance and very delicious taste. It is rich in vitamin C, protein, and zinc and has high nutritional value. is also often called the "miracle medicine."

As early as Chen Zangqi 's "Supplementary Materials on Materia Medica", it was mentioned that the food power of leeks Yiyang . But the benefit of yang here refers to the invigorating aspect, rather than the tonic that people often say can greatly improve male kidney function.

Nowadays, people think that leeks can nourish the kidneys because leeks contain zinc . But in fact, the zinc content of leeks is very low. There is only 0.25 mg of zinc in 100 grams of leeks. The zinc content of the same amount of broccoli is twice that of leeks. Obviously, the claim that leeks can nourish the kidneys is not true.

Although leeks are not a great supplement for men, they are still good for the human body. Eating leeks can promote gastrointestinal motility, protect cardiovascular health, relieve stress, and promote sleep.

2, mutton

Mutton is one of the main meats that people eat, and it is also a food commonly used to nourish the body. Modern research has also shown that mutton meat is rich in vitamins, protein, zinc and a small amount of sex hormones , and its nutritional value is quite high compared to the aforementioned leeks.

For men, the first thing that comes to mind is to eat mutton. However, according to the current relevant literature, there are no studies that have confirmed that mutton has the function of nourishing the kidneys. However, mutton has good effects on cold body, replenishing qi and blood, etc. It is a good product to warm and replenish the body in winter.

In addition to repelling cold and tonic in winter, eating mutton in daily life also has many benefits. Mutton can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, but its rich protein and vitamins can enhance the body's resistance.

Although mutton is good, there are many taboos on its consumption. For example, mutton should not be eaten with cold foods such as cucumbers and watermelons; people who often suffer from erosion of the mouth and tongue, gum swelling and pain should not eat mutton; patients with hypertension, , hyperlipidemia, high blood sugar should not eat it either. Lamb etc.

3. If you want to take a big supplement, what should you do?

Although leeks and mutton each have their own edible effects, the effect of nourishing the kidneys is not obvious for men. So what should you do if you want to supplement them?

According to the survey, most of the causes of physical weakness and kidney deficiency in men are long-term fatigue and imbalance of viscera, qi and blood. Therefore, to replenish the body, we must first start by improving bad living habits, and then regulate the body to improve absorption and digestion functions to achieve a great tonic effect.

1. Improve living habits

Long-term fatigue and lack of sleep will greatly increase the risk of kidney disease. Maintaining adequate sleep is not only beneficial to physical health, but also helps people maintain a good psychological state and contributes to mental health.

Excessive smoking and drinking are killers of physical health. Everyone should quit smoking and limit alcohol intake, while reasonably relieving stress and maintaining their own psychological balance.

2. Exercise regularly

Exercise is not only good for your health, it can also reduce the risk of disease and effectively relieve stress. Men can practice Tai Chi and kidney-strengthening exercises to smooth their qi and blood and strengthen their bodies.

3. Good diet

Diet is very important for good health. You should pay attention to a reasonable diet every day, do not overeat, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, and have balanced nutrition. It should be noted that the effect of simply relying on food to "replenish" the body is minimal. Diet + exercise must be combined to achieve the effect of strengthening the body.


In summary, it is not groundless to say that leeks and mutton can be tonic. Eating leeks and mutton is good for the body, but its tonic effect is not as magical as people say.

If you want to take a big supplement, you can't just rely on food. You need to improve your own immunity and physical fitness by improving your living habits and exercise. As long as everyone persists for a long time, you will have a healthy body.