As the saying goes: "Eat more melons in summer and don't use traditional Chinese medicine." In this increasingly hot and humid summer, the happiest moment is to eat melons. It is especially recommended to eat these types of melons in season. Good health and relief from heat.

As the saying goes: "Eat more melons in summer and don't use traditional Chinese medicine." In this increasingly hot and humid summer, the happiest moment is eating melons. It is especially recommended to eat these seasonal melons regularly. , good health and relief from summer heat.

Eat more bitter melon: For people who suffer from loss of appetite due to summer, not only adults are susceptible to it, but also teenagers who are in the growth and development period are more likely to have poor spleen and stomach function and suffer from gastrointestinal problems. It is best to eat something bitter at this time. The ultimate choice for meals.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that eating bitter food in summer is better than nourishing food. In summer, eating bitter melon is a tonic. Although it is not as rumored that diabetics people who eat bitter melon can lower blood sugar, bitter melon is a highly nutritious and low glycemic index. food.

In research experiments, it was found that substances similar to insulin in bitter melon help stabilize postprandial blood sugar and excrete more fat, and are also helpful in promoting appetite.

If you think bitter melon is bitter, you might as well blanch it in hot water to help improve the overall taste of bitter melon.

Eat more melon: For diabetic patients who need to restrict their diet, almost all foods that taste sweet are worried about whether they will increase blood sugar after eating. In fact, sugar lovers can choose melon in summer. Although it tastes fragrant and sweet, melon is a food with a low glycemic index.

Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that melon has the effects of promoting body fluids and quenching thirst, clearing away heat and relieving summer heat, diuretic and facilitating bowel movements, tonifying and replenishing qi , etc. It is also suitable for people with loss of appetite, poor physical strength, and anemia. If you are allergic to melon, it is best not to eat it to avoid physical discomfort.

Eat more cucumbers: Seasonal cucumbers in summer are of high quality and low price, sweet in taste and cool in nature. They have the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, tonifying the body and replenishing qi, producing body fluids and quenching thirst, diluting water and reducing swelling. They are suitable for sore throats, irritability, etc. People who are prone to coughing, irritation, and oral ulcers.

Many people are worried about bent cucumbers. It may be that farmers use an appropriate amount of plant growth regulator during the process of growing cucumbers, but it does not threaten people's health. Both my country and the United States have proven that the plant growth regulator (chlorfenuron) used is safe for humans.

Eat more loofah: Luffa is a treasure all over the body, including loofah network , loofah leaves , loofah vine , etc. There are relevant records in the famous medical book " Materia Medica Seeking Truth ": Luffa is cold in nature. , sweet in taste, has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, stimulating menstruation and activating collaterals, diuresis and hemostasis, reducing swelling and regulating qi.

For the smooth texture and tender taste of loofah, it is a delicious choice for daily stir-fry, steaming, and boiling. But everyone should note that this sticky substance is not collagen, but the polyphenols of loofah itself, which is beneficial to the body's anti-oxidation, delaying aging, and stabilizing blood lipids.